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Posts posted by Ponigirl

  1. I told my sister the other day that "they" should make a book for "Anyone leaving the hospital that had any kind of brain injury". There just is not enough information when we leave the hospital on what to do and not do and what to expect, etc...  


    I had to almost chuckle when you said "there is no back" and no there is not. Our lives changed in an instant, never to be the same or close to it. 


    I saw someone else post something like this that made me feel better "I feel like I have someone else's brain" and I have felt like that since I first could remember after getting out of ICU. 


    I too had the NASAH and didn't even fully realize it for about 18 months. I just knew I had a brain injury. I went back to my neurosurgeon after 3 months and he pretty much said your all better- have a good life. I was the one that contacted him after 6 months to tell him I couldn't remember much anymore- and was that normal. That was when he asked me if I had a neurhphysc test. I told him I don't remember (duh!). So he checked and said no- so he ordered one. That was a huge eye opener!!!

  2. I can't thank you ALL enough for your input. I started seeing a physitritrist (I can't spell anymore) and she knows neuro and did put me on an  antidepresseant, when that didn't seem to cut it- she changed it- I go back again in a few days. It just seems like some days the antidepressant is just not working! But I have VERY good support from my hubby and wonderful mother. They keep me going- even when I can't do it myself. 


    I wish I would have found this site right after my SAH- but I was in such a fog- I didn't understand what a brain bleed (SAH) was or what it meant or what to do. I felt like in the beginning I was doing great!!  I think because I wasn't doing anything! When I tried to do things- I learned real quick - life has changed!!!  I felt like I had someone else's brain- still do!  


    I am very bitter that I lost my job because of my SAH. I am still bitter over all the things I can't do because of my SAH. I know I will get over that- and it will pass, because I refuse to stay bitter.


    Like many others our financial situation has taken a big hit. We are working on that. I have been denied SSDI twice!! That just does not seem fair!! But I'm (we) are not giving up!


    My 2 year "rebirth" date is coming up on the 15th. I plan on getting my hair cut. I did it last year because when I was in ICU they shaved half my head. So I waited an entire year to get my hair cut and did so on 1/15!! So I may make this an annual event.

  3. I've had several medical problems all of my life, before and after my NASAH in Jan. 2013. I've had soo many surgeries. The one health problem I have that has stuck with me is chronic pancreatitis (diagnosed in 1999), I know I had it for about 5 years before that. I am in the hospital about once a year for a week, sometimes more. I am nauseated all the time, very tired and in general just feel terrible. But I never let that get me down, or any of my other medical conditions. I was always very upbeat, positive and happy! People would always ask me how can you be so happy and cheery when you are so sick- well I said It could be worse. Then it got worse- I had a NASAH. After that I feel like I lost the ability to be positive and optimistic. I am very depressed over all the things I can't do like work, spell, drive, read, etc. I also lost my job, and I so loved my job!!  I just feel like I've had more than enough health problems but this just did me in. 

    Did anyone else have depression after their SAH?

  4. I've read lots of posts on here and I've noticed so many suggestions to drink lots of water. This is the first I've heard or read about drinking water. I'm just wondering why drink water? What does it do to help? 


    I used to drink so much water, but after having chronic pancreatitis I hardly drink anything. I have to force myself to just get 20 ounces of any fluids down in 24 hours. 



  5. Nat_Baker1- I wish I had found this place earlier than I did.  In the beginning I found myself feeling like no one understood, and they can't. But people here can and do understand. I was lucky that I had a brother-in-law that had a severe TBI, so I was able to talk to him. He helped me understand that what I was feeling and going through was "normal". My 2 year anniversary will be in Jan. 2015. In some ways it seems like a life time ago and sometimes it feels like yesterday. I wish you luck!!! 



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  6. Welcome Jules- I had my non aneurysmal SAH Jan. 15, 2013 I was recovering from bronchitis and blew my nose and my brain exploded!!  Then I started throwing up violently!! I'll bet this sounds a little familiar? I was in ICU for 2 weeks, then rehab (only a few days) and have no memory of any of it. I do not have any memory of Christmas (2012) or the new year and still do not. I also do not have any memory of Jan-March 2013. And now my memory is not real good for any amount of time. 


    The first year is full of changes and acceptance. I wish I had found this site a long time ago!! I would suggest you read all you can, I listed a site below and also Brainline.org is another good one. 



    Are you going to return to work? If so when? (You don't have to answer- if I'm being too nosey) The standard recommendation is not to return before 3 months. I wanted to return sooner but I'm glad I didn't. I do accounting and it was VERY difficult!!! I did end up going out on disability, because I could not handle it.


    I think this one is the best because it focus is just on SAH, the only one I've found like that. Keep us up to date on your progress. I wish you the best of luck.

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  7. I feel for you!!  I did return to work, but only for 7 months. I would come home in tears and feel like I was going to have a nervous breakdown everyday!! I didn't know how much more I could take. My job was taken away from me when I went back to work and the position they put me in I could not do it, no matter how hard I tried.

    With this going on I called my neurosurgeon and asked what was wrong with me, he asked if I had a neurophysc test done, I said no, so he scheduled one.

    I failed miserably. For me, feeling like I could not do my job was one thing- but to have it confirmed by a professional was another thing. It had just turned out that I got those results at the same time I needed a neck fusion surgery. So after surgery I never returned to work. Like you I am struggling with disability. 

    How are you doing these days?

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