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10 months post SAH


It has been 10 months since I had a subarachnoid hemmorage. I have returned to work 4 days a week 6 hours each day. Some weeks I am ok with this but other weeks I’m totally exhausted on my days off. No energy to do anything more than sleep. I function better in the mornings and by 1 or 2 pm I start to go downhill rather quickly.  I cannot multi task like I use to. I also suffer quite often with headaches which are mostly at the back of the head. My neurologist has me on medication for migraines to see if this helps but 3 weeks later it’s still about the same. I have also noticed that some days I get angry over the smallest of things.  While this is all extremely frustrating re: fatigue, headaches and anger, I am very greatful to have survived my SAH!

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Hi Lynn

Welcome to BTG, glad you have found us and hope you are finding the site useful.


Your progress sounds very like mine at the a similar stage. How are your 4 working days split? I work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with Weds off. I found this the best working pattern for me and still do that now just over 3 years from my bleed. I work 7.5 hours a day now and manage. It's the day off in the middle that helps as it's my day to rest and recuperate and that's what I mainly do - rest.


At 10 months you probably will still be experiencing quite a lot of fatigue this could be caused by stress of working too. Stress = fatigue and then anger. I can totally empathise with you there. You just feel that you can't cope anymore and then erupt!


Maybe try changing your work pattern or even drop an hour a day if you can.


Are you still drinking plenty of water? This really helps with the headaches. But I will say that stress and fatigue will also cause headaches so maybe it's just time to re-evaluate. My re-evaluation eventually caused a whole new career change.


If the migraine meds  aren't helping, go back to your neurologist and tell him, no point in taking medication if it's not doing it's job. I used to get pain at the back of my head but it has eased with time.


I hope you start to feel much better soon, keep us posted on your progress and remember - it's still early days, most SAH recoveries are measured in years.


Clare xx

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