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Good Morning,

Hope everyone is well.

I know there have been previous posts about flying.

Jim and I have planned a trip to the Caribbean in November. This is the first time we will fly since he suffered his SAH in December 2007.

I think Jim is fine with this but at times I can be like a Mother Hen:lol:

He has been on pretty fast rides at amusement parks:crazy: so I think he will be fine. I always have the fear of being in a different place without the medical care we have.

I am sure I am over reacting but would like to know if you have flown and how you felt. I know everyone is different but your opinions would help.



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Hi Cal

Obviously I can only speak from my own experience, however my wife and I flew to Thailand via Hong Kong (something like 15 hrs in total) 4 months after my SAH...it was our honeymoon, we had already cancelled it once as we were scheduled to fly out 10 days post SAH!

I wont's say it doesn't make any difference, I found the constant noise of the engines very uncomfortable, however the actual flight wasn't too bad, we did fly upper class though, I'm sure that makes it easier. However that is the only long haul flight we've done.

We've done a couple of short haul flights, Spain and Egypt, 3 and 5 hours respectively and we did those cattle class with charter airlines, can't even pretend it was as easy as the long haul upper class, the number of people in close proximity and the noise on top of the engine noise made it uncomfortable and made my "hurty head" a lot worse and set off one of my adrenaline rushes (a kind of fight or flight feeling) but it wasn't unbearable, and the prize of sun and relaxation at the other end made it all worth while.

I would say "go for it" however you have to do what's right for you and your husband.

Best Wishes...and enjoy your holidays, wish I was off again but my wife has run out of annual leave!



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Hi Adam,

Thanks for your reply.

I must say I find you amazing!

You have done so much since your SAH. I love reading your posts. Your attitude is great!

We are going for it! I am sure things will be fine. We still have to live for today;-)

Stay well and keep smiling :-D



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