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Guest jennybee

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Guest jennybee

Just introducing myself to the group - my mums in her early 60's and has just had another SAH caused by a cerebral aneurysm. She has had SAHs at various points in her life – first when she was 21, then again in her 50’s and now just last week another. She has had 2 emergency ops and 1 preventative one and it looks like they’ll have to do another. They tried coiling at the weekend, but no joy. Amazingly, she has survived all of this without any major disability. Had to retire early and has always been prone to great bouts of anger and moodiness. Anyway, I’m just looking for a bit of extra support – I’m an only child and my parents are divorced although great friends still. I’m in my late 20’s and thankfully living in the same city so can do lots to help. Can’t really believe its happening again, desperately worried mum’s luck will run out and wondering how I’ll keep it together over the next wee while. Having said that, she’s a tough lady and I take after her. I look forward to hearing from the group and hope that I can give some useful advice too.

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Hiya and welcome to the site,

Sounds as though your Mum has had a lot more, than her fair share...you too.....which I'm really sorry to hear about. Sounds as though you're a great support to her.....which I'm sure, must keep her going through this.

I had a warning bleed or mis-diagnosed at 38 yrs old and then I had the full blown thing at 42 yrs .... I still worry about the future, but when you have kids, they help you to focus on life ..... doesn't matter what age they are... I haven't been able to return to work and still have physical issues...it's a long hard road, that your Mum must only be too aware of. Just hope that you can find some solace here.....there's a couple of daughter's here.....Hannah and Clare that are members of this site...so hope that they'll also respond to you. They've also been very supportive with their Mum's....

Anything you want to ask, then please do...

Wishing your Mum well....

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Guest jennybee

Thanks Karen - yes, mum's been through the wars - and we've both known that given her history, something like this was likely to happen again and in a sense, she's had 11 years without anything happening and that is great. I just need to get her through the next while and hope that her toughness lasts a bit a longer. So glad I found this group - just reading through the posts has been great and given me a boost today and getting a response from you was lovely. Must be off - time to go to the hospital...

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Hi Jenny,

Glad that you've found this site helpful .... after having 2 SAH's, I still fear for the future, but have become more accustomed to the fact that it could happen again .... think that you learn to live each day to its fullest ....but your Mum sounds like a tough lady and with you helping her through, it will help her mentally .... I know that my kids have helped me and I wasn't willing to give that up ... there's some lovely people on this site, who'll give you support ... so keep strong and so will your Mum.....


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Guest Hannah

Hi Jenny,

I'm glad you found this site. I can't believe what an awful run of bad luck your mum has had and I can't really imagine how hard it must be for you going through this with her again. You need to keep your hopes up though because your mum has survived 2 previously and brain surgery is such a fast moving area of medicine, the treatment is constantly evolving and improving. The treatment that she is getting now is probably so much better than in the past, perhaps they will try and clip the aneurysm/s.

I'm 28 and an only child and my mum had a SAH last September. It seemed to me that being an only child seemed to make a difficult situation worse, do you have family and friends around you to support you?

From what I can gather, the doctors tend to tell you the chance of having another SAH is about the same as anyone else on the planet, have the doctors mentioned why your mum seems predisposed to them?

You just need to keep telling yourself that she's an old hand at this, she's done it before and she can do it again. Please let us know how she gets on.

My thoughts are with you and you mum, take care


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Guest jennybee

Thanks Hannah - yes, I think being an only child in these situations can make things tricky. Mum's feeling guilty for putting this all on me, and I feel very responsible for looking out for her - but thankful that rather than being 15 again and dealing with this, I'm a (relative!) grown-up and have a better support network for myself. Don't know why mum has so many of these - she seems to have had clusters all over the place. At the moment there is one big one that has burst and then a few wee ones that are in the same area, but haven't blown yet. As coiling didn't work, clipping is the next option, although risky. An option might be to get her through this critical time and leave things as they are. Hope a re-bleed doesn't happen. Anyway - I might put more chat on one of the main discussion boards rather than the introductions. Just so good to know there are other people out there who've been through all of this. Thanks for saying hello. Jenny.

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