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  1. Happy New Year everyone Thank you Louise and DigglyDog for your replies. It's incredibly reassuring to know that what I was feeling isn't unusual. In the end it was a much simpler do than planned but it did exhaust me and I would have felt awful but reflected on the points made here and the reality of what I had been through. The challenge is feeling like I'm over the worst but then suddenly get a reminder that I'm still recovering. Onwards and upwards for the New year hopefully. All the best,
  2. This is a very helpful forum. I had a NASAH about 8 weeks ago. After struggling with pain, low appetite, balance problems I felt I was improving and offered to host a big family party. I’m now stressed and having problems organising myself. My sleeping and eating are still off key I have various strange symptoms but I’m struggling to accept these limitations. Can anyone relate to this?
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