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Posts posted by Nikki

  1. Hi.  I am joining in super late but I always remember how helpful reading through responses was after I had my SAH about 10 years ago, while my 30's.


    I'm also from the Bay Area and considered myself very healthy, and spent about a week in the Neurological ICU at Eden Hospital in Castro valley with amazing care!  I hope you are continuing to do well!


    10 years in.....
    I constantly have trouble remembering words....I struggle to find complex words and tend to use simpler words in my vocabulary to say things.  My work management loved that, BUT My husband and kids not so much.


    I have trouble remembering things.   I have to spend A LOT more time to recall events than others around me.  It is a challenging because I'm 99% normal, so it seems to be more of a frustration to those closest to me.   For example, when my daughter asks for help with homework, it can take me hours to read and try to understand material I should already know.  I can do it, and I like doing it, but it is a lot more effort for me to re-learn material.

    I have difficulty turning my head fast - I quickly get disoriented.  In real life, I'm extremely nervous backing up a car (because of the need to turn my head quickly in both directions) so I try my best to avoid that situation at all times.




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