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Posts posted by kellieone

  1. Hi all I haven't been on here for a while. its 5 years on March 21st since sah and stroke and for the last 3 years I have suffered with a lot of pain in my unaffected side mainly in my hand, leg and feet.

    Overtime it has worsened where I have pain, pins needles and numbness, great difficulty in walking and my right knee giving way. After many trips to the doctors with continueing worsening symptoms which have also started on my effected side I was sent for an MRI as GP suspected MS.

    I had the scan and it came back with nothing new just old scarring from SAH. GP is now saying that I have neuropathy pain and that the stroke has caused nerve damage all over my body and this is why I am in so much pain. I have also suffered with constant fatigue for all this time. GP has put me on 20mg amitriptyline to start with.

    I feel that I am more disabled than I was 3 years ago!! everything hurts I have pain with even the slightest thing and the tiredness is unreal!! has anybody else had all of this after SAH or stroke? I feel that I should be refered to neurologist, not just told this then left with meds!!

  2. as karen said many people are unfortunantly mis-diagnosed and if they are, as janet said would it have made a difference anyway?

    it will effect services in the long run.

    like many of us my memory has been effected but not as bad as many others. i hate what has happened to me but i am grateful to be here. i can walk, talk, see, many people will never do that again. alot of us don't get that much care from the local authority or can't afford to pay for the care needed, then they end up with a poor quality of life when they deserve so much more.

    i've just read cristina malcolms story, and as her bleed was a level 5 i'd say she was a very lucky lady. besides her memory loss she does not have any other problems. i don't mean that her memory loss is minor but compaired to how she could have been effected, like many people on here i think she has done really well.

  3. hi janet

    i had mine in march of this year, i get strange sensations in head, i had left side paralysis which is now good but still not recovered. now winters coming ive noticed my left is colder than my right, i often although this has not long started wake up with pins needles and numbness in my left hand, spoke to gp about this and she said it is cause of the stroke, sometimes i feel of balance, not with it etc


  4. hi john and welcome

    sorry to hear about the loss of your father and sorry to hear what you have ben through. you need to rest to recover both physically and mentally. speak to your gp or contact social services and ask for a community care assessment. you are entitled to help and support so you should get it. don't try to manage on your own it will get on top of you. you have alot to deal with at present and your house mate is n't helping! please get the help you are entitled to!

    im new to this site and it has been a great help, you can ask anything and there will always be a reply.

    take care xx

    ps i am only 30, i dont think these things discriminate against age.

  5. hi there,

    she has a drug problem that needs to be addressed and it will be by the courts when she attends. she may not be stealing ketamine from the hospital as it is readily available from many drug dealers these days, but one way or another the hospital needs to be informed as her addiction will make a big impact on her work which could put peoples health and safety at risk.

    you do need to put yourself first and do what is best for you and it is tough if she doesn't like it. i have worked with drug addicts and there is no point in trying to speak or reason with them because when they are addicted as it sounds like she is they are pure selfish and nothing else. she may loose her temper with you because she sees you as vulnerable, an easy target. i say that because you said she started this after your stroke?

    most people who take drugs do so because of an underlying cause. maybe she started the drugs because she couldn't cope with what had happened to you? in no way would that be your fault but many people do turn to drink or drugs because they can't deal with things. or maybe she just tried it and it got out of hand?

    eitha way it is not your problem you have enough of your own. xx

  6. hi paris and welcome!

    i'm new here too, it is the best place to talk and share info with others that understand. i had my sah/stroke 6mnths ago was in hospital 3 and been home 3. anxiety/panic has hit me hard for the last mnth or so. i was already on anti-depressants i'm now on beta blockers to help also. my gp has just referred me to see a phychotherapist because anxiety is starting to take over. i think it's just part and parcel of whats happened unfortunantly, i battled to recover physically and i'm doing really well now the mental/emotional battle has started and i'm determined to beat this as well but it's very hard at the moment. i have 3 children 11, 4 and 8mnths, my baby was only 6wks old when mine happened, but their what got me through, they keep me fighting.

    i think it's a long hard road with many ups and downs but things resolve and get better in time. love, friendship, family and friends are what you both need, you need to look after you with the baby coming because thats a whole new emotional time for you both.

    take care, keep posting you'l find most of what your looking for on here. stay strong!! xx

  7. hi all :-D

    my affected side is my left side, my right side has started to feel weak, achey and tired. i have quite a few aches and pains especially in my right arm, shoulder and hand. i was thinking maybe because its had to work extra hard for the last 6months and still has to work harder now, maybe its all caused by that??

    i was wondering if anybody else has felt the same?? xx

  8. i have been abit worried about it especially as it's not long started, i suffer with anxiety but when i wake up with that i seem to just rub it then it goes off and i'm ok i don't panic, rather strange seeing as i panic about evry other twinge in my body!!

  9. hi andy i havn't had pins and needles much in my life, didn't have them at the time of my sah and stroke, up until now 6months after it happened, i wake up with pins, needles and numbness in both hands especially my left - my effected one, docs not very concerned said it may be caused because of the anxiety i'm currently living with

  10. i don't think it matters wether you have had an anurysm or not, i'm 6 months on and still recovering in numerous ways, my left side is still weak, good but not as strong as it was, my memory, concentration, emotions, my whole life! i couldn't have even dreamed of going back to work after 10 weeks! at that stage i was still in hospital, i'd only just started to walk again and my arm didn't do much. i got extremely tired then xx

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