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Posts posted by cathmat

  1. Whatever happens Paula don't rush back to work..make sure you are 110% better....look after Number 1..You !!

    I cannot help as I was out for a while ....over 4 months but after 4 months although I spoke then fell asleep... it wasn't until

    I had shunt fitted that I knew what was going on..so I put my family thru it also.but they moan at me now... so I must be better

    Good luck on help !!

    Someone will be along to help xx

    Good luck

    WinB143 xx xx

    Hey win my neurologist mentioned shunt to me ive still got hydrcephalus and vertigo . how have you found it and also do they shave your hair i know its vain but its taking me this long to get a reasonable hair style lol. did it make you much better ?

  2. Paula,

    I didn't even have any coiling and I still had no movement on my left for a while. I still get tingly/numbness on my tongue every so often too. I had a terrible time with my legs as I tried to exercise the heck out of them thinking that this would make them get better faster...we it didn't at all. I'm one year on and still seeing improvements and I hear that others keep improving as they go on too.

    I am also very morbid at first feeling like I wish I had just died. Now I feel indifferent...I could go either way. Every one else is 'Glad' that I'm alive and they all want me to feel the same, but I'm not quite there yet. As time progresses, I get more accustomed to not knowing what's going to be next in my recovery. This used to stress me out to no end! Breathe, let life teach you. We both survived even though we may or may not have been the 'Lucky ones'.

    Keep on. I do.


    Hi Kris thanks for your honesty i feel guilty for feeling like this . my life feels so difficult and i envy everyone who s life is still the same , its good to know that is probably normal to feel like this x

  3. hi paula you've come to the right place for reassurance , im cath i had a sah nov 11 with coiling . ive recently gone back to work not doing ny original job but doing admin . Every day is a struggle in work but its something i need to do. There are lots of friendly people on here , as for the numbness have you discussed it with your consultant? Its early days for you i get a little better every day . I think everyone has a period of sadness i definatly have where i was sorry i survived but this will pass eventually if not speak to your gp or just talk on here it really does help

    Take Care love Cath x

  4. hi david im ok , back in work like you im going up to 3 days next week. Working makes vertigo worse and some weekends are a wash out , i wish i had my old energy levels or people could feel what i feel even if its only for 10 mins , problem is we look so normal . how are you doing x

  5. hi Jillbb im Cath im from pontypridd ans was also treated in the heath i had my sah on 16 nov 2011 and came home 11 dec 11 . just to let you know your not on your own. Well done for posting there are lots of helpful people on here and im not a million miles away , It must be hard with a small holding as the work never stops im 40 and work as a nurse ia currently being phased back in 2 day s a week . If you look on the inspirational page on this website there is the letter from my brain it explains alot . drink plenty of water and as a good friend told me its a marathon not a sprint , feel free to ask questions take care love cath x

  6. Hi Nic, im Cath havent spoke before so pleased to meet you (so to speak) driving insurance shouldnt go up ive been informed as they dont penalise people with disabilities ( this is what ive been told by my insurance company, havent renewed yet plus havent5 got a licence as better warn you DVLA not the quickest ). Holiday insurance more expensive but hey at least we can fly!! Lots of people here make me laugh when io have tough days theyare always here , this site was my saving grace when i was at my lowest.Back in work 15 hrs a week and really tired fatigue not good but perservering need some normality, i suffer with vertigo and that has played up since back in work because im so tired hoping it will get better. Im 8 months post sah and coiling and are feeling better all the time , keep your chin up and keep posting x

  7. 2nd day back and had a party literallly , girls put food on to welcome me back and to say bye to another nurse going on maternity leave was very touched. Didnt do an awful lot in the way of work sorted out passwords ect and watched one of my collegues teaching patients. Not doing anything is not an option i need to keep busy in work .


    This however has taken its toll back on my crutches in work wobbling once more must because i am tired and working my broken brain . working 2 full days is hard but needs must due to transport issues ect . Everyone is very supportive and kind but cant help but feeling a tiny bit useless im not the person they are used to working with , they would never say anything but i feel it , Will i ever get back to my old self ?

  8. Hi sandi thats good to hear about you volunteering, really hope it helps .I started back this week not working clinical on the ward but doing admin, worked 9til 5 mon and 10-6 tom also had tickets to see chicago the musical on tues night so spreading my spoons pretty thin this week . Even though i was tired when i came home on monday and had no spoons left after dinner i thought it went well.


    Felt good on tues went to see chicago really enjoyed but was very shaky by the end .Been very wobbly since balance is off and head is spinning, feel a bit better now hope im feeling ok for work tom. I ve realisesd that its not going to be easy , However i need to perservere and get back to normality. I do think its unfair the recovery process , i left hospital not expecting such a long haul , never mind keep smiling eh .

  9. Hi Im Cath im 7 months post sah and coiling i have experienced all the emotions you have and some days is still am , dont worry i think its our way of coming to terms with the sah. i had my scan at 6 months going to see the surgeon next week so will know more then . Im hoping to go back to work phased return middle of july i cant wait now , still havent got a driving licence hoping to have that back soon , dvla are not the quickest. youll find lots of support and humour on this site speak soon x

  10. Hey Dawn i know the feeling about work , im hoping to go back in july like you i feel the same dont know if i am truly ready but wont know if i try . i am on half pay so i presume would still get that if it doesnt work out. i think you ll have to sign of beneifits and re claim if u need to not quite sure. Do u fell ready to go back? Im not expecting it ti be easy but have a very supportive ward manager . i know that doesnt help but thought it wouls be nice to know your not on your own . x

  11. Hi everyone especially GG i know the feeling i lost it this week because i feel my life has come to a standstill while all my friends and families lives are carrying on . i dont seem to have the confidence to do all the things the old me would have done .Its been 7 months for me and im scared to do anything . Not cos im afraid it will happen again but because im frightened i wont cope , any tips for me. I think GG we have to go through the grieving process for what we have lost and its ok to feel sad. i try to explain to my family that im not the same person i as before but they are just happy im alive x

  12. Its been six months for me and i was told to enjoy time off and make most of it , easier said than done when u feel so ill and no energy . I think the anger must be normal . im in a hate my life mood at the mo .Im jealous of all my freinds who are healthy and seem to be getting on with their lives while mine is staying still , or rather come to a stop . All of us are 40 this year so lots of celebrations that i m not well enough to attend , i spent my 40 th vomiting .I know i neeed to cheer up but its hard when you feel so low. Keep your chin up x

  13. hi sandi im sorry to hear about your job , its a bone of contention with me as i love my job but sorry but i agree with mary and peter your health is more important and dont know you but i bet you would be great at anything you do , i hate it when people say it but perhaps its fate and there is an awesome job waiting for you . keep your chin up , Cath x

  14. Hi Rhiannon im cath i had a sah 6 months ago ans am also off work , im a nurse and like you i love my job im waiting for a ct, then hopefully a phased return my boss and collegues are very supportive and i dont think i can go back just yet . however not bering able to do my job is the worst thing about having a sah, but the fatigue make it very difficult im praying i can get back sooner rather than later.keep your chin up xx

  15. thanks Gill. think i smile less than i used too, im bored with hearing myself moan now lol. i used to be a real jolly nothing s gonna get me down attitude kinda of person . think i will see my gp, was gonna speak to headways when i go for my first appointment but think my gp may be more appropriate.

    Bagpuss i need some of your attitude i think xx

  16. hi everyone was thinking the same thing myself i feel i have nothing to look forward to and dont get excited about anything anymore , im still not slepping and have no motivation . its been 6 months post for me and i was wondering if i was depressed . what you think ? has anybody taken any medication that has helped


  17. after just reading the thread it was as if you were all in my mind , Kris i dunno how to be is so approapraite i feel like someone has taken my life and left me with half a life . i lie in bed in the morning s willing myself to go back to sleep cos cant always face the day . wondering what aqm i gonna be able to do today and if i will pay for it tom. im trying to be positive but its hard, keep your chins up girls ,x

  18. hi macca you sound very positive , i havent felt much of that lately lol . ooh i forgot about the lumber puncture what a joy they were . no wonder recovery is slow . apart from short term memory loss my mind is intact and slightly annoyed at my body too be honest dont do what i want it to do . i was under the illusion that i would be back in work after 3 weeks ha ha that was before i heard of fatigue . trying not to be too hard on myself this week not beat6ing myself up for going to sleep early . the worst thing is the lack of motivation and boredum, how do i combat that ?

  19. hi paul im Cath from S Wales im new on here too everyone has been amazing and kind. i had my sah in nov last year also had a coil. (perhaps my head is worth more now). im still waiting to hear when i can drive hopefully wont be long .even though on bad days i dont feel i can drive it would be nice to have the option. you should read letter from my brain it gave me understanding even if it did make me cry. one thing ive learnt since chatting to everyone , this recovery buisness is a slow process. your gf sounds amazing , my parents came to my rescue so did the ambulance service thankfully ,im not back in work yet got an MRI on the 23rd then go from there. keep writing catch u soon x

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