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Posts posted by Andi

  1. Hi Folks,

    Ever Since I Can Remember I've Had Bad Dreams, Not Always Nightmare's But just Dreams that have left a memory.

    I Talk in my Sleep Lucky for me My Wife Knows this and Takes that into account when i shout out Other Peoples names, Some being Women Some Men and Some being Pets I've had or Friends Pets.

    Sometimes you can have a Convosation with me, and yet I don't know I'm having it.

    It's like I have an Active mind that doesn't know when to Sleep.

    Ever since my TIA I seem to be getting more upon more Dreams sometimes having upto 4 full length dreams, each one consisting of a whole day from morning to night.

    Almost like mini episodes of life, relived in a dream, and some dreams are so real i awake only to find it never happened.

    Yea I know, I'm a Weird and strange guy but just wondered if anyone else has these sort of Dreams? Does anyone else talk in their sleep or more?

    I know its not conected to Strokes But was Currious to find out if any others have these.

    Sometimes it gets me down as I don't seem to have had any sleep, Yet I have, I think :roll:

    Take Care's XXXX

  2. Hi Donna,

    I Suffer with what the GP's say is Thunder Clap Headaches, They Come on so Fast and really Bring you right Down Feels like some one is Pushing your Eye out from the inside :(

    When I 1st had my TIA I thought every headache was it all over again and 1 GP told me it was Migraine, But It wasn't like others had discribed.

    They're Horrid thing these Headaches and I Hope they go for you.

    I Can't take Ibu thingy so I take Paramol Seems to lighten it a little.

  3. Well Im Another Gulity one for Smoking though Have really cut down after My TIA, I was on 40 a day that is 20 Taylor made and 20 ish Rollys

    Now im down to 10 max a day And I feel so much better for it.

    Like Janet I enjoy it so much, and working alone its a sort of Company if you get what i mean, It alows me to Stop and take a break if i feel i need one.

    My Doctor/Consultant told me that Smoking wasnt the Cause of it but it helped towards it so I ought to Give it up but my main aim is to Lose weight and as She said you can not be expected to do both. And i had to laff and the next bit she said, " you are only a man" LOL

  4. I swear By Lemon Honey and a Tad Of Brandy all Heated Up, It tastes ok and Sooth's a Sore Throat.

    If not there is some Herbal Plant which looks like Rubekia But its called Ekiesha or somthing like that LOL It works as My Boss's Daughter Never Gets a Cold and She Takes it all the Time

    Hope some of this Helps XX

  5. Hi Got my Date through for having my heart test, think it were called a Saline Bubble Echocardiogram. Its Due on the 4th of Novemer, there going to inject me with Salt Water Bubble then take some pictures like they do when your (not me) Pregnant. Has anyone else had one of these things done?

    Im Seeing my Consultant this week on Wednesday, she is very nice her name is Avril Mcdonald, Shes cool, and have also got to to see Dr about Wieght... Hope Ive lost some clothes feel looser so somethings moving LOL.

    Has anyone else had one of these Bubbles etc Done? Do it Hurt? I take it that its best to have it done?

    I would be greatful for any info from people who have had one of these thing, I know Im Stupid but I do get quite worried and it stress's me out. you have all been through so much and i do worry that im pestering somtimes about things.

    Anyways thanks to you all


  6. Hi Even though I only hada TIA, I get a Numb sensation on my Jaw Bone almost like Pins And Needles at times. But and its a Big Plus for me Since I had My TIA I havent had Pins And Neddles In my arms as I did, I didnt used to be able to hold a Knife and Fork with out getting them Holding a Hammer Was just as bad, So some good things did come out of mine. Like I said be it with mine a TIA was only small compared to what you and alot of others on here have been through Im Sure everything will return to normal its just a case of Small Steps.

    Good Luck Janet x

  7. Hi,

    This is a Mr Angry letter, About the Drs i went to on Saturday, I went in for my Flu jab as I have done for the past 6 years, The Nurse called my name i went in sat down and asked her may i have it in my right arm as i have had a TIA that effected my left hand side esp' the left arm. " We only do the left arm here " i thought she was Joking but the Stern Nurse wasnt, i asked again please as i dont want to panic if i feel bad on that side, She then said you have only had a small stroke nothing that this has got in it will effect it, Dont worry she said....By now i was getting a tad fed up, Look all i want is for you to stick it in my right arm please, i said , i think she saw the fear of god in my face and said i wouldnt have done this normally but i will. Thank god for that, Im glad she did as im really bruissed on my arm now think she stabed me rather than just be a little gentle,

    Is there any reason why she didnt want to do my right arm? I wanted to ask her but, there were so many people waiting for thiers i thought i had better go.

    Grrrr i was so Angry when i came out of there, Stress who needs it eh LOL

    All happy now and all protected for another year, I think .......:wink:

    Thank you for reading my Mr Angry Experience. xx

  8. Hello, I was just wondering if this was conected to my TIA, about 2years proir to my TIA i had real bad pins and needles in my arms it was almost to the point that when i picked up knives and forks to eat i had to put them down as i couldnt grip them, I had been to the Drs many times and said about them but they just told me it was through being overweight and smoking, seems like if i had an ingrowing nail it would have been caused by smoking and eating, anyways i was just wondering if this could have been conected as since my TIA i havent had them back at all, I know Ive lost weight and slowed right up on the smokes but could it have been all to do with it?

    Probbaly me being stupid again but just thought has anyone else had experiences like this?

    Many thanks for reading x

  9. Cheers you two for that, And there was me thinking Keith was a man of the cloth ;)

    Been to the Drs and She was really good and answered all the quick fire questions i were asking LOL

    Blood Pressure was great as well.

    As for the Neddle to the Heart, she seems to think that they will do a scan first useing ultra sound, I will only know once ive been back to Hospital.

    Fingers Crossed, I would rather have Jelly smeared over me than have a Big Fat Needle stuck in me for sure.

    Oh and ive lost a few more pounds ...Must be more careful with my Walet.

  10. Hi this is a stupid question, But how much of my Brain died after my TIA? ive been told the size of a sugar cube by the Dr, Is this right?

    The Bit that Died didnt do anything Important i take it, as everything still works, other than i keep forgeting things, where i left things what was i doing them sort of things.

    Also is it just the Right side that was effected? and how come it effected my left hand side? its all very tricky to understand. The Hospital didnt really explain alot to me, other than i had had a TIA which they then called a Mini Stroke, Yet the Nurse who came out to me last week said ..Oh youve only had a very small one Im sure you ok now..... which made me feel even more stupid about all the tears etc.

    Im going to see local GP this afternoon so i will try to ask her but as she and the surgery has no Stroke suport group there I might be up against it a bit.

    Still heres hoping ive lost a bit more weight.

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