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Second "Aneu-versary" Anniversary

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Today is the second aneu-versary of my SAH.  I had mine (Age 55) while at work at a customer site doing a powerpoint presentation, 2 hours away from home.  I kept saying I was fine (my stubborn pride) as I was slurring my words and holding my head laying on the floor. 


Thankfully, they knew something was wrong and called 911.  The small local (rural) hospital did a scan and knew it was a ruptured aneurysm but had no neurosurgeons on staff.  They sent me to a major hospital 30 mins away.  They quickly drilled a hole in my head to relieve the pressure and scheduled surgery for the next day as it was a more rare Fusiform type that they had to plan for. 


They ended up coiling it versus open surgery, which worked.  I was there for 5 weeks as I had various issues with Vasospasm, Hydrocephalus, etc.  and they eventually put in a shunt.  I went thru Rehab and recovered fully with normal walking, talking and memory, etc.  My wife/family and friends were very supportive in my recovery and I returned to work after 3 months. 


One of the most satisfying things was when I went back for the 6 month follow-up and the neurosurgeon complimented me on the recovery and was calling other doctors and nurses in to "show me off" walking around with no issues, etc. He wrote in my report "The patient returns for follow-up.  He has made a miraculous recovery". 


I am blessed and happy to be alive/recovered when I know that many people, unfortunately, don't survive this terrible medical event.

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Congratulations on making such a good recovery. You went through such a lot but came out the other end almost unscathed. You certainly are blessed!


Clare xx

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Thanks Clare and I wish everyone positive thoughts who have to go through this ordeal.  I still get tired easily and get some mild dizziness once in a while, so not perfect.  But I feel blessed/lucky overall, considering.  I think proximity to the hospital and a great surgeon/rehab helped out. I definitely concur with a lot of the comments on here about symptoms.  If you are seeing symptoms, slurred speech, severe headache, etc. - don't always assume it's just a headache - go to a doctor.

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Hi Pete, and a warm welcome to BTG.


It's good to share your experiences with members who understand what you have gone through as you've  challenged SAH and survived the life threatening brain trauma. Well done. 👍

So important that you had that support from your wife, family and friends. I am sure your first five weeks had them on 'tenterhooks' many a time! 🤔


Getting back to work is always a big decision. So often coping with work's pressures result in your brain working 'overtime' to cope with things you took for granted before,  but so glad you seem to have got it right. 

The simple things like keeping well hydrated and recognising when to take a short break can help greatly.


Keep enjoying life, you've been given that second chance.😊





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Subzero:  Yes, I remember a co-worker/friend had told me right after I got out of the hospital:   "Do you understand?  You got a second chance at life - Don't screw this up".  He kept saying, "Seriously, Do you understand this"?  However, I think I didn't fully understand until I started Googling the survival statistics on brain aneurysms.  I do now have an appreciation for it.

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