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Posts posted by Susan

  1. Hi Karin


    for a lot of people after a bleed it is the distractions of background noise and bright lights, whilst trying to concentrate on a screen, that can lead to headaches and fatigue.


    I had to use noise cancelling headphones and move my desk to a cubby hole off the main office, with no overhead lights in my line of vision, in order to feel comfortable at work.


    Since the pandemic I have worked from home which has been a further improvement.  I'm a data analyst and ultimately the only solution for me was reducing my hours.


    You are entitled to ask for reasonable adjustments such as regular breaks, time away from the screen doing other tasks, devices and adjustments to help with noise and light, working from home and reduced hours,  but it is up to the employer as to what they can accommodate.


    It is still quite early days for you so I am sure you will see improvements.


    Best wishes.






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  2. I can manage yoga and pilates ok although I tend to avoid some of the inverted positions.


    I have never been able to jog or do any aerobic activity that involves jumping about - it always gives me a sore fuzzy head. Every year though, I go ice skating on the Christmas ice rink and find I can skate for a good hour without any problems.

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  3. Hi Denise


    Don't doubt yourself. Go easy on yourself. No-one else can fully understand unless they have been through it, or are very close to someone who has been through it.  It is very common to have a setback when returning to work - all that extra stimulation has an impact on your brain and you will feel symptoms resurface. 


    Talk to your HR and see if you can reduce or reorganize your hours. Don't add on any more hours until you feel comfortable with what you are doing.


    My bleed was 7 years ago now but I still remember how hard it was returning to work - the noise and bright lights in an open plan office left me exhausted and fuzzy headed. 


    I had originally been given a phased return plan to be back to full time hours by the end of 4 weeks. I knew this was not achievable and asked to see occupational health who advised I go back with an open ended plan to increase hours as I felt able.


    My HR person was not happy with this - they said they would go along with it but it was important that I make progress every week. The first week I did 4 hours each on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The second week I upped it to 5 hours a day for the 3 days and the third week upped it to 6 hours a day for the 3 days.


    I felt absolutely dreadful after 3 weeks of working. I had a meeting with HR every Monday to review how things were going and on that fourth week told them I thought I had gone too quickly and needed to reduce back down to 5 hours a day for a while. I had also been asking from the beginning to move my desk to a quieter darker space but nothing had been done about it.


    HR seemed exasperated with me and even commented that maybe I'd never be able to do my job. It was ridiculous and all so stressful - I just ended up taking sick leave for another 6 weeks. When I returned I made sure that I stuck to what was comfortable for me. Luckily they backed off and just let me get on with it. I still work successfully for the same company but I never got back to full time hours.


    I hope your workplace do support you. Make sure you talk to them if you are struggling. Don't just try to soldier on.


    Take care. X


  4. Hi AS


    I think it is understandable you are a bit scared of bending over. Mine happened when I was standing upright but I still did not like bending over for months - just did not like the idea, or the feeling, of a rush of blood to the head. You will slowly get more used to it with time and eventually won't even think about it.


    Mine happened at 1am, stood in front of my bathroom mirror,  just as I was about to clean my teeth before bed. I had been given a brown steroid inhaler by my GP a few days earlier for worsening asthma, and had just taken my second puff and put the inhaler down when my head exploded. I never used the inhaler again.


    Luckily I did not need it as my wheeze had cleared up while I was recovering in hospital. My asthma got worse again when I first got into my car 5 weeks later and I then realised an air freshener in my car was the cause. I found it scary when I had to use my blue reliever inhaler for the first time after my bleed.


    Also for a few months I used to feel a general sense of unease when I was stood in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror late at night before bed.


    Take things easy. I wish you well in your recovery.


    • Like 1
  5. Hi CHall,


    I hope you are recovering well from your NASAH.


    It can be confusing what terminology to use. I remember my occupational health doctor sometimes referred to my PM-NASAH as a stroke when he was talking to me but referred to it as a brain haemorrhage in his occupational health reports.


    To me a stroke is when part of your brain loses blood supply, whether that is due to a blockage (ischaemic stroke) or a rupture (haemorrhagic stroke). I have never thought of my PM-NASAH as a stroke as I do not believe that I had an interruption of the blood supply to my brain, just that the surface of my brain was irritated by the blood.


    When I talk to medical people I say I have had a subarachnoid haemorrhage, but when I talk to non-medical people I say I have had a brain haemorrhage as I think they would understand that better.



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  6. Hi Esedlock


    Guidance on the gov.uk site with regard to non-aneurysmal SAH and driving is:


    ✘- Must not drive and must notify DVLA.
    Driving may resume on clinical confirmation of recovery and, if no other cause has been identified, documented normal cerebrovascular imaging. 


    As you say you are due a follow up very soon, your consultant should tell you then if you can drive. Once you have clinical confirmation the DVLA should allow you to drive whilst they complete their own formal investigations.


    Yes it is very common to have a great day and then sleep almost all the next day, especially so early on in recovery.


    Take care



    • Thanks 1
  7. Hi Rachel


    Sorry to hear what has happened to you and all the worry it has caused.


    I would not worry too much about the journal article you linked to - it is specifically is talking about early warning bleeds in the context of aneurysmal rupture - once an aneurysm has bled it is likely to rebleed in the next month if not dealt with. Your MRA should have indicated whether you had an aneurysm (ruptured or unruptured) and you said it came back with no abnormalities.


    Although the diagnosis of a bleed by CT scan or MRI/MRA would become less reliable over time,  I think an MRA should be able to identify an aneurysm at any time. It may not identify all very small aneurysms but I think the resolution is usually pretty good - my 2mm unruptured aneurysm can be seen by MRA.


    I would feel reassured that you are going to see a neurosurgeon who specialises in SAH. They will be able to advise you if any further investigation is needed. Unfortunately as your lumbar puncture was not conclusive I am guessing that you may never find out for definite whether you had a bleed or not, but they should at least be able to confirm that you have no aneurysms.


    I hope you get to see the neurosurgeon soon.


    As Michelle said, please seek medical advice if you have any new or worsening symptoms.


    Best wishes

    Susie x


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  8. Hi Graham


    I would be interested to know if the doctors' statement of "overwhelming medical evidence" was based on a large scale research sample or just an individual opinion based on their own experience.


    More to the point though, even if the majority of NASAH patients do make a full recovery, which may or may not be true, I do not see why that should automatically negate the claims of those that don't.


    It also depends on the nature of your job - some jobs may be easier to return to than others after a haemorrhage.


    Good luck.


  9. Hi Heather


    I've met you and Rebecca at the support group too back in January, and Rebecca and her dad last November.


    It's great that Rebecca still attends the group to give advice and support to others.


    I had my non-aneurysmal SAH back in January 2016 but unfortunately no-one informed me of the support group when I was discharged. I only found out it existed by chance (through an old BTG post!) so did not get to my first meeting until 10 months on from the haemorrhage. It was helpful though as I was really struggling with work at the time and needed to talk to people who understood.


    I work Tuesdays now so don't get much chance to attend but hope to make it back to a meeting sometime when I have some time off.


    Missy67 maybe I've met you too?



    Susie xx

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  10. Hi Graham


    Sorry to hear that your claim was rejected.


    I do agree with the first doctor's statement that support sites are not representative samples as patients who make a complete recovery are less likely to contribute,  however I don't agree with the other doctors' statement that there is "overwhelming medical evidence"  that people who have suffered a NASAH make a full recovery and go back to the same jobs working the same hours. I  don't think that there is enough research information to support this statement.


    I'm not sure medical professionals know the true long term effects of an NASAH - they rarely do any follow up on us! I can imagine that there are lots of NASAH patients who get discharged and make a good enough recovery that they never have to be referred back to a neurologist but that does not necessarily equate to making a full recovery.


    I know my own neurosurgeon, lovely though he is, seemed very surprised that I was not feeling better than I was at my 2 month NASAH follow up. That was why it was so good to find BTG, just to realise that I wasn't that unusual, otherwise I think I would have been constantly plagued with worries that there was still something medically wrong with me that needed investigating. It was nice to be reassured that actually I was just making a fairly normal recovery.


    I get regular follow ups because I have an unruptured aneurysm so I think I'll make a point at my next appointment (September) to inform them if symptoms are ongoing - not because I'm worried about them but just so they know!!!!!! At my last appointment in September (8 months post NASAH) I saw my neurosurgeon's junior. When I mentioned that I still suffered headaches and fatigue he did at least acknowledge that "these things take time". When I said that I was still sensitive to noise and light and asked if this was likely to improve he just said "probably". To be honest I wasn't really expecting much else as I know that it is difficult for doctors to give definite answers on these issues but I suppose I was just hoping for a little more interest.


    I don't know if you have seen this research - it has some studies on PM- NASAH. It is a very limited sample but acknowledges that there is a need for further reasearch in this area.






  11. Hi Macca


    There is  some evidence for a hereditary link for brain aneurysms. Colleen posted something about it last month. 


    I'm not sure how you post a link but if you search on Google with the words "Mischer Institute gene mutation brain aneurysm" articles should come up.




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  12. Hi Phil


    Welcome to BTG. Sounds like you had a pretty traumatic holiday! I wanted to reply with particular reference to your questions on stress.


    I am 51 and had a non-aneurysmal SAH 14 months ago. I also have a very small untreated unruptured aneurysm.


    Pre haemorrhage I would have described myself as a very stressy person, but I always managed to handle the stress. Post haemorrhage I rarely get stressed out but I do not have the same resilience to handle stress anymore.


    6 weeks after my haemorrhage I remember watching the film Castaway. It has a very traumatic plane crash scene at the beginning and I couldn't believe the reaction I had to it - my head started to pound so much I had to stop watching and lie down for an hour. This really worried me and I wondered if this would be my stress reaction from now on - I had visions of myself sat at my desk at work, being given a tight deadline and suddenly having this pounding in my head. I mentioned the experience to my consultant at my 2 month follow up and he said my symptoms sounded similar to that of someone with PTSD.  I think he was right - it was a very specific reaction to a simulation of a life/death situation and I've never experienced it again to that extent.


    I do however have a very definite reaction to stress. Sadly not all life's stresses are avoidable and I recently had some family related stress that completely wiped me out for a couple of weeks - I had headaches, fatigue, nausea and insomnia reminiscent of my early days of recovery.


    My consultant told me that the two most important factors for me post haemorrhage were to continue to control my blood pressure (I take medication for borderline hypertension and nocturnal hypertension, and did so before the haemorrhage) and not to smoke (I gave up being a regular smoker a long time before the haemorrhage). He did not specifically mention stress and I have read that stress is not a contributing factor, but I can't help but think that regular exposure to stressful situations over long periods of time can't be good for anyone as it can contribute to high blood pressure.


    I am still phasing back into work - I only work 17 hours over 4 days (Wednesday off). I do expect to add on more hours, but really have no idea if I will ever get back to full time hours - I haven't ruled it out yet. At the moment I have decided to start trying to add more social activities into my life, to see how I manage that, before adding on more work hours. I am unsure what will happen in the long run if I am unable to add on more hours but I don't see the point in worrying about it - I can only do what feels manageable. My own experience has been that after suffering the initial trauma of the haemorrhage I have mostly found that it has benefited my emotional well being. I really don't want to throw all these positives away by putting myself into a position where life just becomes work and sleep.


    I hope you continue to make a good recovery.


    Best wishes


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  13. Yes it is a scary experience. You might find yourself rerunning the events in your mind a lot in the early weeks - I know I did - still do sometimes more than a year later.


    Try to take it easy and don't worry too much about getting back to work - wait until you are sure you are up to it - that could be months rather than weeks.



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  14. Hi Smeg


    I phoned the DVLA about a month after my NASAH to inform them, and they sent out the forms. I was told it was ok for me to drive while they carried out their investigations as long as my consultant agreed I was ok to drive. I phoned my consultant's secretary the next day and she got back to me within 10 minutes to say he said it was fine. It was actually 5 and a half months before the DVLA completed all their investigations and gave me the formal ok to drive but I was able to drive during this time. 


    I would contact your consultant to ask if you can drive, and then contact the DVLA again if your consultant says it is ok.



  15. Hi Sophie


    You need proper medical advice. Go back and see your GP. I think most members on this site have been worried because the way the A&E consultant handled your case is not how they would have expected.


    I once read an article about how doctors are only human - they have off days, get distracted, make mistakes. It advised that if you want to get the best possible treatment you should always ask them what the worst case scenario is for your symptoms. It can focus their mind and help them avoid missing something important.


    You said yourself that at your appointment on 28/12/2016 the GP was undecided whether you should go back to A&E or not. If you ask for more reassurance from your GP it could prompt them to seek reassurance for themselves and get things moving along a little quicker. Your GP may have no expertise in neurology and may not want to question an A&E consultant but they won't want to be involved in a medical misjudgement either.


    The worst case scenario of a possible SAH is that the bleed was from an aneurysm, which could rebleed with devastating effect.


    I'm not saying that this is likely to have happened to you - there is other clinical evidence to account for your severe headache. I'm just pointing out the worst case scenario of an SAH.


    I would go back to see your GP for reassurance.


    Take care. X

  16. Hi Sophie


    I was unsure what to say to you in my post last night as I did not want to worry you too much so I am glad that lots of others have joined in. Like Sarah I don't understand why the A&E consultant did not send you to the neuro unit straight away. Like Sarah I was also misdiagnosed so I felt uneasy when I read your post.


    My own situation is that I did not present to A&E until the 4th day after my SAH (I'd spoken to a nurse on the 1st day on 111 but had not received very good advice). Although my neurosurgeon told me later that the bleed was clearly visible on the CT scan, it was read as negative in A&E and I was sent home. The A&E doctor had told me that the CT scan was 95% accurate (it is actually much less accurate than this after 3 days) and that he did not recommend a lumbar puncture as I seemed quite well. I did eventually get diagnosed by lumbar puncture a couple of days later but even that almost did not happen as doctors were humming and harring over whether I needed one. So it is worth remembering that doctors are not infallible.


    When I read your post I thought about what I would do if my 24 year old son was in your predicament. I know that I would have to push and push until I got the answers that satisfied me that everything was in hand and was being dealt with in the correct manner.


    As others have said, if you are worried get yourself back to A&E and try to get all your worries addressed. Xx

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  17. Hi Sophie


    SAH can be diagnosed by CT scan, or by lumbar puncture if the CT scan is negative/ inconclusive or MRI/MRA. Once SAH has been confirmed the usual process is to determine whether the bleeding is from an aneurysm or not - this could be initially by a scan with contrast dye and/or cerebral angiogram, but is usually done quite quickly after diagnosis.


    In your case you don't seem to have a definite diagnosis yet and I can understand this is worrying.


    I agree with Clare and would say go back and see your GP or ask for a telephone consultation. Ask the question you have asked here: 'If the referral is for SAH why has it not been given more urgent attention?'


    I would also be asking if the CT scan has been reviewed by a neurologist or neurosurgeon yet.


    GPs often don't know much about SAH but hopefully you have one who will try to get answers for you. Don't be worried about seeming over cautious - it's better to get some peace of mind.


    I hope you get some answers soon.


    Take care. Xx


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  18. Hi Fiona,


    6 weeks is not too long to be off work after an SAH. 6 weeks is probably recommended as an absolute minimum.


    You have a lot on your plate - just being pregnant can cause fatigue without the added effects of an SAH. Please take care of yourself and try not to be pressurised into returning to work too soon - only you will know when the time is right.


    Try to get a flexible phased return where you add on hours as you feel able, giving it a few weeks at a time to consolidate those hours. If everything goes well you may find you can increase your hours without a problem, but if it doesn't you won't have the pressure of having to stick to a rigid plan.


    Also when you are thinking you are ready to go back have a little trial run at home, simulating the hours you will be working by doing similar tasks to see how it feels. It may give you the confidence you need to go back or make you realise you still aren't ready.


    Wishing you all the best. X

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  19. Hi Graham 


    I had an NASAH, with no complications, just over 10 months ago, so I'm just a little behind you. I still experience ongoing symptoms - fatigue, headaches, neck pain, sensitivity to noise and light, difficulty sleeping. One of my most annoying symptoms, although it sounds quite innocuous, is the persistent fuzzy feeling in the back of my head. I now really appreciate the times when I do have a completely clear head.


    I've found the last 5 months much harder than the first 5 months. I experienced a lot of survivor's euphoria in the early months and was feeling relatively well by 5 months. I realize now this was because I was actively avoiding all the situations that exacerbated my symptoms and was yet to get back to work and 'real' life.


    My job requires quite a lot of mental focus, and getting back to work has been a struggle - I still only manage 15 hours a week spread over a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


    I know it is easy to worry about being lazy, or being perceived as lazy. I have an agreed flexible late start at work, but after so many months was feeling a bit self conscious still coming in so late. It doesn't actually matter when I work my 5 hours, and no-one had complained, but I still started trying to get up earlier to get in for a more 'normal' time. It proved a bit of a disaster and I felt so much worse - so I quickly reverted back to my late starts and have stopped worrying what others might think.


    You sound like you are doing ok - stick with what works for you for now, and don't entertain thoughts about whether you are lazy or not. We do still need to have some kind of life outside of work!

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  20. Hi Jan


    I hope you are well and not worrying too much.


    When I first came to BTG I read a lot of the posts on the untreated aneurysms forum -  I know there are some with similar dilemmas to your own. I decided early on not to read any more because I wanted to put the aneurysm out of my mind - there was nothing I could do about it for at least 6 months so I figured it was better not to think about it. I know if I ever do need to make a decision on it though I will go back and re-read all those posts. I'm guessing you are already doing the same.


    As far as the statistics are concerned, I know they are not everything.  If I was given those statistics and told my aneurysm was stable I think I could live quite happily with that for another year, but if I was given similar statistics and told my aneurysm had changed, even slightly, I think that would be much harder to live with. 


    What is important is what you yourself can deal with psychologically.  There is no right or wrong answer - we are all individuals with different personalities and concerns. I have always had the tendency to beat myself up over making the wrong decision (though less so since the haemorrhage). My own fear is to make a decision, have a bad outcome and find it difficult to move on psychologically from that.


    I suppose that is why for myself I may find it hard to have the aneurysm treated unless I am given clear indication, as Colleen was, that the treatment is recommended. I know ultimately the decision has to be down to us, but it does seem unfair that we can be placed in such a quandary.


    Try not to worry too much and don't lose sight of the positive fact that your aneurysm is stable and you have time to make the decision that is right for you. Wishing you all the best. Take care. X


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