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Everything posted by KarenT

  1. Found this site while browsing for more information on traumatic SAH. I am a 70 year old retired female and I live with my husband. On April 5, 2022, I used a short step stool to reach something on a shelf. My husband was out taking a walk with a neighbor. I lost my balance and fell on a hardwood floor. My head was bleeding from a laceration above my right eye. I was able to call my husband and he returned home within minutes. We went to urgent care where I received x-rays and stitches. Then I was sent for a CT scan. A small brain bleed was found and I was admitted to the hospital. A repeat CT scan was done early the next morning and it showed the bleed stabilizing. I was under the care of a trauma physician and a neurosurgeon. I spent two days and nights in the hospital. Stitches were removed after 10 days and I saw my PCP within the first week. This Thursday, May 5th, I have a follow up with the neurosurgeon. Until he releases me I have not been allowed to drive, lift more than 10 pounds, or do anything strenuous. I think I’m doing okay but just wonder how long recovery may last. Headaches are much less frequent, I take naps often, and I noticed that I get anxious if I’m out in public, especially if my husband is not right next to me. I think I’m terrified of falling again. Sometimes I think others are skeptical of what I’m going through. Has anyone else had a similar experience to mine?
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