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Posts posted by Janet

  1. I haven't had a proper headache since my SAH/Crainiotomy but I have suffered with constant head pain ever since. For the first couple of years it was put down to the operation and healing process but eventually my Neurosurgeon said it is probably caused by a trapped nerve and I should learn to live with the pain.

    On a good day its just a feeling of fuzziness but at its worse it the whole left side of my head and my left eye. I do occasionally have a clear head day but not very often and it feels really strange when it does happen and is often followed by a really bad head. I take a low dose of anti depressant which helps to control nerve pain and paracetomol as needed.

  2. Hi Painter

    Sorry to hear that the dreaded fatigue is still ever present for you at the moment. I'm just over 5 years into recovery and do not suffer as badly with fatigue unless I get too tired or over stressed. We continue at our own pace in recovery and it is an ongoing road to recovery. Hope you feel better soon.

    P.S supermarket shopping still gives me a really bad head and I always use a much smaller store now....less noise and lighting works for me even if it costs a few more pounds :wink:

  3. Hi Paul glad you've found us unfortunately I don't live in your area either but as Louise has said if anyone does live close by I'm sure they will let you know. A lot of us are not as far along in recovery as you are but many of us are learning to live with the after effects. This site is a life safer to many as it allows us to chat with others who are in a similar situation so feel free to ask questions and vent your feelings, there is always someone who will respond.

    Hope you manage to get some help from Headway and look forward to hearing more from you.

  4. Hi Mags

    The neck/shoulder problem is probably a remnant of when the blood was draining down the spinal cord and don't suppose anyone knows if it causes lasting damage. I'm 5 years on now and still occasionally get neck/shoulder pain.

    I also suffer with the tingling in my fingers when in bed on both hands but mostly my left and have done ever since the SAH.

    With regards to food have never really thought of monitoring my reactions but have found that I am much more adventurous post SAH and have tried and enjoyed lots of things I never would have before.

  5. Hi Jai welcome to the site you're doing well to be back on line so soon. You are really early on in recovery at the moment so be kind to yourself and rest as much as you can plenty of water also is helpful. The first year is often the hardest but recovery can and does continue to happen after that. Any questions feel free to ask always someone around to answer them. look forward to hearing more from you.

  6. Hi Carole it is up to yourself if you want to respond individually to people but you can just mention whoever you want in one post. We have several forums as you will be finding out for different topics and for general day to day chit chat the Green Room. Take your time you'll soon learn your way around and any questions just ask someone will always point you in the right direction.

  7. Hi Carole and welcome,

    If you were clipped in most cases you are only seen once a couple of months after the op. Normally the Angiogram they do either before/after the procedure will have shown them if there were any further problems which you would have been told about. I also think you should see your G.P about maybe getting referred to a Neuro unit just so that your notes can be reviewed. Look forward to hearing more from you.

  8. Hi Jilly glad that you have joined us you will get plenty of support on here. The first year of recovery can be the hardest but things do get easier. Good luck for your appointment in December and hopefully you won't have to wait too long to have it treated.

  9. I agree with Louise and Vivien it does get better with time but when tired it can still be quite bad. I work in an incoming call centre and I'm pretty certain some of the callers think they have an idiot on the phone as I often can't remember what they have asked and if I'm tired it can be really difficult getting words out at all.

  10. Hi Dransdell

    I can really emphasise with you as I also have suffered with constant pain since my SAH like yourself I have tried several different types of medication over the years. No medication gets rid of my pain but settled with one that at least reduces it to a more manageable level.

    Unlike yourself I had a clipping procedure and after about 3 years a return visit to my Neuro-surgeon lead to him suggesting that it is probably a trapped nerve in my brain caused either by surgery or damage from the actual bleed. There is really nothing he can do and I have to learn to live with it.

    I got myself referred onto a pain management programme which has helped a lot with coping techniques and helped me to realise the effects living with "chronic pain" has had on limiting my lifestyle. It is not a cure but I would recommend to anyone who has to live with the effects of long term pain only sorry I left it for so long before going down this route.

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