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Leslie Non-Aneurysm SAH


Life has been very difficult since. I did go back to work- but it was very stressful. The job I loved was taken away after being back to work only 3 weeks. I am sure they felt with a brain injury I could not do that difficult of a task. The position they put me in was something I had never done before and I told them I didn't want to do it. I didn't have a choice. I came home everyday in tears feeling like I was going to have a nervous breakdown. So after 7 months I went out on leave for neck fusion surgery and have been out on disability since then, that was Nov. 2013.

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Sorry to read about your experience Leslie.  I wish you all the best and an eventual recovery from this trauma.  My thoughts are with you.


I can't really offer much by way of advice or experience as I am a 4 week newbie to this exclusive club of NASAH survivors.

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It takes time but things do get better Leslie.

I like the way you put my brain exploded !!


Keep in high spirits and you will get better quicker.


Singing helped me, never helped those around me though lol.


Keep happy when possible and you will get better sooner.


Good luck

Win xxxx

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