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Everything posted by JimK

  1. @Esedlock Thank you for your reply. I am now six weeks out and the nerve pain for the most part is resolved, leaving me with headaches, fatigue, and tinnitus like so many others. While I am sorry that so many people went through this, I appreciate all of the information from those that are ahead of me.
  2. @SarahLS @Skippy Thank you for your responses, I really appreciate the insight. So far both doctors that I have been to, albeit not Neuro doctors, have been surprised by my back pain and other side effects. I do wish there was more broad knowledge of the side effects within the medical community. Misery does love company and while I am so sorry that you are still dealing with these side effects, I find your experiences comforting as I realize I am not alone. Thank you.
  3. Hi everyone. I (52M) suffered a NASAH during an interval training run on September 20,2023. Like many others I felt like I had been hit from behind and had the worst headache of my life and the inability to turn my head due to cervical pain. I luckily had my phone with me and my wife was able to pick me up and get me quickly to the local hospital. After a CT Scan and Chest XRay, I was airlifted to a larger hospital for a Cerebral Angio, MRI/MRA, and daily TCDs. After nine days in the neuro ICU, I had a second negative angiogram and was discharged with a prescription for gabapentin. I was ambulatory in the ICU, walking laps around the unit. As time went on, my legs became more and more painful with radiating pain from my lumbar. I chalked it up to soreness from sitting in bed after being a very active runner, and did not realize that it was probably the tapering of the steroids that was increasing the pain. Although one doctor mentioned that back pain is common, no one prepared me for the debilitating pain that I have been experiencing since discharge. Thankfully I found BTG and read so many other stories of sciatic pain and the sleepless nights caused by the pain. I am almost three weeks out from the NASAH and recognize that this pain is “normal” for many. I just hope it wains soon as it affects literally everything. I am here looking for the “voice” of experience for hope, and perhaps in the future sharing my healing journey to those that come after me.
  4. Hi Sam’s Wife, Did Sam’s back pain resolve? I am going through the same issue after a NASAH two weeks ago. I know everyone’s recovery is different but I’m just looking for some hope. Thanks.
  5. Hi everyone, I’m recovering from a NASAH experienced while running. I’m about 16 days out from the event. I too am experiencing bad sciatic pain down both legs making sitting and sleeping very difficult. Similar to Crystal’s husband, I feel like my temperature regulation is completely off. Sweating one minute and then cold the next. I saw one post indicating that the sciatic pain dissipated in two weeks. Just wondering if that is generally everyone else’s case? Did the night sweats also go away?
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