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Super Mario

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Posts posted by Super Mario

  1. Can't remember whether I have replied to this or not. If I have, sorry.

    Think very carefully before answering any questions as this short film made by Birmingham University will show you. I know it is about mental health issues but the principle is the same.


    Also beware of the doctor not recording the answers you give but what they think you mean to say.

    ATOS do not have a good record of getting it right.

  2. The right side is usually used for any type of angiogram but if, for some reason they can't use the right side they will use the left. If you noticed all the angiogram suites are set out to use the right hand side.

    This is from someone who has had both cardio and brain angiograms, 4 in total.

    What they may have said is if they can't use the right for some reason they would then use the left.

    Copied from duplicate thread, no wonder I couldn't find the original posts.

  3. The right side is usually used for any type of angiogram but if, for some reason they can't use the right side they will use the left. If you noticed all the angiogram suites are set out to use the right hand side.

    This is from someone who has had both cardio and brain angiograms, 4 in total.

    What they may have said is if they can't use the right for some reason they would then use the left.

  4. I actually get very frustrated and angry and shout at hubby an awful lot when I am trying to do something that I used to be able to do easily. In actual fact I try to do things that deep down I know I haven't got a cat in hells chance of managing.

    A classic example is decorating, I love it and used to do it all, especially wallpapering, so I alway try to still do it, only having to give up in the end. It is not easy trying to hold yourself upright on steps with one hand and hang paper with the other, in fact it is impossible and dangerous for me, as time has told me.

    Now I just have to get frustrated looking at rooms that are badly in need of doing with not a chance of doing it myself.

    I hate to get a decorator in, as well as being very expensive, I feel as though I have failed.

  5. There was a forum that was brilliant for benefit advice and it has now re-opened. One of the mods from the original is there and what he didn't know about benefits wasn't worth knowing. He is an ex welfare rights officer and ex DLA tribunal member.

    So for those of you who are seeking advice it may be worth a peek and to ask questions.


    I hope this is allowed and sorry if I have broken any rules.

  6. Ern Re: Invalid Carers Allowance is now called Carers Allowance and is only payable in respect of someone who receives the HRC component of DLA. The hours of care to be given are now 35 per week and the person doing the caring cannot earn more than £100 per week independantly.

    As you say, things will have changed.

  7. There are courses for anger management. Possibly these could be accessed through your GP.

    Why not go to see him/her and explain the problems that your hubby is having with his anger.

    No you are not selfish and uncaring, there is only so much a person can take.

  8. Hi John

    I also suffer from severe balance problems since my SAH and it was the same artery as yours too, it also has become worse since my second coiling in July this year with the balance and dizzy spells it's not much fun being outdoors, although I have never been accused of being drunk I often have people stare at me.

    Penny is right no neuro surgeon can be certain that the SAH was the cause but my surgeon felt that it is something I will have to live with.

    Take care.

    I often fall indoors when I am trying not to use my frame. I just say "I bounce well".:lol:

    I will never attempt to go out without it as it is too dangerous for me. I am dreading the time if I break something through falling, I will be totally cream crackered for mobility until it has healed.

    I also cannot bend over to do anything, like going down to get things out of the oven, I have to hang onto something with one hand to hold myself up or to do things like dusting the skirting board. These actions are almost impossible and if I do try I am left feeling very nauseous which can last for over a day. The result is that I have to have a cleaner for the house and hubby has to do the cooking.

    I used to do all our decorating but that is a no no now and I really miss that.

    Another thing that causes me to go dizzy is moving my head from side to side, I have to do that very slowly to prevent the dizziness. For this reason I am not allowed to drive anymore and crossing roads is a nightmare.

    Putting shoes, boots and socks or tights on is extremely difficult when I have to sit on the floor leaning against something and bend my foot up to my hands. Goodness how long I will be able to do that for and am dreading the time when I am going to need help to dress myself, possibly as I get older. I have to sit when showering as I fall over standing.

    It is difficult but I have learnt stategies to help me cope so that I can live life to the full to the best of my ability

  9. I was left with balance problems immediately after my SAH almost 7 years ago. They are so severe that I have to use a walking frame. I have also been accused of being drunk.

    My SAH was the same artery as yours.

    Neuro deny that the SAH was the cause and to look at my other medications. I was taking them for years before my SAH with no problems at all, so how could that be?

    I believe that the brain is so complex that even the most eminent neurologists do not know all the answers.

  10. Jess you have to tell your bank's insurance. I used to have insurance with my bank account. When they wouldn't cover me for my heart problems after they began I stopped it. Read their criteria very carefully because if you can't meet it you will not be covered for anything that may happen whilst you are away.

    Be very careful with travel insurance.

  11. I certainly know what you mean. I am still terrified of banging my head especially on the site of my VP Shunt as I feel that the bone is very thin there.

    The fear of having another bleed has all but disappeared now though, it is just my drain site I am wary of, 6 years down the line, even though it is of medical opinion that an assault by being hit on the head caused my aneurism to change dynamics and burst.

  12. Hi I was left with Terson's Syndrome and it can be cured. It is caused by debris that is left behind in the back of the eye when the blood that has forced its way down the optic nerve into the eye clears.

    A good eye surgeon will be able to take everything out, for want of a better word, and clear the debris. I had mine done under a local, a bit like cataracts, and it took about an hour.

    The snags are, you could be left blind in that eye, which wouldn't have made any differance to me as my sight was barely there and cataracts could develop early which can be cured.

    They actually tore my retina and I had an air bubble put in to hold it together and I had to keep myself in two positions alternately for 10 mins at a time with a 5 min sit up in between continually for 10 days. This is called posturing. It was very difficult to do, but what price your sight?

  13. I have found this, long reading but worth it. Could be a way to state your views.

    28 July 2010: Evidence sought for independent review of work capability assessment

    The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has asked Professor Malcolm Harrington to undertake an independent review of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) and make recommendations on the future development and efficacy of the WCA. The WCA determines which claimants are capable of undertaking work, or work-related activity. Professor Harrington has launched a call for evidence to gather information that is relevant to how the WCA is operating. This includes evaluating how the WCA assesses limited capability for work and limited capability for work-related activity. Responses should be sent to wca.evidence@dwp.gsi.gov.uk and the closing date for the call for evidence is 10 September 2010



    The Department for Work and Pensions has commissioned Professor Malcolm Harrington to undertake an independent review of the Work Capability Assessment, as required by section 10 of the Welfare Reform Act 2007. This call for evidence will be one of several methods used to gather information. Evidence submitted will be used to create a final independent report, which will be laid before Parliament.

    This call for evidence is aimed at organisations and individuals who have information that is relevant to how the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) is operating. This includes evaluating how the WCA assesses limited capability for work and limited capability for work-related activity.

    Purpose of the consultation

    How to respond to this consultation

    Please send your responses or queries to:

    Post: WCA Independent Review Team, Floor 6, Section B, Caxton House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NA.

    Email: wca.evidence@dwp.gsi.gov.uk

    Please ensure your response reaches us by 10 September 2010.

    When responding, please state whether you are doing so as an individual or representing the views of an organisation. If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, please make it clear who the organisation represents and, where applicable, how the views of members were assembled. We will acknowledge your response.

    The closing date for the call for evidence is 10 September 2010. A final report will be laid before Parliament and published in late 2010.

  14. Gary and John,

    I am absolutely livid to discover that they deduct any pension money from any benefit someone might receive.

    That is not strictly true, see below.

    This happened to me whilst I was on IB but the first £85 (a couple of years ago and the amount will have gone up now) of your pension was disregarded. The exception is:- if you get the HRC element of DLA you get the whole amount of benefit. Your pension is not taken into consideration at all.

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