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Terry Heney

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Hi all.

Terry here from Adelaide South Australia..

I'm 54 years of age and I have a problem.. Last weekend I admitted myself to a Hospital due to Heart rate up at 180 (Atrial Fibrillation)...problem was resolved over a two day period..Went to work following Wednesday but my head regarding little speach and not know exactly what my surroundings were my wife decided I should get back to Hospital. Anyhow to cut a long story short after many tests and scans there was NO EVIDENCE of I having a stroke YET due to the laws over here they were forced to place a driving ban on me for 4 weeks.. Fine I can live with that BUT with my work I drive a ute to companies to service fire extinguishers...Told my boss about the 4 week ban on driving and that after 4 weeks I would be clear by doctors to drive again...My company has deemed me a risk or liability so they are basically sacking me in 4 weeks time.. Any one out there believe the decision by my company on me is allowable ? In other words is this discrimination or unfair dismissal on their behalf..?



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Hope you get on okay ....others maybe able to help you later..anyway good luck...keep chin up x

Hope all goes well with You..

Do not know Aussie Law ..come to that I don't know Brit laws....Keep Well



Edited by Winb143
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