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long/ short haul flights after SAH

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Hi ya,

I had my SAH near the end of July. I've been truly lucky with how I've recovered.

Any how, my hubby and I, flew around the world in November, it was grand. We flew from Heathrow to L.A and stayed there for nearly a week. Then we flew to Hawaii for nearly a week. Then flew to Australia, Sydney for over a week, and finally flew to Singapore for four days. So you see there was a few flights involved in between. We eventually flew back to Heathrow, and then to Aberdeen.

I understand how you are uneasy about the thought of flying, believe me so was I, but the folks on here helped to reassure me. I also had the okay from my consultant.

Good luck on what ever you decide because it's what you feel happy with not anyone else.

Take care,

H xx

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Thanks, I recovered well as well but it seems since I have passed my one year anniversary that I have started getting headaches and other symptoms, so thats why I'm unsure. Have been to America and really loved it so very undecided!! Your holliday sounds fab, was it already planned or was it decided after you had been so poorly?

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Hi tennissmithy

Did anything else change after a year? i.e. are you back at work, or pushing yourself harder? Sometimes as time passes we expect more of ourselves - I just wonder if that ties in with your headaches?

I think if you choose to go on long-haul flights then you need to follow best practice, and the advice about moving around etc - but I would think more about how relaxing the holiday might be - if that's the plan, that could do your headaches lots of good... :)

On the other hand, if you think the flights will make you anxious, then have a quick chat with your GP first to reassure you.

Hope that helps,

Blondie x

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Our holiday was booked back in January of this year, it was for our 25th anniversary in November.

I agree with Blondie. When I push myself to do too much in one day my body tells me so. I realise that now after my replies I've had on here. Check out my post on "Giddyness" in the Greenroom dated the 3rd Dec. I think we all experience sudden changes from time to time that we've never experienced before our SAH. I suppose it's a way for our brain/body to say to us take it a little easier. I'm sure you know this already, but it's grand to discuss things that are similiar to other peoples uncertainties.

Take care, H xx

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