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I'm Glad I Don't Remember


Life seems different now.

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Hi Nicky,


I do not remember a thing either and if my family told me I'd forget it and ask them again, which was okay when I was ill but now i'm 6 years on,  well it grates on their nerves lol to say the least.  So I know  I must be better. (I still ask though lol)


Give it time and you will look back over a few weeks or more and will say "I had a good day then" and eventually you will get better but it's a long haul so give your brain a rest and yourself xx


As we all say drink plenty of water and rest up your brain and No Stress as my surgeon told me xx

Wishing you well


Win xxx if worried see doc as it will put your mind at ease xx

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Hi Nicky :)


A very warm welcome to BTG.

Thank you for sharing your story.

It's very early days for you. Things will get better, it just takes time and sometimes you take one step forward and two steps back. It is a very emotional traumatic time for you and your family.


Be kind to yourself and listen to your body. Your brain has had a major trauma and as Win has said your brain will need to rest up a lot as it is healing as well as trying to carry on as normal.

Wishing you well with your recovery. Good luck with your scans in December.

Glad you found us. Look forward to hearing more from you.


Take care

Tina xx

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