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I got to see the DVD!!

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Dear AndyP, and Dear all of you,

I finally got to see the Patient Experiences DVD. Andy had a copy made for me in MPEG format so it would play on my computer. Just a few minutes ago Jack and I sat down together and watched it.

What a useful tool that will be for so many people! Andy, you were just great. You and Wendy both. What a cute couple. :) Wendy you look like you were a dancer. So elegant and poised.

Like everyone else I wish I had had this to watch when I left the hopital. It struck me too that the longest period of time that was mentioned for recovery was 18 months and I am at 18 months as of April 23! Unfortunately, I am not seeing any more real improvement over the last say 6 months, so I would guess that the current state of my memory and fatigue issues might be ongoing. The one nurse did say that there can also be some ongoing issues, so perhaps that means for life. Anyway, it sure could be worse. I consider myself very lucky. And in a way we've all been given the gift of seeing our mortality face to face. I know it has changed some of my perspective on life for sure.

I am planning to share this with the neuro dept at the hospital where I was treated and see if they wouldn't be interested in ordering copies for use there. Or perhaps they would make one of their own that's geared toward the US. For example, we don't have the requirement to report our SAH to the motor vehicle department. At least I didn't. So a few minor things like that might be different if they were to make their own film. And the links to support would be different (if there ARE any!!!)

Andy, thanks again for making this for me. If the hospital doesn't take any steps to provide something similar here, then I will certainly share my copy with other SAH-ers in the US. I need to check out the copyright situation before burning multiple copies for use over here. That's why I'm hoping the hospital will want to take it on.

Best to all of you. This made me want to come over in August and hug you all. :) Karen, the holiday I was supposed to be on right now has been postponed because our RV ended up in the shop for repair. And that trip to Italy with a friend is postponed until next year. So now I'm toying with the idea of coming to play with my brain chat friends. No worries Karen about reservations and all of that. I'm just kicking the idea around and if it ever came to be, I would find a place to stay.

xo, and good night all,


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Hi Annie

Glad you got to see the dvd, Shame about your RV, My pals folk have one and they love it. Would be fantastic to see you over here, me a D toying with the idea of heading down as well its our wedding anniversary that week but we'll play it by ear and decide within the next week or two.

Hope your RV is up and running soon.

Aine x

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Hi Annie/Aine,

Annie, glad that you finally managed to watch the DVD.....think that it's good for the family to watch it too.

Sorry to hear about your holiday, hope that you get the RV fixed okay.

It would be lovely to meet both of you......

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Just a quick word regarding something you mentioned ie It struck me too that the longest period of time that was mentioned for recovery was 18 months and I am at 18 months as of April 23!.

I have spoken to a lot of brain specialists and read a number of books about the brain. One of the facts I picked up on from them is that recovery is usually fast for the first 2 years and then, slowly, it continues for the rest of the persons life!!! The brain is marvellous and has great potential when faced with adversity. It begins the healing process instantly and never stops!

Just thought I would add that. :D


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Hi Annie-I am so glad that you managed to see the DVD at last-thanks to my friend Steve!

I can assure you Wendy isn't a dancer but she will be pleased to hear your comments!

She is actually a critical care nurse.

I have sent another mpeg to India to Kirti and in the meantime I have asked Southampton if they would provide or sell some copies-So that others can see it-I can see there is a need for it as there are more hits are on Karens' site.

I think you are bang on with seeing the gift of your own mortality-It does focus the mind and it is a strange sort of honour!

Sorry about the RV-it would be great if you came over here-not 18-23rd August as I am away!

By the way-does it mean an SAH in the US doesn't stop you from driving??

All the best

Andy P


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Hi Andy,

I really don't know about the driving thing over here. All I know is that no one mentioned any restrictions to me. Sounds ridiculous I know. Maybe it's different for the aneurysmal SAH folks.

By the way, are there others of our group here that are on the DVD? I think Scott (rince) mentioned the other day that he is on it! Now I have to see it again and look for him. Who else am I missing?



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I believe Dave is also on the DVD and he is a member of this site.

I am just glad to be able to do something that might benefit others.

There is nothing like learning from other peoples experiences.

The DVD took quite a long time to be produced-9 months I think.

I am awaiting further details from Southampton as to whether it can be made available more widely.

I am surprised that in the US you are not stopped from driving-It was fairly rigid here but I informed the driving lisence people as soon as I could.

The other thing is that it affected my travel insurance and I had to declare it to my car insurer.

All the best



All the best

Andy P


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