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Posts posted by paul99

  1. terrific news so much for locked in syndrome I know of Northwick hospital but not the rehab unit so good luck with the move and the future please keep us up to date you have triggered my interest I would like to know more about the acupuncture if you have time take care and good luck to you all

  2. hi Yvonne

    don't you dare feel guilty sweetheart I have been through the same thing over four years ago, its still early days as such with a brain injury it takes time and support from family and friends and the medical team I would like to ask if your boyfriend is getting support from the medical team is he getting the rehab team working on him which is important. the fact that you only see him at weekends look for the changes in him there will be some no matter how small.

    Linda had a massive bleed but she is making tiny steps forwards and a couple backwards but she is still with me and I treasure each day and I can only wait until the next day to see what happens please don't feel guilty I do feel for you as it is a long haul from London and it must take an awful amount out of you talk to the family I know by your posting how you feel but you need time for yourself to be able to take a breather and rest. I have been with lin everyday since but I do have the odd weekend off and its when I go back to the home I realise how fresh and rejuvenated I feel .

    so hold in there girl things hopefully will get better as time goes on if I can be of any help give me a ring I will send a pm with my number if you want to talk look over on the top right hand side and click

    take care good luck and take time for yourself

  3. hi sweetheart

    im sorry about my outburst yesterday it was unforgivable and I apologise to you.

    having been fighting this same thing in regard to lin and seeing it printed on here made my blood boil. I was due to go to Birmingham this morning to see a barrister regarding the lack of care given to lin.

    and I had my eyes open wide this morning but the dr and hospital are in deep do do as new regulations came in last year regarding bleeds of the brain from the bma so im contacting them for a copy of there regulations fingers crossed I will get a copy, and hopefully it will help others.

    again I do apologise for my outburst.

  4. hi sweetheart

    this has made my blood boil im glad you have hubby home I really am

    you have a criminal case here talk to the local police and press charges for neglect abuse of a patient if you have names charge each one including the dr who was in overall charge of hubby or even get the press involved you have my number give me a call if you wish

    you have all my best wishes to you both and good luck with hubbys recovery

  5. hi Liz and welcome

    im glad mum made it and is now with you please take your guide from mum she will be very tired and lacking in energy but as long as the water levels are kept up mum should do well

    hopefully mum was given a discharge letter which hopefully you have kept open it, it will give you the information you need should god forbid should mum take poorly as Karen has said you can call nhs direct for advice or if you are really worried or scared something is not right call 999 they will not mind I really hope you enjoy the Christmas break and your time with mum good luck

  6. hi Mrs ac

    you are very early in your recovery and im pleased you have found us, do not rush yourself its going to take time for you to recover

    the hospital cannot force you to return to work until you are ready and capable to carry your duties out without causing a risk to your patients or yourself.

    and in all honesty I don't think the hospital will want you back until you are more able as your job is so demanding

    by the tone of your question it seems that you have some problems which has caused this concern either concentration memory short term or a physical problem which is fairly normal for survivors which hopefully we can help with as such by comments from others and how they solved their problems

    the hospital cannot force you to return to work until you are fit to work despite what drs may say you may have to go through loads of testing in the future which is something you don't need to worry about at the moment just concentrate on getting loads of rest and recovering good luck and hugs and cuddles

  7. I haven't commented so far I would tell the people coming to see him that a most nursing homes are not suited for brain injuries and that he deserves to be given a chance in rehab

    this is what happened to lin I believe that had lin been moved to a neuro rehab unit things may have improved even though it may have been the slightest of improvement

    i wanted lin home to look after her but five years down the line i found my health wasn't up to scratch. the home maybe more suitable it depends on his medical needs i know with lin i spend all day with her the home look after her when im not there but i know they do look after lin

    i have trodden on a lot of toes to make sure lin is well cared for your brothers fiancée can spend time with him .

    my heart goes out to the family this is a very hard time and very hard choices have to be made insist on rehab first just because a dr hasn't seen him move his hand doesn't mean he cant, can someone be there when the dr is present then get him to move whatever he can you haven't said which part of the country you are just wish you well

  8. just take one day at a time please my lin was very much like your brother her bleed was a class 5 plus I went through weeks where nothing seemed to happen but her eyes when she linked up with me I knew she was still with me that was enough for me.

    it is very very early days for your brother you are going to have some really heavy roller coaster rides over the next few weeks but as your brother seems to have come through so far we can only hope things will improve for him,

    but please be prepared for the odd step back in his recovery contact with him is good holding hands stroking his arm talking and just being there for him is all you can do for now,

    please take time for yourself make sure you share the load as well because if you overdo it you will not be able to support him later.

    I cant see why his friends cant see him it might be the thing to motivate him to get better the fact they keep asking about him means they think a lot about him it may very well be what he needs take guidance from the nurse's and drs

    and also give you a break start a diary that anyone can put something in which hopefully he can read when he is able

    but please take one day at a time and look after yourself as well you are just beginning to start a long road we will be here to support you and your brother hugs and cuddles

  9. hi Gail

    im sorry to hear how you are feeling, I had many times such as yourself it was a good friend who invited me to stay overnight with them both they took my phone and put me to bed , that really helped me it allowed me to have a good nights sleep which helped so much .

    the following day I felt better less stressed and more relaxed is there anyone who could give you that break and the children to allow you to get a good nights rest, because running a house and family is so draining you never rest.


    there could be many reasons as to how hubby is reacting frustration infection it could be the area of the bleed which may affect him and just down right boredom which neither you have any control over .


    I know I miss lin when im at the flat I've even cuddled a pillow when I try to sleep but I found it didn't work.

    the nurses are wrong to tell you hubbys going to be in hospital for months only the dr can make that call and I know they like to get the patient home as soon as possible.


    please make an appointment with the dr purposely to ask all your questions and get answers because it seems like you have been shut out unwittingly by the hospital staff write all your questions down before you go and if poss take one of your daughters for support.

    one thing maybe would help is take a child's basic jigsaw in with a pencil which he could hold in his mitted hands and the pencil to move the pieces around.

    im sorry I didn't pick up on this thread before today as lin has been causing concern at the home you have my number please use it despite what is going on with lin im always available to talk


    massive hugs and cuddles from both lin and me chin up girl

  10. hi sweetheart

    you need to try and delegate some of your jobs I felt like that in the beginning is there anyone who could step in to help short term to allow you to rest don't be too proud to accept help if offered one question

    are you eating properly or are you snacking or grazing if so you do need to eat a proper meal and I know its hard go to bed early I know you have young in the house but is there anyone who can help you within the family .

  11. hi gail

    hopefully the few days you don't see hubby as painful as they are you may very well see a change in him every time you see him for the better.

    thanks for response it has been a trial to say the least but hopefully there maybe some answers in our postings . I hope hubby will be moved a little nearer in the not too distant future which will make it easier for you and the family lots of best wishes and keep us up to date if you can it does help talking about things take care

  12. hi gail

    im sorry to read about hubby, it is early days so you are in for a long haul so to speak, I got lin a c/d player with her favourite tunes on for when I wasn't there,

    don't worry about the time it takes for hubby to recover lin had a Traci in for over three months post bleed, lins bleed was massive a class five plus bleed but took ever so long to make or start her journey and she is still making improvements and has more than the odd step backwards.

    I started a diary when lin was in hospital and im now on volume thirteen and still writing take one day at a time avoid allowing stress to build up in both you and hubby otherwise you wont be any good to him, keep everything light hearted and don't worry about things the agitation could be down to the blood being dispersed back into the body which can take up to three to four months.

    let the phyiso do their job and the speech therapist it will be better for him you will have more steps backwards but they do get longer between good days and bad and hopefully hubby will keep improving I will send you a pm with my number which you can ring anytime.

    Linda's story started five years ago and is still on going but im still hoping for more from lin her story is in carers support under my darling lin you may find many of your questions answered in my postings but if not call me anytime wishing both you and hubby well and best wishes to the family good luck

  13. hi Lesley

    take one day at a time log the changes you feel and talk to your gp or neuro nurse if you have one everyone is different it could be the changes involved in reducing the medication but to give you peace of mind talk to the gp lins withdrawal was very long and protracted so keep a record and if you feel unhappy contact the dr who told you to reduce I know its normal to take them for a year post bleed so one day at a time sweetheart but it is a step forwards good luck

  14. hi desy

    I am worried about what you seem to be experiencing - should be looked into by an neurologist who specialises in epilepsy at least for an eeg which will highlight the problem - please insist that you be referred to someone soon. or when god forbid when you are taken to a/e insist that you need to see someone - its ok for drs to come up with non epileptic fits they don't exist, ask to see and get an eeg it traces the electrical impulses of the brain and will highlight any crossed wires take care

  15. hi desy

    yes its normal for the dye to be used it highlights all the blood vessels so they can get a very good impression of any problems there maybe a sensation not unpleasant when the dye goes in but there will be no problems it is another type of angiogram more informative so no worries I had one yesterday at the hospital take some ear plugs the machine can be noisy and I drove home no problem.

    why don't you both go together and make a day of it if its like the hospitals I've been to you could have lunch in the cafeteria together its open to staff and patients relative's all the words are big but its not a problem I've had three now all close together and driven home if your lucky they will give you both a cuppa while you wait to have the catheter taken out of your arm look luck and let us know how you get on

  16. hi Julie

    having read your post do you get the smell every time you get stressed? if so I think you should see your GP I think it maybe an aura and should be investigated by a hospital neurologist I don't want to panic you but please get checked out please and asked to be referred or if your still under the hospital call the secretary hugs and cuddles sweetheart

  17. hi debz

    im so sorry to read your posting and hope it can be resolved sweetheart. although I have worked in the care industry I am thinking that your partner could be finding the whole episode uncomfortable as he cares for others he is caring for you when he comes home he may think its his job to look after you and may seem to be now 24/7 which maybe untrue but to him it might be this thoughts. has he been on here to see what you have said maybe it would help him comes to terms of what has happened

    Because it has affected him as well talking would be good but with someone who either understands what has happened and how it affects you and him. I know when lin collapsed my world was really blown apart and yes it has made me a different person and how I see things but I still love lin and spend as much time with her I hope things are not as bad as you think but I do think a frank talk would be good to see if things can be sorted out it could be he has problems at work and is taking things out on you, unwittingly I wish you both well and pray you can sort it out it maybe something silly but talk and see what happens take care xx

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