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Posts posted by maggie

  1. Hi Kate, A warm welcome to you. I think it's safe to say most of us here can relate to your frustrations regarding our ' hidden illness' I know I do. I've started to believe alot of people are frightened to think about what we have had and simply can't deal with it! But I can assure you you will find alot of support here. Looking forward to hering more from you. Maggie x :redface:

  2. Hi John,my heart goes out to you. I tremember only too well that 6 month after feeling when I was tired of it all, wished I was like before and was scared that I wouldn't get any better. Improvement seemed at a stand still. I can only tell you that for me now 18 months on and alot of the problems you describe that I relate to have almost disappeared. My head gets cold in the winter and hot in the summer ( I haven't had a shunt etc.) and I had creepy feelings in my head and often still do. Hang on in there be as patient as possible,think positive. Your a survivor John a courageous person who's come a long long way in 6 months. Give it more time. I send you big hugs and lots empathy and loads of luck. Maggie x

  3. Hi Zoe,remember to look after yourself it is early days for Richard and for you too. Often the carer forgets they need to rest. I know my family where exhausted bless them they had no respite. I send my Best Wishes to both you and to Richard for a trouble free time from now on. Maggie x

  4. Hi, I was recently told by the hospital that some still say an SAH is a stroke but it isn't. Maybe it comes under the same umberella so to speak. They are researching more and more so I guess it's important to seperate . I was told at the time that I hadn't had a stroke but had an SAH. When I asked if I could have a flu jab my doc said I wasn't on the 'at risk list' cos I haven't had a stroke! Personally I felt better knowing that it was one or the other It made more sense somehow!

  5. Hi everyone, at last I have found the courage to introduce myself and to send in my story. I feel so grateful to all of you who constantly support and give words of encouragement to all who read the posts.Thank you,you have unknowingly been a huge comfort over the past year. :-D

  6. I will be 7 months post op when I fly to Switzerland in two weeks so I will let you know how I get on.It's a shorter flight than yours but Debbie I hope you make it. I spent 6 weeks on Raratonga, it's so very beautiful. I too have a ringing in my ears and strange tightening sensations in my head which are a new addition to my recovery! Does anyone else feel that,i'd be intersted to know! Maggie x

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