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Posts posted by Annie

  1. Sami!!! Nooooo.... don't feel bad!!! We are all here to help each other!!! That's what this site is all about. I was not scolding anyone. There, there. Gooood girl.

    Now I have to figure out how I'm going to research the thinning properties of the other herbs and natural remedies if the sites don't tell you! Karen, I might ask you to look up a few for me in your book.

    I am feeling a little bit hopeful about pursuing some alternative medicine remedies for my life. It turns out there are many good resources right here in my back yard. My current (western) doc seems to just shrug off any worries I have about the anti depressants for example. I'm going to try to go off of them slowly and use some natural methods instead. I got a referral yesterday for a great wholistic/ md, so I'm marching on with that. By the way, my acupuncturist is from England. Sure seems like you folks have the jump on alternative therapies!!



  2. Hi All,

    I need for you to know that I went to an acupuncturist/ herbalist yesterday. While she was making a list of herbs for me to consider for various symptoms, she stressed that I need to research each one to see if there are blood thinning properties....

    She also said that GINKO IS A BLOOD THINNER and probably shouldn't be used by anyone who has suffered a hemorrhage. So, please consider this and check with your docs, ok???

    Love you all,


  3. Wow, Karen, I would say more good days than bad is a significant milestone for you!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Starting to see that light at the end of the tunnel?

    What's a Bounty?

    I had acupuncture yesterday for back pain, fatigue, and hormone issues. I do believe it helped right away. Looking forward to more sessions.

    Please read my new post about Ginko, ok?



  4. Yes, Barney, we are lucky. And it's true that we have the gift with everyone on this site of making sure we are living life to the fullest of our capabilities. I do still have fatigue and memory issues. But in a way I've learned to accept it (usually with humor, but not always) and work around it. I am fortunate to have a very caring husband that is on the lookout for me too. He writes all of my appointments on HIS calendar for example. And he gives me "permission" to rest when I need it and would otherwise feel guilty or inadequate.

    Several things have been a real gift to me as a result of my SAH. One of these is Karen and this site for sure. Another is that I joined an art club with giggly ladies and am enjoying doing art FOR FUN. Since I illustrate for a living I just never did any art activities in my spare time. But what a difference when there's no due date or price tag. It's been wonderful.

    I am more open to people in general than I used to be. And I try a little harder to make room in my week for friends. I never had kids, and I find I am regretting that more than ever since my SAH though, and that's hard.

    It was also a pleasant surprise to meet all of the people in the health professions that TRULY want to do what they are doing more than anything else. I can't even imagine doing what they do. But boy am I glad that they do!!! I found the nurses especially to be extraordinary and sooooo caring. That's really good to know.



  5. Hi Girls,

    Sami, you are by NO MEANS the only blub! In fact I have been quite down lately about the whole thing myself. It's going to help me that there are others on this site that had the same type SAH as me. But I am frustrated that I still feel like I don't have my old self back. Haven't done the counselling thing yet. Just lots of cake.



  6. Hi Ember!

    Your experience sounds a lot like mine. The hospital part was very similar. I had some other difficulties as the blood disapated, and awful alergies to some meds, but also very grateful and glad to be part of that small %.

    Expect to re-enter the earth's atmosphere s l o w l y! I am a year after and still napping a lot.

    You are very lucky to have this site during your recovery... all thanks to our intrepid Karen!!!! rah!!



  7. Hi Barney and Andy P, and Karen of course!!

    I am glad to find out that there are others here that had a "genetic weakness" SAH. Andy P, I didn't realize that was the case with you. Or perhaps I FORGOT!!!??? haha Anyway, it would be really helpful to me to talk to you both about it. Maybe we should start a new thread for Non Aneurism SAH. For one thing, I was told that it would probably NEVER happen again, so it scares me to hear you refer to this as a "warning" bleed, Karen. Did you guys hear anything like that, Barney and Andy? Also, Andy, it's a bit comforting to hear that you still have issues 2 year later. It's not good of course, I mean that since I am at my one year anniversary, I expected to be "over" it by now, and if you're not then maybe that's a usual thing. I keep expecting to feel "all new", but the memory stuff and the fatigue just linger on. Emotionally too, I'm revisiting the whole experience a lot in the last few months. Maybe because I'm still waiting for that one year finish line.

    Thanks for your posts everyone.


  8. Hi girls!

    Well, I guess I sailed right through the 13th without realizing. That's probably a good thing. I do remember that it was really windy and stormy-ish and the horses were all poofy.

    Karen, what did I miss about your mom? What's the latest there?

    As far as underwires... I just never put them in the dryer, but they are bound to kill my washer someday from what you've said. The main problem with them for me is security at the airports!!! I always get pulled aside and the detector wand is waved under my "girls" beeping at that underwire! I say floppy for airports.

    I am having some increased memory problems lately. I just feel fuzzy and unable to focus my thoughts a lot. Sometimes when that comes over me I just feel so tired and old.


  9. Dear Varun,

    I am sorry that you are in the stress of a loved one recovering from SAH. I'm afraid that I'm not able to answer your question, as mine was not one that was that extensive. I hope one of our other contributors will jump in with some insight. I do want to ask, however, if you are in the US? Since you mentioned the Midwest, that sounds US to me. As far as I know I'm the only "Yank" on this site so far. Where are you?


  10. Dear Brain Gang Newbies, one and all...

    Welcome from Annie. My SAH was on Oct 23 of last year, so I have my anniversary coming up shortly. I have never written "my story" for this site as it seems like an overwhelming job to try to recall everything that happened. The short version is that I had a brain hem, no anneurism, no coiling, 2 angios, one MRI, 4 days intensive care, week hospitalized, 7 weeks VERY ill and many complications from meds, painful and scary walking problems, fatigue, dizziness, headaches. I went back to work in February (book author/illustrator), and went back to riding my horse soon after that. A year later, my short term memory is still a little iffy and I still battle fatigue. But since I'm 51 and beginning menopausal symptoms, it's hard to know what to blame things on! I feel very fortunate but I feel changed too. I am less trusting of my body and I feel a bit more mortal for sure. But I also have some new priorities and a better perspective on life in general.

    Hugs to all of you. If you have any questions for me don't hesitate to ask. I am not on this board as often as some, but I do check in fairly regularly.



  11. Hi girls,

    I've been on the road for 5 days getting home from out west. We just rolled in last night. My little house looks like a mansion to me after 3 weeks in the RV!!! Anyway, it's GREAT to be home and I need to catch up with you two.

    Thanks for your feedback on the anti deps. It's discouraging to hear how hesitant your docs are to prescribe them when ours are just too eager. The rx companies have such a hold on this country! I have been waiting for the right time to begin to taper off my dosage, so I will be looking into that now. It scares me a little. I first went on them during my divorce. I had days of just sitting on the couch crying and unmotivated. The rx really did help me. I also have family history of depression, so I believed the advice that said it's a brain chemistry problem. I had all the counseling too. So I'm confused. I had expected to be on it forever.

    As to the snoring... I am all for separate rooms!!! Sleep is just too important. I sleep in our guest room. I know lots of couples that do the same.



  12. Wow, you folks all have better follow up than was ever offered to me. You raise a question for me, Karen. As far as anti deps... I've been on Zoloft for maybe 20 years. I have asked again and again about any health risks for me, and they shrug it off. They even kept the meds going during my hospital stay. What can you tell me about what you've heard in this regard???


  13. Hi Karen and Sami,

    I am feeling so much better now!!! I really drank a ton of water and it seemed to help. Also, Karen, if it will help your ears popping... there's a great product called Simply Saline. It's a saline nasal spray that really helps clear and comfort my sinuses. Maybe it can help you too. Hope so.

    Love to my brain gang,


  14. Good morning, friends. Thanks for your input. I've never had a problem with altitude sickness before, but maybe this is one of the little changes I can expect due to my SAH. It seems that I'm more sensitive to it now than I used to be. I made a trip into the Alps a few years ago, and while my sister got sick, I was not affected at all. I think you probably are right though, Karen. I have been resting plenty, but I will drink more water. Aspirin did NOTHING for me, but Motrin seemed to help yesterday. So I'll keep on with that. This is not so debilitating as to ruin our enjoyment of the trip though. We are having a great time. It's sooooo nice to have this site to go to when concerned. Thank you both so much for your responses. Welcome, Sami! Love you, Karen! xoxoxo,


  15. Thanks Karen. It's really nice to be missed. I have been on holiday and I just posted a new message about that with some health concerns. Please have a look if you get a chance. I've missed talking to all of you. We have wifi at the campgrounds, so I'm writing from my laptop!

  16. Hi All,

    Annie here. And hello to you, Sami. It's great to get a new friend in here. I've been on "holiday" (in quotes because in the states we call it "vacation"). Jack and I are touring the Colorado Rockie Mountains (stayed a week at Estes Park) and then 4 days in Taos New Mexico, and now we're in Santa Fe. My concern is two fold.

    Although I've been doing really well, and as you all know, there's no coil for me. I still sufffer from fatigue and short term memory loss. My one year anniversary is coming up on October 23. The concern today is this... I have been suffering from bad fatigue and headaches during this trip! I haven't let on to Jack that I am concerned about this. But for some reason I can't help wondering if it's related to my SAH. I do wonder if the elevations of these locations has anything to do with this. We are at about 7000 ft. above sea level here. Have any of you heard anything about higher elevations being a risk for us?

    Looking forward to hearing from you. Love,


  17. Hi folks!

    Andy, I'm wondering... is there a nearby church that you could appeal to for some help with errands and things like that?

    Lauren.... Happy BD!!! :)

    Karen, Sounds like the national health care that we are all longing for over here can be a redtape nightmare. But at least you have coverage and your insurance premiums probably aren't as insane as ours. There are so many people here with no coverage at all. They end up sitting in the emergency waiting room forever just for the simplest medical help. Or just going without. It's shameful.

    That aside, I'm glad you're done with balloons and can rest again. Though it sounds like you enjoy Lauren's shindigs as much as the kids too. :)

    Also, thought you might be interested in knowing that the most recent book I illustrated was written by a lady that lives near Dover. Anywhere near you, Karen or Andy?



  18. First of all, I guess I should say congratulations that your MRI was negative. And yet, I understand that it probably doesn't feel like completely good news. It sure would be easier if there was a clear cut diagnosis.

    Just be careful not to overdo in the meantime, ok? You've done enough cleaning and decorating for a while. :)

    I know what you mean, too, about the information out there being sooo vague about what's "normal". That's why we have this chat line. It's a great thing you've done, setting this up, Karen. I think you are wise to listen to your instincts. I can see why you hesitate to trust the "ok" you get from the pros. Your plan is a good one. Keep monitoring how you're feeling and go back and make a fuss if you're not convinced you're getting better. Your recovery, while much much more involved than mine is probaby still like mine was in that it's 2 steps forward, one step back. Hang in there. You're doing great. Pay attention to the things you CAN control, like rest, and nutrition.



  19. Dear Karen,

    I am so sorry to read of your frustrations with the hospitals. That should be the least of your worries!!! We learned, too, that you really have to look out for YOURSELF with these folks, and that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    I don't know about MRA versus MRI. Is the MRA an angiogram? That's when I had the dye twice. I wonder which one they will do for you and why. Which is more thorough, do you know? Probably both thorough in different ways.

    Is your hubby with you through all of this confusion and trouble? It always sounds like you're having to do this by yourself. At any rate, I'm thinking of you today and hoping they really nail the problem this time.


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