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  1. Hi Jean, thank you I so appreciate your wise words and I’ll definitely visit this site often x
  2. Thank you Jess, he’s been in the home since last October and I hope one day to hear those words from him too. I’m glad your dad has finally settled then you will feel a bit more settled too x
  3. I’m new here, just discovered your site and wished I’d known of it last April! I’ve been a carer for my husband the last 15 years after he suffered from hydrocephalus due to a colloid cyst of the third ventricle. After emergency brain surgery he was home in three days with no back up or info from hospital. His health has been downhill ever since, Chronic ME and Fibromyalgia then in April last year as a result of his bleed on the brain he fell down the stairs resulting in multiple fractures. He was in hospital 7 weeks which resulted in him losing his mental capacity. Four weeks in rehab but they wouldn’t keep him as his behaviour had become so challenging. So back to another hospital for 8 weeks. The doctors and Consultants have said that because of the first brain injury and now this severe brain bleed has resulted in him having Acquired Brain injury dementia and it will only get worse. It has affected his short term memory, retention of information, thought processing etc. after travelling the width and breadth of our county I found a lovely nursing home for him. I’m 70 now and not in good health myself so couldn’t care for him at home any longer. He’s perfectly able in himself. He still thinks he can drive, his age changes all the time, he says there’s nothing wrong with him and demands I take him home when I visit. He has a DOLS against him. He’s offensive sometimes aggressive. His bags are always packed. I have to sneak out with help of carers. My heart aches for not being able to see him every day as it agitates him so much so I’ve tried staying away in the hope he will settle. The home tells me he’s doing fine but when he sees me it just triggers his agitation more. Help, has anyone else experienced similar, any advice would be welcome, thank you
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