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Sensitive to light

Guest Cathy

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Guest Cathy

Hi, me being dense as normal read this morning someone was asking about being sensitive to light after two years. I have this problem, my computer screen has to be darker than normal as with lots other things. . Another thing is noise just can't cope with a lot of that either. I also saw about stroke and SAH my Dr says I have had a stroke because the right side of me is different in feeling etc.

I also have a fantastic book which I will put on site under books, I found it really good written in language which a lay person can understand. It might not be for a day or two I am changing from winter to summer clothes :lol: have to do it bit by bit not got a lot of steam left by the end of the day in fact start or middle. If the weather changes it is my fault sorry :!:

Today I have had to attend another meeting with my TU rep cos managment are arguing about what they are able to do for me because of buisness needs. Another occ health appt, they didn't like the first guess it didn't say what they wanted :mad:

It makes me wonder if they are triyng to get rid of me but I don't go easy :evil:

Take care,


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Hi Molly,

Good luck with the meeting .... what sort of work do you do?

I'm very light sensitive .... I've had to take to wearing a hat out in the garden now, as well as dark sunglasses. I was light sensitive before the SAH, but it's a lot worse now. I used to be a sun worshipper when I was younger, but now I opt to sit in the shade or under an umbrella.

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Guest Cathy

Hi Karen,

I don't know if I should say but with the DWP and believe me not an understanding employer for someone with disabilities. I have read what people think and I agree with a lot of the comments. I know how frustrating the system can be :



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Hi Molly,

I think that a lot of people post SAH/Stroke have had problems with their employers.....so I don't think that it matters who you work for....I personally haven't had any dealings with the DWP, but I don't think that anybody would think any the worse of you for saying who you work for, honestly... :) We all know that it's the bureaucracy that's the problem and the avoidance of paying out money, not the people who are administering it.

I hope that things go well at your meeting and that you're shown some compassion, so good luck....

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