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Posts posted by Annie

  1. Hey Ladies!

    Well, I certainly belong in this discussion!!! I have been on anti deps for 20 years!! So ask any questions you like. There is a family history of serious depression and my divorce from my first husband was the kick off for me. I decided there's a true chemical imbalance in my genetic make up and just resigned myself to staying on them forever. Recently I became concerned about that as you know, and went to a great holistic doctor expecting her to say they are evil and put me on the St John's or something. To the contrary, she said that cutting back was not really necessary, but that if I want to try to, that this is the wrong time of year to do it for sure. So we're going to revisit the idea in the spring.

    As far as side effects, I am on Zoloft and I take it at bedtime, so if there's any drowsiness at all, it doesnt affect my daytime (apart from the all new SAH drowsiness of course!). The only side effects I felt were in the initial 6 weeks of taking it. There is a period of some dizziness and stomach irritation that seemed to pass fairly quickly and was never dibilitating. A lot of people go off the drug at this time thinking it's no good, but if you decide to go on, you must commit to getting beyond that adjustment period or you never feel the positive effects.

    As far as what it did for me, I would say that it has a stabilizing effect. It seemed to knock off the extreme lows and I was able to flow through life just a little better.

    You all know that the whole menopausal thing has been an issue for me too. I am in the throws of that as well, and just last night I told Jack that I wished I could have had maybe 3 years in between SAH and the big change!!! It's so unfair to get past the worst of the SAH and have to deal with this right away. I haven't had a period (sorry boys) for 2 months this time around and I really MISS the relief it gave me when those hormones kicked in. Evidently what we call PMS here is PMT for you guys, so now I finally understand the pun that Andy made about time zones!!! hahahaha!!!

    I think, Karen, that you are dealing with a huge amount of simultaneous tough stuff, and you have every reason to feel depressed!! We all have the right to feel sad about it, honey. That doesn't mean you are fishing for sympathy at all!!! I think we all need to resist the urge here to apologize for our feelings. If we can't share the down times here, then where would we be??? We are all here for each other.

    I am sending you my love and ((((HUGS))))) and I support whatever decision you make with your doctor. I am also starting a new post today about migraines that you might find interesting. Jack cut the article out of our Sunday paper for me to post here. :) love,


  2. Hi guys! Haven't talked to you all for a while. I hear you Andy about the 6-9 month mark hitting you hard. Also the one year mark for me. During both of those times the SAH was much more foremost on my mind. I kept asking Jack to describe things that had happened.

    Also, I'd like to ask about the water intake that everyone keeps mentioning. Other than the usual health advice that it's good for everyone, is there a reason specific to SAH to be taking in more water??? No docs mentioned it to me.

    Thanks for your replies!


  3. Ditto to everything above, haha! How's that for expressing myself? Sure seems like a lot of times I just get on here and say, "Duh.... yeah....what she said". hahah

    As far as hubbies.... absolutely. I feel the same way about Jack. I told a friend that apart from finding just how deep his devotion is, I learned a lot about how I want to care for HIM when he's older. Jack is almost 12 years my senior.

    And... I fantasize a LOT about all of us meeting face to face someday. I believe we will. Ahhhh.... Christmas in the UK...... another fantasy of mine!

  4. Ooops, Sorry Ember! I forgot Nevada!!! Yes, Karen, I am tickled to have some more folks from the states. You UK folks are just wonderful, no problem there, but you're right.... I was the only one from the US for some time and it was a little daunting. :) Anyway, Jen, like you said we are all in this together no matter where we live.



  5. Hello Jen, from OHIO!!! We now have an Ohio, an Arizona and now an Alabama. We are so happy to have you join us and all of our overseas friends. You will find wonderful support here. In just the last week this site has been a real godsend to me. The journey is a real roller coaster.

    You are so right that no one "gets it" like the people here do. We are all changed forever.



  6. Hi Jeannette,

    Girl, I sure am with you on the menopausal slept thing!!! My eyes fly open at 2am or 4am most nights.

    As far as your relaxation, you might try something that is relaxing but doesn't require concentration. Say, meditation, massage, bath, sitting and listening to the radio, or maybe an audio book?? For me, it's usually sleep though. I'm good with an hour, but have been known to sleep hard for 2 or 3 sometimes in my naps.

    Cuddling and stoking a dog is VERY relaxing. You need a pup. :o)

  7. Hey Sami,

    Welllll..... I was just telling hubby that I need to write out my "story" for this site. He's going to help me with an outline and I'll get to it soon. But for now:

    Mine started pretty much the same as yours. I was riding and had what I thought was a severe sinus headache. Later when I bent over to take off my boots I felt a snap in my head followed by 3 distinct trails of pain that shot down the back of my neck simultaneously. I knew that was weird, so I just kept my head level, got in the car and went home. I told Jack I felt strange and then had a bowl of soup. Minutes after that the vomiting started and then it was violent dry heaves for an hour when Jack finally called the emergency squad. He recognized the symptoms of stroke because of his dad's death a few years ago and kept telling the ER to do a cat scan. Which they did, found bleeding and transferred me to Neuro at another hospital. Four days of intensive care, 2 days in regular room after that, then 7 weeks of terrible illness and complications and a couple of more hospital trips. I'll write more on that later.

  8. What an INTERESTING point, Jeannette. Very insightful. I think a lot of my own depression lately has been the frustration with my not being a lot better by now. The docs had told me to expect fatigue for 6 to 9 months!!! We should all be that lucky. It might have helped if they had said it could be forever. Anyway, I think I'm just beginning the process of acceptance. I feel like wearing a sign so people know why I'm not the go-getter I used to be. I often feel that my sports friends and art friends think I'm quitting or winding down. My very close circle of friends and family are very supportive and help me to allow myself to be the new me. But even they need reminders sometimes. It's sad. It's a letting go for sure. But heck, if the burden I carry from here is naps (!) how lucky is that??? When I think about what some diseases or disabilities ask of people.... wow. I think I can live with naps. I sure wish we had a support group here for SAH and their carers. That would be great.

  9. Very interesting, Ember! My own spiritual path is a bit of everything. Raised Methodist, married a Catholic, I feel a very strong bond with the earth and animals and lean on that a lot. Tried the Unitarian church for a while. Do some reading on Buddhist philosophy. :) and there's NO WAY I could ever stay up all night!!!!! hahahaha

  10. I'm 51. Had my SAH one year ago, non aneurysm. I still have fatigue and memory problems. More often than not I take an afternoon nap. If not, I am asleep on the sofa in the evening by 9 sometimes. Once in a while I have a "normal day" when I can go all day and still stay up til 11, but in general, my stamina is reduced. The short term memory is frustrating and sometimes downright scary. I am just writing things down more, and hubby helps out.

  11. Good morning, Ember!

    Yes, it certainly does sound like you are doing very well for only being 2 weeks along. I was flat on my back for 7 weeks. The morning Jack got up and found me polishing my nails was a big day! haha That was the beginning of my not being an invalid. Do be aware though, that while you will be up and about, you might experience even more fatigue than you have yet. Sounds like you are handling everything very very well.

    AND.... Don't apologize for expressing down times!!!! That is a big part of what we are about here. On this site we all have permission to express exactly how bad we feel. And then we want to hear from you when you're feeling good too of course. But only in your own time. Heck, just look at my posts. I'm a huge sad sack most of the time.

    You should go to the Green Room and tell us about your spiritual group. I'm curious! Also... what is your profession? I am also a work at homer.



  12. Yes! I like the green room thing!!! I visit a dressage (horse) chat line that has a column like that called the Observation Lounge. As the site got bigger and bigger, the moderators have to be very strict about people posting in the proper forums. Anything not related to horses belongs in the Observation Lounge. That makes it easier for those that want to get right to the meat of the subject they are hoping to read about. It also allows the members to just be buddies and have a laugh or cry about things unrelated to their riding.

  13. Because I can talk again and again with all of you about something that has already been said in the "real" world and people there don't know how to deal with it any more.

    Because you are all genuinely interested in helping and learning.

    Because there is no judgement about the ups and downs.

    Because there is a BIG lack of support for SAH in the states.

    Because I have friends abroad that I didn't have before.

    Because SAH is a PROCESS, not an event in my past, and no one (NO ONE) understands that like you guys do!!!!!

  14. You are all an inspiration to me. Sometimes as a nonA SAH I feel like I don't even have the right to feel bad.

    I think Karen's point about fighting it is good too. It sure seems like I was just getting to the point where I could accept the new me happily, when I got WHAM hit with menopausal symptoms. Now I'm a complete mess and also all confused about meds and supplements etc. Yesterday was one of my worst days so far emotionally. I am trying hard to watch for those little unexpected gifts of joy every day. This morning it was my dog, Brody. He is arthritic and doesn't get up on the couch any more to cuddle me or get in bed with me any more. He is on glucosomine for joints and it seems to be helping him. I sat down with my coffee on the couch this morning and he jumped right up there. We had a nice long cuddle and back scratch. :o)

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