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Posts posted by Janet

  1. Hi Donna

    As Karen has said the nerve pain I suffer with is all located on the left side of my head mainly by the operation site but when the pain is at its worse it affects the whole of the left side of my head face and neck. Like Karen I also get pain around my left eye from the third nerve palsy.

  2. Hi Nita

    Sorry to hear the viral infection has left you with so many problems hoping that with plenty of physiotherapy they can strengthen up the right side again for you. You do have the energy you're just at a low point at the moment. Sending love and hugs and hope that you find the reserves you need to pull yourself back up.

  3. Hi Rhiann

    Welcome to BTG I'm sure you'll find all the help and support you need. The site is a great place for realising that you're not alone so any questions you have feel free to ask. As Jess said the first few months can be hard but it does get better, just listen to your body and try to rest as much as you can which must be quite difficult was 4 young children. Look forward to hearing more from you.

  4. Hi Jimbo

    Welcome to the site. I'm nearly 4 years on now and do still get the tingling sensation I unfortunately was left with what appears to be permanent neuropathic pain possibly a trapped nerve. I do find it uncomfortable sleeping on my left side and usually end up waking up during the night in pain and having to turn over. I agree with the others anxiety does seem to make things worse but after what we've all been through I suppose we tend to worry more especially if we have a few bad days.

  5. Hi Kelvin

    Welcome to the site I hope you find it as useful as I always have. Try not to rush back to work too soon and a phased return when you're ready is certainly a good idea. I'm nearly 4 years on and have never managed to get back to full time but have settled for a work/life balance that suits me now. Look forward to getting to know you better.

  6. Hi Stu

    Must be quite worrying for you with the upcoming operation but it is good to hear that you have managed to get back to work so quickly. I had a crainiotomy but had the added complication of the bleed as well to deal with at the same time.

    I would expect that as with any type of brain surgery you will again feel very tired afterwards. Recovery is a very individual thing the important thing is to listen to your body and rest as much as possible. Wishing you all the best for the upcoming operation and please let us know how you're doing.

  7. Hi Teri

    A warm welcome to you and so glad you have managed to find us. I think lack of information on leaving hospital is sadly the 'norm' for a lot of us. It is good to hear that Derek is doing so well now we all recover at very different paces and most of us are left with some problems but with time you get used to living with them and thankfully we are all still here 'the fortunate ones'.

    Look forward to hearing more from you and Derek.

  8. Hi Tracey

    Yep I used to get that all the time and my head used to really creak a lot the creaking has near enough stopped but that horrible jolt before I go to sleep still happens most nights. If you are really worried about it have a word with your Doctor by the way I was clipped which was probably the cause of the creaking my skull settling back into place.

  9. Hi Debbie

    It is still very early in your recovery and it does take a while for all the emotions to settle down. I think a lot of it is caused by the feelings of inadequacy and frustration at ourselves for being unable to do all the things we used to take for granted.

    My husband has noticed that I'm a lot more laid back now and rarely pick arguments at all but I do tend to get very snappy when I'm tired.

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