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ClareM last won the day on June 8 2022

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About ClareM

  • Birthday June 23

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    Portsmouth UK
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    NASAH Feb 2015 with Hydrocephalus and EVD

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  1. Hi you are still early days but it is not uncommon to suffer fatigue post a bleed for some time if not indefinitely. I am over 9 years out from NASAH and still suffer fatigue and poor concentration made worse if I am tired. Take it easy if you can and be kind to yourself. It may be a case of accepting a new normal. Good luck! Clare xx
  2. Hi Megan hang on in there, it will get better! You are very young to have suffered a bleed are you happy to tell us more about what happened and your hospital stay. First few days of being at home are daunting, I hope you have plenty of support in the way of a partner and family. How old are your children? You must try and rest as much as possible and not do too much. Hopefully your children are old enough to understand that mummy has been very poorly and needs time for her brain to get better. Try spending quiet time with them, maybe reading books together, colouring or watching a good film (with the volume low - I couldn't have it loud for quite some time. Drink plenty of water and be kind to yourself, just baby steps to get back to as near pre bleed as you can get. Things may never be quite the same again, but they can be as good or even better - just different. If you need painkillers for the headaches, take them as they were prescribed, don't suffer. Hopefully they will settle in time. I had terrible headaches to begin with but took Paracetamol and rested in the dark until they subsided. Let us know how you are getting on. We've all been there so know how you are feeling and understand the Clare xx
  3. Hi and welcome to BTG. So sorry to hear about your mum and her SAH, sounds like you have all had a rough time. Memory loss and confabulation are common post bleed but every bleed is different. It is impossible to say what is normal at what time post recovery. Personally I suffer from memory and concentration issues nearly 10 years on and it's something I have learnt to live with. I had a lot of input from a neuropsychologist who helped me develop strategies to cope with my issues. However your mum's issues sound a lot worse than mine and I am not medically qualified to give advice. You should be getting plenty of input from the rehab team and hopefully that will continue when she comes to live with you. Take advantage of all the help and advice you are offered, they are the experts. Make sure you look after yourself too when you have her come live with you. Good luck Clare xx
  4. Congratulations Andrea, just about 6 months behind me. Great to still be here and enjoying life. We are loving the Olympics and have sun on the south coast today so double joy! Let hope we have many more Anni-Versaries 😊
  5. Congratulations on making such a good recovery. You went through such a lot but came out the other end almost unscathed. You certainly are blessed! Clare xx
  6. Hi Robert, welcome to the site, glad to hear you are making a good recovery so far. It's common to feel physically weak post bleed, it took me a long while to be able to do the things I'd been able to do previously, but I'm glad to say I got there. Mentally was a lot slower and even now I would not say I am back to 100%. I still get very fatigued, this seems to be a very common thread post SAH. Be kind to yourself and don't do too much too soon, your brain won't thank you. You will eventually reach the 'new normal' - an hopefully embrace it. Take care of yourself and take rests when your body tells you to. Keep us updated on your recovery. Clare xx
  7. As Sami says 3 months is still very early in your recovery. Make sure you drink plenty and get as much rest as you can. I do think you should have a chat with your GP though to put your mind at rest. Take good care and keep us posted Clare xx
  8. Hi Charza and welcome to BTG. Sorry to hear about your bleed and also about your sleep issues. I too suffered a NASAH but have not had sleep issues since relating to the bleed. My sleep issues are related to stress that I am prone to now. Possibly a chat with your GP would be helpful as suggested by the Neuro nurse, it is getting easier to make doctors appointments now. You don’t mention how long ago your bleed was. If recent, it could still be the blood dissipating down your spinal column but you should get it looked at. Take good care and come back to let us know how you get on Clare xx
  9. I can’t say that, you need to speak to your GP. Sorry can’t help more xx
  10. That does seem like a high dose of Candesartan. I really think you should give your GP a call. It may be that’s what you need but I’d certainly get it checked out. Do it before Christmas Lynsey just in case it can help at all. Although I am a healthcare professional I’m not qualified to give advice so please call your doctor and ask them xx clare xx
  11. Hi Lynsey just out of interest what blood pressure medication are you on? I’m a pharmacy tech and could ask one of the pharmacist s I work with if tingling is a side effect. I am sure stress and anxiety aren’t helping either. Just try to keep in mind the chances of this happening again are extremely small. Clare xx
  12. Hi Lynseylou welcome to BTG. Sorry to hear about your SAH have you thought about putting an intro in the Introduce Yourself forum? It’s good to hear individual stories and you may get more response there. It is extremely unlikely for people to have 2 bleeds, that said it does happen. However you are on BP medication now which I hope should reduce that risk. The tingling may be a side effect of the new medication, maybe you need to have a chat with your GP. They can check things and give you reassurance. I know it’s hard to see a GP nowadays so if that proves difficult maybe a chat with the nurses at the team that treated you? Anxiety is very common post SAH, I suffered and found talking to my Neuropsychologist really helpful. Don’t be scared to reach out for help, you’ve suffered a life changing event. Let us know how you get on. Clare xx
  13. Hi Holly sounds like you have had a really rough time. But how amazing that you have come through it all! You must be really strong. You are still early days in your recovery and to be honest it’s probably fortunate that you don’t have a job to think about returning to. That was my worst experience post bleed as it took so long to accept I couldn’t do the work I did before. Hopefully you will get back to doing the things you enjoyed before the accident. I’m fitter now than I was before as I have gone back to running and gym. I can’t help with your dizziness but hopefully someone on here will face some tips to help cope with it. Have you tried the charity Headway for some support? Congratulate yourself on coming as far as you have in such a short time. Clare xx
  14. I once had a conversation with a brain surgeon about my NASAH. He said it was more than likely caused by an aneurysm that blew itself out leaving nothing to see on the angiograms I had. My bleed was very large and caused hydrocephalus too requiring a temporary EVD. I have never had any previous history of concussion. Clare xx
  15. Sorry late to the party Jess! Happy anni-versary, you have done really well and should be proud of your family. xx
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