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Posts posted by bogbrush

  1. Hi

    I have memories of my time in hospital - things that never happened. We laugh about it now. At the time they seemed real. SAH damages the brain and all sorts of strange things can happen. It does improve with time though. As for the depression and crying, that's also very common, although it never happened to me, but it's definitely worth mentioning to the doc.

  2. Looks like a bit of a love-fest going on :lol: Thank you for your kind words about this site and than you Karen for your kind words too :D

    Not sure how my nickname should be elevated. I've been called lots of things in the past. some of them not repeatable on here! Anyway, it describes me perfectly as I'm clean round the bend :lol:

    OK, back to aphasia ...

  3. Hello Blueday and welcome.

    Glad that you are getting some encouragement from this site. Don't worry about spelling and stuff, we all understand. Don't worry about remembering names either. Us SAH survivors all have problems with that one!


  4. What Karen said about focusing on our own needs and feelings has struck a chord with me and my own personal experience. A situation arose recently that has forced me to confront those feelings and their effect on the relationship with my wife and family. I've always been one to bury my head in the sand (I'm a man!) and pretend that nothing is wrong, but I now know that I've been suffering from depression. The low moods, fatigue and lack of motivation: I thought "Nothing to worry about, it will soon pass." I was wrong. I've changed more than I thought and I'm now getting treatment. My GP has indicated that those symptoms can cause someone (ie. me!) to withdraw into their own little world to the exclusion of others. I can't say it was a nice experience to have it pointed out to me in the way that it was, but it has made me take a new look at myself and family relationships.

    There has to be a way for both of you to get the help that you need, but it's a tough one on how to approach it with your husband. Perhaps going to see the GP together? That's how we started, although it took me by surprise and I was angry at first, but I'm glad that it's now out in the open. That's the first hurdle that you need to overcome.

    Yes, there will be changes in Mark that you can't undo and some adaptation will be required, but there are some things that can be changed with a little help.

  5. Hi John.

    I am pleased that you are getting some benefit from this site.

    My memory of my time in hospital is sketchy to say the least. My family also told me of some of my nonsensical ramblings and we laughed about it later. I didn't loose weeks like you did, but certainly there were a few days when I think I was awake but don't remember anything. I had a few vivid dreams which I can remember quite clearly, but I was never able to separate dreams from reality. I do remember the endless "Who is the Prime Minister?" questions. One day the question changed to "What's the Queen's first name?" "Why, it's 'The' of course" I replied. That's when they knew I was on the mend :lol:

    An illness like SAH comes as such a big shock and many don't survive, so it's understandable that you find it difficult to understand how you've come through the other side. I felt the same in the early weeks and months and I thank [insert preferred religious or pagan idol here ;)] every day that I have survived relatively intact.


  6. I will be thinking of you next Monday. Hope everything goes well and that the results can determine what steps to take next, if any. I know you are worried about it. Please take it easy. xx

    Talking about consent forms, I've just found a copy of one that I signed (very neatly) 6 days after my SAH (5 days after coiling) consenting to an angiogram. I don't remember a thing about signing the form or even the angio itself :confused:

  7. Hello Norma and welcome to behindthegray.

    Like Karen and Liz, I also remember worrying if it would happen again in the early days, then I found this site and realised that I was not alone with those feelings and the good people here were right: It does get better.


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