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Hello to everyone!!

Guest PaulDerby

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Guest PaulDerby

Hi, my name is Paul Collins and you can read my sisters story on the home page, I am 31 years old and my sister is 36, she had the Subarachnoid Haemorrhage well over a year ago and slowly but surely she is getting better, her memory seems to be fine (although she had no recollection of when it happened, which I feel is a good thing) and she can now talk. I'd love to here other peoples stories especially if there is anybody else who spent so long in hospital and how they were a two or three years after it happened to them.

Thanks in advance


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Hello Paul

Wellcome to the site I read your story earlier on today but had a quick look before doing this because I'd forgotten..short term memory :?

I cant remember what happened either although I lost only 5 weeks which people thought was bad I have been very luckey & I know that, like you not remembering isnt a problem to me who wants to remember what happened when I was in hospital - I for one sure don't. :roll:

I think that 3 years after this happened I was still very fragile but slowly things were begining to make sense, it all seems to take a very long time the brain's something that can't be rushed.

Nice hearing from you hope you keep in-touch.

Take care


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