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Posts posted by charty

  1. Hi nyx

    I had a SAH in June, spent 6 weeks in hosptial and didnt remember anything much. I have two daughters who were very worried about me but the one piece of advice they were given was to be patient - easier said than done I know! I was coiled and had a shunt and am now making good progress. Take care and PM me if you wish.

    love Caroline

  2. Hi Shiree

    I feel like this too, had SAH in June, think should I do this just in case! should I tell my daughters how much they mean to me, should I write it down somewhere for them to find? get emotional when thinking about it! When I go to the gym I worry because my blood pressure might go up! we were renovating our house but this has gone on hold until after Christmas, then another minute think what the point? might not be here! the responses here help me also - so thanks for posting!


  3. Hi Phil

    I had my SAH in June, coiled and a shunt fitted, still coming to terms with it and hoping to go back to work after Christmas, am making good recovery though have some 'off' days, this website has been a great help. I used to live near Cambridge and know Addenbrooks well, a good hospital. Take Care happy to chat anytime.


  4. Hi nicki

    I would love to go back to work, but unable to drive at the moment, I would be more than happy to work at home for some of the time, perhaps I'll suggest it! hopefully it will be a phased return after christmas - I work for Local Education Authority. You take care and enjoy the concern. am sure your company are just looking out for you.



  5. Hi Beth

    I had my SAH in June, making good progress, am back at the gym and walking the dog twice a day. This is a great site and has been a trememdous help to me - if only knowing that there are others out there who understand!

    take Care


  6. Hi

    I had my SAH in June, my daughters have been brilliant, but when we went shopping the other week, it was like I had lost my 'authority' and 'control' over them! because I was replying on them I suppose. They are 27 and 25. They do care though and ring me often!


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