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Posts posted by momo

  1. Hi Blueday,

    I have noticed that people do try to 'say the right thing' around me I suppose it is only natural. I can pick up on it right away though and the same goes for people being a bit over sympathetic.

    I also have become very direct with people but I do take great care not to hurt or offend anyone, that would just be too out of character for me.

    I have now read about your condition,(sorry I have forgotten how to spell it already!)and now know a bit more.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.


  2. Hi everyone and I hope you are all well.

    Just wanted to let you know of a meeting I had with my neurosurgeon yesterday and how he answered a few of my questions on my 2 anuerysms(think I can finally spell it now!).

    I had a lot of questions but to cut this short he told me that the chance of rupture of my remaining anuerysm(I only have 1 and not 2 as I had previously thought) is less than 0.5%.

    And what I didn't know was that the type of anuerysm that I had that did rupture was a different type and probably formed only a few days or weeks before the rupture.

    There are longer lasting anuerysms and they have only a remote chance of rupture and the longer you have them the less chance there is.

    Mine is only 2mm and because it has stayed the same size he doesnt see it changing in my next scan.

    I know how worrying it is to live with an anuerysm and I know that some of you are also living with anuerysms so I just wanted to pass this on. Don't get over anxious about it and try to find out as much as you can about your individual case.

    So I'm feeling a lot less stressed.

    I also thought the anuerysm that burst was a large one but it wasn't, it was only 4mm. They think it only formed a few days before rupture so it is not completely size dependent.

    It was a large bleed though.

    I hope this is not too confusing but do check with your consultant.


  3. Thank you all so much for your replies I really do appreciate it. I went to see my GP over 2 weeks ago and when she asked me what I was worried about, I just fell apart.

    So I am awaiting referral to a phsycologist at the moment but dont know how long this will take, yes the usual I forgot to ask.

    I would talk to people more about this but I crumble really easily and dont want to put others on a 'downer' so to speak.

    Its my Mums birthday coming up, she will be 94, I just cant face it. How selfish is that!

    Thanks again everyone, Momo.

    (That cats getting cuddled again!)

  4. Hi everyone. I've not posted anything for a while but I have been here! Just wondered if anyone else has difficulty dealing with the future?

    I find it really hard to come to terms with the fact that I wont plan ahead.

    Sometimes I mistakenly refer to the future in conversation then I feel bad because I know it is so uncertain now, for me anyway.

    There are so many things I can't really deal with now, happy family gatherings, birthdays, Christmas, old photographs, the list goes on.

    I'm hoping this will get better with time.

    Don't mean to put everyone on a downer, just having a bad moment.

    I'll give my cat a cuddle, that'll do the trick!


  5. Hi everyone. I would just like to pass on my recent experiences. Went to the doctor on Monday as I hadn't been feeling too well since I moved here in December.. Thought it was just down to the move but my blood pressure was very high, 180/105. I was immediately put on medication and it seems to have lowered it almost right away.

    So I just thought I would share this with everyone as I thought I had everything covered!

    Worthwhile keeping a check on it.

    My symptoms were headache and fuzzy head, so I thought it was just a normal part of recovery as I had been told to expect headaches.

    Bye for now momo.

  6. Hi everyone, so nice of you all to reply to my first posting. It means so much to me. I would like to now tell the story of what happened to me, although I don't like to go back.

    It all happened on the 17th September 2008, I went to the gym to do a class, it was body pump( with weights ). I heard a strange noise in my head, like a ping, then I thought the music had stopped so I stopped. But everyone else kept moving then I realised I was completely deaf. Have to admit I panicked, dropped my weight and ran out of the class heading straight for reception. I knew it was very serious and asked them to call an ambulance. Gave as much info as I could about my symptoms and told them I was going to collapse. I fell straight back and that is all I remember of that day, and the next month. I had suffered a massive SAH. I was transfered to one of the best hospitals in Scotland for this kind of thing and no words can say how grateful I am. The surgeon was superb and so kind to my family always taking time to talk to them even drew diagrams etc. Unfortunately I don't remember him. One month later I got out of hospital and the recovery has been long but I'm just so very glad to be here I really am.

    It has now been nearly 17 months and I get quite down about the fact that I'm still not feeling too good.

    I hope to use this site a lot, I have read some of your stories and hope to get through them all. I wish everyone all the very best in your recovery.

    Well thats my story, feel a bit sad now so I'm off to have a cup of tea!

    Bye for now, momo

  7. Just registered with this site it looks as if it could be helpful. I wont go into all the detail of what happened to me but briefly had a SAH 17 months ago and it was a bad one. Lucky to be here. I do have 2 more anurisms but have been told they are tiny and dont need treating, just monitored. This is about as much as I can cope with saying just now. But feel free to reply, thanks.

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