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Threatened Closesure of My Local Neuro Centre!

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Hello Guys

I don't know if this is appropriate or not. If not Karen/Keith just remove post.

There is currently a consultation of the NeuroCentres in Scotland and the proposal is to close local Services and Locate to the Central belt. This I think would be madness especially as we know how important it is to get help as soon as possible.

I would be grateful if you could fill in the questionnaire and to email the link to as many folk as possible. Even though you have no experience of my particular hospital you will be able to draw from your own situation.

www.scotland.gov.uk/neuroscience Web address.

click on ways to get involved then An online questionnaire is now available

This I just copied from email

Hi folks we've gone from Petition to Questionnaire.

I would be really grateful if you could take 15 mins to fill out this Questionnaire. I know some of you have already been helped by Ward 40 and for the rest of you it is somewhere you will hopefully never have to avail off, but really we never know what is ahead of us.

I Think it is crucial that we have a local service that can deal with any problems as quickly as possibly rather that the 3 to 4 hours down the road. Especially at a time when every second counts.

I don't think Donald or I could have coped without having the support of our Family and friends coming into visit.

Donald had to stay in Edinburgh for a week (when I was at the Western Infirmary) It was much less stressful for him when he was able to return to our home for the rest of my treatment in Aberdeen.

Thanks Folks

Aine xox

PS if there is not unit in Aberdeen, that means alot of Nurses,Dr, O.T's Physio's etc will be surplus to requirement.

"Can I please encourage all of you to take some time to complete

the online questionnaire being conducted by an external research group

in the potential significant reduction/closure of neurosurgery in Aberdeen

and Dundee.

This is important as this report will go to Nicola Sturgeon ( Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing,

Deputy First Minister, Deputy Party Leader) who will have the final say...."

Many thanks

(PS it takes about 15 mins)

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Hi Aine

Just thought I'd say that I got this Emailed sent to me by Aine, thank-you Aine but I couldnt fill it in I'm going to have to get Ronnie to help me when he's got time, this is due to my disability Aine not because I dont want to fill it in.

Just thought I'd mention that incase there is anyone else that has the same problem.....

Take care


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Hi Louise

No Worries, I took abit of time as well. Have a go if you have time and are feeling up to it.

update on my Consultant. I had heard he had left. Not left as yet but will be going in Feb. But I'll hopefully get the results of my Scan from him in the next week or 2.

Aine xox

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