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Posts posted by Bluescat1

  1. Hi Bluescat,

    That's so good to know. I am linking everything to this aneurysm. I haven't worried as much about the pituitary cyst,because I asked the neurosurgeon at the Queens about the possibility of it bursting and they assured me that wouldn't happen. They just said they would learn more about it after the angiogram.

    Even though I am terrified of the surgical procedure I just want it over with now because It's like I am living in limbo land. I am afraid to do anything. I am hopeful if I pay for the angiogram that I will be able to have it arranged for next week and I will at least know which type of surgery lies ahead. It's all the uncertainty. Once I have a date for the surgery and everything is in place I think I will be ok, even though I'm afraid of having a general anesthetic, I think it has to be better than living in fear.

    Lin-lin has made me feel better. I was worried after brain surgery that I would never be the same. I am hopeful now.Thank you so much for posting x

    I had a headache for about 2 weeks after surgery and all they gave me was Tylenol for pain. It is bearable. You have to tell yourself the alternative is not an option. I only spent 2 days in the hospital and I got around the house pretty well. I won't lie all surgery has risk, but modern medicine has come a long way. As far as this surgery goes the arteries are on the outside of the brain so they don't disturb it very much. It is much better for unruptured annies as you probably will not requirer a long hospital stay or therapy. I wish you well lets get it fixed so your life can be normal again, and it will be. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Harry Chapman aka bluescat.

  2. Thanks for replying. I get really bad dizziness too but they told me it's not linked to my aneurysm.I have had problems with my balance for years but it's been getting worse these past few months.Have you had surgery or are they just monitoring you?

    Since discovering I have an aneurysm just three weeks ago this Tuesday, my life has been turned upside down and because I don't know where I can be treated it makes things worse x

    was not connected to my aneurysm but was the results of calcium deposits moving around my inner ear. I went through the period that you are describing now until they recommended clipping to fix my problem. I now have 3 clips on my MCA, and I am watching my BP and cholesterol. The good news is the surgeon did another angiogram before he closed my head and said that he obtained the best possible outcome. Good luck with your aneurysm

  3. My first test was an MRI that my doctor ordered to find the cause of vertigo that I was having and that is when my aneurysm was discovered. That radiologist suggested I get an MRA, I took it to the surgeon and he said I didn't have an aneurysm based on what they saw on the MRA. He recommended a Cat Scan with dye and that is when it showed up real well. Talk about an emotional roller coaster.

  4. I was in favor of a single payer system in the US but it was not to be, big money had their way and the middle class has to take it on the chin. I am lucky to be one of the few that still have Health care through my former employer as I am now retired. In 2 more years I will be eligible for Medicare, but there are some that want to end this vital program.

  5. Hi Bluescat1,

    nice to 'meet' you here! Is there a blues music (which I love!!) theme to your name?

    I was in a neuro ICT/HDU ward too. I can't imagine how it would be in a general ICT/HDU as there are so many neuro signs for the staff to look out for without looking out for all the signs of other illnesses too. Scary stuff. Those staff really earn their pay!!

    I have to say, though, that I would not want them to be updating my girlfriend/boyfriend/parents/kids/or anyone else during the procedure :shocked: I would be shouting 'step away from the phone and concentrate on me' :lol:

    Good to hear that all is going well for you now :-D


    Yes there is a Blues music theme. I have loved the blues ever since I was stationed in Germany when I was in the Air Force. There was a Scottish band called "Bonnie and the Scotts and Sodas" that played in the club on base. They played this song one night that knocked me of my feet, I asked Jimmie the guitar player what was that? he said just a blues jam and ever since then I have loved the music. I played for over 30 years and did shows with Albert Collins, Buddy Guy, The Nighthawks and many others. I jammed with Ritchie Sambora from Bon Jovi before he became famous.I still play from time to time .

  6. Has anyone watched an aneurysm being clipped on Youtube? It is pretty amazing stuff. They put me in "burst suppression" where they shut your brain activity completely down, this allows the surgeon to get at the anni with little chance of seizures. I got a 6 page detailed report of the entire procedure. I wound up with 11 screws in my skull and a titanium plate.


    The team was very good and they kept calling my girlfriend with updates. I was one of the first people operated on in this brand new facility, they have an ICU just for neurosurgery. I was amazed that I only required 2 days in the hospital and all they gave me for pain was Tylenol. I also had to take a steroid and anti seizure meds for a week. I defiantly have a different outlook on life.

  7. I am so sorry Mary, I worked for Verizon for for 36 years and retired with Healthcare. The company just changed plans and it is not as good as what we had. However it has a $1000.oo max out of pocket per year cap so that is good. Maybe you will fair better when the Affordable HC act kicks in. I will be Medicare elligable in 2 years, I don't know if that will be better or not. I wish you and your husband well.

  8. Thank you Kempse, I am involved politically in the States at a low level and I did push for single payer healthcare like you have in the UK. We have so much money involved at the high levels from drug and insurance companies that makes it almost impossible to have such a system. My insurance did however cover all of the Hospital cost, just not the surgeon.

    Enough politics One thing I noticed is I didn't dream at all after my surgery and it wasn't until about a week before this past Christmas that I started again. I don't know if that is normal or not. Take care.

  9. Ha Ha I have got treadmill also and I was fed through tube lol

    My diet starts tomorrow again !!

    My Husband knew a guy who died of an anni. so we are lucky x



    I also post on another board and I was taken back by the amount of young people with this problem. Several already have had multiple surgeries. I don't believe I have that problem as no one to the best of my knowledge ever had an anni in my family. Since I am 63 and they only found 1 I hope that is the end. I am glad you are doing better.

  10. I kept telling my self "the alternative is not an option". I actually was able to leave the hospital in two days. I have to get another angiogram in four years so I am hoping this is the end of it. Having a good Surgeon also helps, the hospital that I had my surgery in is one of two with the most advanced neuro-science operating suites in the USA and it is the regional emergency center for brain injuries.


    I had to negotiate the Doctors fee because my surgeon wasn't in my Insurance network. He charged $17,000.00 more then my insurance would pay but I got it Down to $1200.00 as I am a retired telephone worker and don't have that kind of money laying around. He was still compensated very well. One of the down sides was I did not lose my appetite and ate too much comfort food so I need to run on my treadmill.

  11. I was diagnosed on Sept. 21 2011. I have a 5mm trifurcation aneurysm. I am scheduled for an angiogram on Dec 14. The good news is we have a brand new hospital with the most up to date neurological suite. The doctors here have come up with a way to inject glue into the aneurysm.


    I feel lucky that they found this problem on a routine MRI as I have no symptoms at all at the present time. I have some anxiety but have confidence in my doctors so we shall see what happens.

    12/11/2011 So far I have no pain at all, and my aneurysm was caught while looking for something else, I had vertigo caused by BPPL which is common and is a temporary inner ear condition caused by lose calcium deposits. This condition is now gone so if it wasn't for the vertigo I would not have known about this potential ticking time bomb.

    12/14/2011 the test went OK the results were not what I wanted to hear however. I have a 5.7 mm aneurysm that will require clipping do to its location.

    12/29/2011 I just came back from seeing my surgeon and he said I will only require a 3 day hospital stay and should only be on the seizure meds for a week. He said my angiogram went fine and he would do another after he clips me. I am feeling much better about my outcome I just got the word it will be done on Thursday January 5, at 6 AM. I am a little nervous but also glad at the same time that I can put this behind me and move on.

    After surgery: 01/07/2012 They put 3 clips on my aneurysm

    01/08/2012 Pain is better I still have swelling , but I Am fully alert and have no depression

    01/19/2012 I saw my surgeon yesterday, he was pleased with my progress. I am off the meds, I can start driving again and I can use my treadmill. The only downside is a ruptured blood vessel in my right eye which in time should get better.


    It has been a year since the day that I was first diagnosed. I am feeling fine with only some minor complications such as my right eye needs drops now and then because my eyelid seems a little droopy, I had it checked by an ophthalmologist and the eye is fine, I also have some clicking in my jaw. I also have a weird sensation almost crunchy feeling where the plate is. I am not having any headaches, I have gone deep sea fishing several times without any sea sickness.Other then that there is no visible trace of a scar, I was blessed with a good head of hair.

    Today 01/27/2013 It has been over a year since my surgery. I feel myself getting stronger and I require less naps in the afternoon. My head is still tender and I can feel my scalp rub over the plating system on my skull. Other then that I feel blessed that my aneurysm was found and I survived. I am writing this to encourage others and let them know this is not the end of the world but a new lease on life:-D

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