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Everything posted by Jigsaw

  1. I do understand what you are saying, I was walking through my village and stopped to listen to local school children singing carols, but this year I did actually stop, normally I walk just glance and smile at them while striding past! Tears were running down my face, I was recalling seeing my children that small and wondering where all the time has gone and not to miss anything from now on Happy Christmas xx
  2. I hope your time at home with the kiddies goes well, you will get lots of hugs and love! i also can understand how worried and anxious you must feel, I havent got two little children to worry about, mine are grown up, this must be harder for you! Take all the help you can get and rest as much as you can, take care, Linda xx
  3. Hi Debbie So glad you found behind the grey! So much of what you said also applied to me a year ago! I thought someone had broken in to my house and hit me with a sledge hammer!! Also my family have been amazing and Inwouldnt have made the good recovery I have without them. Try to listen to your body and give it the rest it needs, pushing yourself too hard will just made the next day harder. I do understand how hard it is to get the know the 'new you' - Im still struggling with that. Take care xx
  4. Hi Mary Your have been thro so much, down times help us to enjoy the days when you suddenly feel a bit calmer and happier! Try and rest and have more 'me time'. I know life can seem like you have a little black rain cloud above you but remember people care and can try to understand, big hugs xx
  5. Hi Karen and Jim Was lovely to hear about you both and the good things that have happened recently. The love you have for each other and from your family will get you through so much - My recovery wouldn't have been so quick if it wasnt for my family, it has bought us so much closer! Take care, big hugs x
  6. Hi everyone I try really hard to listen to my body because if I do too much, strangely I do not sleep as well! Its hard because I used to be a 100 mile an hour person! Ive also downloaded some relaxation apps that can help if only to stop me thinking and worrying about things that will really not be important the next day! x
  7. It was the night before we were due to fly home from Tenerife! I was having a shower - alone I really thought someone must have broken in and cracked me on the back of the head with a baseball bat!! A local doctor gave me a shot of something in the bum and said I had probably been in the sun too long. I somehow got home with a terrible headache and hiding from as many lights as I could, worrying really, flying with a head that had exploded, but Im still here and thank whoever was looking down on me every day x
  8. Sorry, realise you wrote on here a long time ago but your intro message was written so well and I have been feeling the same in so many ways! Coming home from hospital there wasnt any support - I am so glad I have found this forum and also Headway! I hope you have gone from strength to strength and still painting Take care, Linda x
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