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Posts posted by Janet

  1. Hi Karen

    I think you should be really proud of everything you have achieved it has been an uphill struggle for you but in the time that I have been a member of BTG your steady improvement has been fantastic to see. We all backslide from time to time myself included but the only way we can move ahead is to keep pushing those boundaries.

    I would just like to say a very big thank you to you as your greatest achievement of all is BTG you truley are a remarkable person and have helped so many of us by providing this site which is a lifeline for all who use it both members and visitors.

    Keep up the good work and keep pushing those boundaries :D

    Janet x

  2. Hi Yasmin

    I did start going to a gym at about the 6 month stage and went regularly up until the beginning of this year. It was only the last increase in hours that stopped me going as I was too tired.

    I have now reduced my hours at work and will also be going back to the gym next week. Just remember to take it easy at first and enjoy it.

    Janet x

  3. Donna

    My heart goes out to you at this time but you must remain positive. What you're feeling is only natural it is a very hard thing to come to terms with and we all need different levels of help and support through the early months of recovery.

    As much as you would prefer not to take the tablets prescribed for you at the moment you do need the help they can provide you with. I hope that you do not have to wait to long for the counselling sessions as being able to talk through your feelings and fears will help you to get things into perspective.

    As Myra has already said you have both come a long way remember its baby steps forward but it does eventually get easier. Above all remember that you are a survivor. Sending lots of love and hugs stay strong Donna.

    Janet x

  4. Hi Nurianna

    Am I right in thinking that your Anuerysm was clipped. If so they don't usually perform any scans after you are discharged from hospital unless they think there is a problem.

    I had my clipping in Nov 2006 but due to a really bad bout of head pain in January 07 they carried out another scan that showed everything was fine. My own G.P order a further scan in May of this year because I suffer from intense head pain this also was clear.

    I would not have had another appointment at all after my discharge in Feb 07 with the Nuerosurgeon if my G.P hadn't referred me back to him because of the constant pain.

    So it's not at all unusual that you don't have another appointment til next April. I think it is only when the coiling procedure is used that they monitor more frequently.

    Janet x

  5. Hello Nurianna

    A very warm welcome to you and I hope you find all the support you need on this site we are a very friendly bunch so any questions you may have ask away.

    Take it easy when you return to work and as Tina has already said listen to your body and rest plenty it can be very tiring especially in the first few weeks.

    Look forward to hearing more from you soon.

    Janet x

  6. Hi Elaine

    Hope all goes well for your mumwith her appointments. Try not to worry too much with regards to C.T scans I had a C.T scan in the January after my SAH as really bad head and everything was fine. Also has another in April this year as my G.P was concerned re severity of head pain and that was clear too.

    So glad to hear that the vomiting is lessening for Maggie as well fingers crossed that it stays that way for her.

    Take care Elaine

    Janet xx

  7. Hi Perry

    Could you let me know what kind of PSP you are suffering with. I personally have Neurological pain on the left side of my head which is the side where the Anuerysn was clipped. I have tried low doses of Amitryptiline that can work on nerve pain but now take an anti-epilepsy medicine again in low doses that is meant to help with nerve pain.

    I have posted previously with regards to what my Neuro had to say regarding neurological head pain apparently some people never suffer with it at all others may go years then develop it me being me have had it ever since the op.

    Janet x

  8. Hi Anne

    I found exercise did help I joined a Gymophobics gym that uses special weight adjusted machines and the whole circuit only takes 30 minutes. I loved going and used to go 3 to 4 times a week from 6 1/2 months post SAH until November last year.

    I have found it difficult going since then as that was when I increased my hours upto 30 at work and I was just too tired when I finished work to go.

    I recently reduced my hours and will be going back to the gym after next week. I think small amounts of exercise can be beneficial but always check with your G.P first to make sure it is safe to do so.

    Janet x

  9. Hi Misspiggy

    Welcome to our virtual family. Sorry to hear you're feeling guilty about being able to strike the right work/life balance.

    I had similar problems I returned to work 7 months after my SAH and gradually increased to 30 hours but in the last few months realised that it was too much for me. Being stubborn I reached nearly breaking point before getting work to reduce my hours back down.

    I know your situation is slightly different with it being your own business but it is important to put your health first. It might be time to sit your partner down and let him know how much its affecting you trying to juggle the business and home maybe he doesn't realise that you're doing too much.

    I really hope you find a solution soon as overdoing things makes everything worse sending some virtual hugs to you.

    Hope to hear more from you soon.

    Janet x

  10. Hi Joanne

    So glad that you have seen some small improvements. With regards to speech I think everyone is different and it depends on which parts of the brain have been affected. He's suffered a major trauma and everyone recovers at different rates.

    Maybe once the oxygen mask is removed he may sound better but I'm sure that if the staff at the hospital think its a problem they will arrange any necessary therapists to help him.

    Personally my speech was very hesitant and I used to mumble some words and forget others completely it was also hard holding a conversation as I couldn't concentrate for too long and easily lost track of whatever was being talked about.

    Hope you see more improvements soon.

    Janet x

  11. Hi Carol

    Awarm welcome to our virtual family. What part of North Wales are you from I grew up in Holyhead and still have family there. Look forward to hearing more from you.

    Janet x

  12. Hi Sarah

    Welcome to the virtual family hope you find it as useful as I do. I think you were very brave returning to work so soon and managing to keep it together for so long. Its great that you have a supportive family around you.

    I returned to work at 7 months on a phased return but didn't manage to get back to full time. Its only a couple of weeks ago that I made the decision to reduce my hours back down again as I was constantly tired and spent most weekends recovering ready for work again.

    Hope to hear more from you soon.

    Janet x

  13. Hey Donna

    Its understandable that your anxiety gets worse when you're feeling so off. I think that with having such a young child to look after you're probably not getting as much rest as your body needs.

    Has your G.P referred you for counselling yet as that would probably really help you to put all your fears and anxiety into perspective.

    Stay strong Donna you have been doing really well thinking of you and sending lots of virtual hugs. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

    Janet x

  14. Hi Joanne

    I agree with Donna any sign has to be good. I think the brain is a mystery even too the Neuro's in the way in which it recovers and the time it takes to do so. Many people have been give slim odds of improvements and proved the Consultants wrong by recovering to a better degree than predicted.

    Stay positive it is still very early days in your fathers recovery, my thoughts and best wishes are with you and your mother at this very difcult time. Take care

    Janet x

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