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Hi everyone hope yous are all well? I have not been on for a bit and i was recently at my local hospital for an outpatients apptd.

I have been suffering a lot of pain and discomfort down the right side of my head into my temple, no amount of painkillers was touching it.

Washing my hair, or brushing it was sore if i touched the right side.sometimes the pressure down into my temple was so bad i felt sick with it.

Went to my GP and he said he would refer me on to my local hosp tp get it checked out

Went and doc done different tests and a blood test, got letter back from my GP and he said that i have Neuralgia.

I was started on Gabapentin ,then the dosage was increased right up but it was making me tired and was struggling to get up in the morning for my work

I had to go back to my gp to get the meds changed, so not long started on these but no change as yet to the pain fingers crossed

My GP said this is something i could be left with after my sah/s, and might have to live with it but medication can help it.

I dont want to be on medication for life,i know its a small price to pay

I was wondering has anybody else had this happen to them after their sah,if so how have yous got on with it

Take care xx

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Hi Angela

I have suffered with constant nerve pain since my craniotomy 4 years ago and have tried several types of treatment including Gabapentin. Have now settled on Amitriptylene which at least numbs some of the pain for me. There are plenty of different tablets that your G.P can try you on as low doses of anti-epileptics and anti-depressants can work on nerve/neuralgia types of pain. Its just trial and error until you find the one that suits you best. Like yourself not really keen on taking tablets but it does make a difference and at least allows me lead as normal a life as possible most of the time. I have also been told that it maybe be permanent and my Nuerosurgeon thinks its a trapped nerve from the operation itself but its a small price to pay for still being here.

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Hi everyone hope yous are all well? I have not been on for a bit and i was recently at my local hospital for an outpatients apptd.

I have been suffering a lot of pain and discomfort down the right side of my head into my temple, no amount of painkillers was touching it.

Washing my hair, or brushing it was sore if i touched the right side.sometimes the pressure down into my temple was so bad i felt sick with it.

Went to my GP and he said he would refer me on to my local hosp tp get it checked out

Went and doc done different tests and a blood test, got letter back from my GP and he said that i have Neuralgia.

I was started on Gabapentin ,then the dosage was increased right up but it was making me tired and was struggling to get up in the morning for my work

I had to go back to my gp to get the meds changed, so not long started on these but no change as yet to the pain fingers crossed

My GP said this is something i could be left with after my sah/s, and might have to live with it but medication can help it.

I dont want to be on medication for life,i know its a small price to pay

I was wondering has anybody else had this happen to them after their sah,if so how have yous got on with it

Take care xx

Hi Angela This sounds like me down to a tee im going for a OP appointment on thursday i was coiled in may so i will let u no


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