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Article Comments posted by Winb143

  1. Bless you All Karen and Team,

    Whenever my chin starts to wobble and I feel sorry for myself I come on here and type away and tears of gloom turn to tears of laughter so...   Thank You Karen and all her Family and Family of Mods.


    To be honest I had a joke to give Chris Tarrant I was gonna say "We don't wanna give you that"  so in a way glad I wasn't picked as I would have shown you all up  ha ha  even had a song at the ready lol


    Love to All of you

    Win who nags hubby xx (Bless him)

    • Like 6
  2. Hi Barrington,


    When I first come on here one of my first questions ..Anyone feel

    giddy when they stand.  I was told by a BTG members to do things slower until you get better. 


    I now do not rush out of bed, I sit at the side and then get up slowly. 

    (Which I was told I'd never do,  as bed bound)


    If it is real bad see Doctor to put your mind at ease.  Stress my Surgeon told me is bad for us (I always say that to new ones on here).


    Sounds like you are doing well and if you do decide to go back to work remember a coccyx cushion is a must.   It relieves the weight  on tailbone of our spines.   Some get the pain because of the lumber punctures or so my Doctor said.


    Good luck and I hope you stop feeling giddy or heady.



    • Like 1
  3. I thought I would die as I am Dramatic lol but then got talking to people on this site and realised there is a life after SAH and although it's a

    long journey, we can take it together and remember our horrid days and the good days.  As time goes on we get more good days if we don't overdo it. 

    So glad you made it and so glad I can tell my daughter how sweet she is (when not arguing).


    Keep strong and take it day by day, We'll get there  xxxxx


    WinB143 xxx                                                         

  4. Hi Nicky,


    I do not remember a thing either and if my family told me I'd forget it and ask them again, which was okay when I was ill but now i'm 6 years on,  well it grates on their nerves lol to say the least.  So I know  I must be better. (I still ask though lol)


    Give it time and you will look back over a few weeks or more and will say "I had a good day then" and eventually you will get better but it's a long haul so give your brain a rest and yourself xx


    As we all say drink plenty of water and rest up your brain and No Stress as my surgeon told me xx

    Wishing you well


    Win xxx if worried see doc as it will put your mind at ease xx

    • Like 1
  5. Hi Holly,


    I can only tell you what surgeon said to me, after a SaH.

    I saw him a year after shunt had been put in and he said do not Stress and if you are anxious about anything go to Docs and he'll refer me to hospital.

    I had my last  MRI in 2011 and apart from walking I feel fine but it all takes time.  Good luck in your recovery and if you feel ill do not hesitate to see Doc, as my Surgeon said Stress isn't good for us.


    Good luck

    VVin xx

  6. Hi Terry,


    Hope things are going well for you, and you have been okay in yourself.


    I had the hump the other day and my hubby and Daughter bore the brunt ha ha but awoke full of beans today !!


    You take it slow and I hope you are doing well xx


    Take Care of you and Family  xx


    WinB143 xx xx

  7. Yes we are Carina, (Lucky) xx


    Do not ever doubt it xx Life gets better but it's a long haul.


    I had my SAH in 2009 and had Ventriculitis and Sepsis.  After having a shunt put in well it was like a light going on.


    We are so lucky, I understand your problems but we are always here for you if/when you need to chat.  Life does get better but not overnight


    I was told I'd never walk but I am doing little walks until my back decides to give me pain. The OT's said to my hubby "have you thought of putting your wife in a home, cheeky so and so's  ha thank goodness he said "We will look after her ourselves" phew !


    Good luck and Welcome BTG xx  Never give up xx


    Winb143 xx

  8. Life is good and it shows you how loved we are by our family.


    I will write some more if that's okay with you but my lovely daughter dishing up dinner and I cannot refuse it since op lol xx


    My excuse for being, well how shall I put it Pleasantly plump, okay

    truth time obese ha ha  I love chocs xx


    Just keep smiling and think of times when you have laughed so much you have cried with laughter.  Mornings and before you go to sleep think happy thoughts xx It really helps xx


    Good luck on recovery


    Win xx xx

  9. Hi again Terry,


    I had mine in 2009 and remember nothing apart from swearing at a few nurses whom I thought were hurting me !!  I got Ventriculitis then Sepsis. so it was a long haul for me and family.

    Shunt fitted for hydrocephalus in 2010. 


    You are a survivor  so we owe it to all of those who never made it to live life to the full and if possible be happy.


    When I first came on here I was very down awaiting my death, awful I know but I thought next step is death.  I am so grateful to BTG and my Family as I saw people who had got over it and could laugh.


    I now make every day happy apart from the odd ruck with Family.

    So lets see a smile on your face and we can go out and LIVE again.


    Be Well

    Win xxxx song to come later xx

  10. You'll be okay Jane you just need time and rest and no Stress !! 


    When you feel better let me know and I'll ruin your fav song xx


    Keep Happy when possible xx


    We take baby steps at first  so good luck on your recovery

    WinB143 xx

  11. Sad story Sammy but good,


    Your little girl was brave xx


    Make the most of being spoilt as they soon revert back to being like

    this  .."Ask your Mum ".

    Then you know you are better !!


    Good luck and slowly does it .


    WinB143 xx xx

  12. Good for you Michelle,


    You have the right spirit to fight this thing that interrupted us so suddenly.

    You have a good outlook as we survived so we are lucky to be given a second chance.


    You keep your spirits up and if you have a down day come on here and rant, as I have many a times. 


    You are a fighter so I have no doubts about you.  Good luck and do not overdo it though.  As the others say water and listen to your body. 

    Good luck Michelle




    WinB143 xxxxxx

  13. Welcome to BTG AD,


    Sorry but I have a tendency to shorten names.


    My Surgeon said to me "No Stress" so I always pass it on.


    It's a long haul but we made it so once more, Welcome to BTG and hope you get better every day



    WinB143 x

  14. Tec,

    You sound like me, but mine was cigs & drink and I was "God gave me epilepsy so he will take care of me as I have had my share of bad

    luck in life"  Think he was testing me though.


    If you don't believe in God,  sorry as I do. Also on a go slow as I am

    getting past it ha.    Life is good xx


    Hope you are well now.



    WinB143 xx

  15. It takes time but things do get better Leslie.

    I like the way you put my brain exploded !!


    Keep in high spirits and you will get better quicker.


    Singing helped me, never helped those around me though lol.


    Keep happy when possible and you will get better sooner.


    Good luck

    Win xxxx

  16. You  are so lucky can I touch you for luck ? 


    It's so good when you get those days


    Well done that's what you get for being a good Daughter. xx


    Keep well and no heavy lifting



    Winb143 xx

  17. I wish you well and if you feel rough or not right in yourself go  

    straight to hospital, better to be safe than sorry.

    My surgeon told me not to stress after my SAH.

    easier said than done !!

    So if you feel down try not to stress and all the best to you and

    b/f xx




  18. Hi Gail,


    Glad you joined BTG as I was going to try and lose some weight I've put on.  Not now !!


    I forget and always get headaches especially when under stress.

    But they are getting better.


    Things do get better though don't you think?  


    I was told never get stressed.  So I keep away from those who tell you their tales of woe.


    Keep happy when possible it is the best medicine and singing.


    Hope all is good at moment xx

    Win xx xx

  19. Good luck and I wish you well and if you need a chat

    about anything even if it seems silly do not worry as

    we are here to share our worries with each other.

    Hope your headache clears up and you'll be okay.


    WinB143 xx Try the green room for general chit chat if needed

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