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Posts posted by myratas

  1. Hi John

    I also suffer from severe balance problems since my SAH and it was the same artery as yours too, it also has become worse since my second coiling in July this year with the balance and dizzy spells it's not much fun being outdoors, although I have never been accused of being drunk I often have people stare at me.

    Penny is right no neuro surgeon can be certain that the SAH was the cause but my surgeon felt that it is something I will have to live with.

    Take care.

  2. Hi Garyolly

    Welcome to this site, we can all relate to not being the person we once were. Yes, it's still early days for you and recovery takes time, take it easy and get to know the new you. We are like a family here so we know how you are feeling.

    Love to hear more from you when you are ready.

    Take care.

  3. Hi Ash

    Welcome to this site, sorry to hear about your mum, she needs your support and time to recover. You also need to focus on yourself too. We are all all here for you when you need some advice or just a friendly chat.

    Take care.

  4. Hi Lin Lin

    A warm welcome to this site, I agree with not being yourself it is sometimes a hard struggle but in time you will get used to the new you.

    Hope to hear from you some more when you are ready.

  5. Sorry to hear about Mark's problems, as the others have already said mine is also not as severe as Mark's but I still do have problems with short term memory, it's very frustrating to be in such a situation such as Mark's and as well as yours.

    It was my physiotherapist who suggested to me to do some brain training which I do when I can and I think it has helped a little bit, I know each situation is different and the recovery period after a SAH I am still trying to recover and mine was over 2 years ago.

    Visit your GP and see what's available for Mark and for you too and don't forget we are also here for you.

  6. Hi Georgina

    Welcome to the site, I hope you find this website useful for you, we are like one big family here so if you need any help or advice just let us know.

    I can fully understand about fatigue because there is not one day that goes by that I don't suffer from that, so I can sympathise with you regarding that.

    Hope to hear from you some more when you are ready.

  7. Hi Karen

    A warm welcome to this site, it's still early days for you and recovery is different for all of us.

    It must be hard with small children I imagine but we are all here for you, when you are ready and need any advice you can find it here.

    Take care.

  8. Hi Anne

    It's a very difficult decision to make, I too have a untreated middle cerebral artery aneurysm and I am waiting for the appointment hopefully next month for coiling.

    It has been really hard to make a decision for me because there are more risks involved now and when speaking to my neurosurgeon and cardiologists last week it has not been good at all, that is one of the reasons I have been worrying a lot.

    Your friend perhaps can read some of the posts here to make a decision but as Karen has said ultimately it is his decision and he really needs the support and understanding.

    These past few weeks I have been in a turmoil, I can't win either way, there are risks involved not only with my brain now but also the heart, hence the cardiologist.

    Take care and let us know how your friend is getting along.

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