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sorry what are TIA's?

michelle C

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Guest ElaineW

Hi Michelle

A TIA (transient ischaemic attack)are s symptoms similar to a stroke but less for a much shorter length of time, it is mostly caused by a small blood clot that gets stuck in the brain. A small blood clot is likely to break up quickly therefore no permanent damage is done to the brain and the symptoms go quickly. Hope this helps.


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Hi Michelle,

http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/23068981/ - This webpage may be helpful..... From what I've read over the years as a migraine sufferer with aura, that a migraine could perhaps be a Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) and can mimic the visual disturbances that a migraine sufferer can have ...... I often wonder whether there is a link between migraines and blood vessel problems .. but, haven't found much info on the subject.

I believe, that you could possibly have a TIA without really noticing it, especially if you are a migraine sufferer and experience the aura .... To have an explaination of the aura click on http://headaches.about.com/od/migrained ... a_ache.htm for a picture of migraine aura click on http://www.migraine-aura.org/site/conte ... all_en.jpg ..... I experience zig-zag lines and a feeling of "not being all there" before the migraine headache kicks off ..... that normally takes 20 minutes...... it's also known as Scintillating Scotoma and there's a good visual piece on You Tube if you want to have a look....http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gV_37cao38U

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Guest Beth1957

When I was talking to my neurosurgeon & neuroradiologist while looking at my angiogram results, the latter asked if I got migraines or occasional inexplicable attacks of tiredness, pins & needles, numbness in left arm etc - either together or separately. I have had; he said these - or some of them - could very well have been caused by small bleeds.

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Hi Karen

Thanks for that i have had a quick look (kids, Tea etc)...need to look again WOW though, i think i mentioned the "flashing Tinsel" that no-one seems to know what the heck i have been talking about since SAH happened and afterwards.well it looks sort of like the scintallating scotoma only when i had the sah it was huge wriggling silver tinsel thing and it was about 10 times the one shown and it grew starting off at about an inch to taking over my whole vision. i have had it on and off since but not for the last two months..i find them totally shattering and cannot do anything for the rest of the day...interesting though my neurosurgeon and radiologist had no idea. Thanks again Karen very interesting..i did wonder if something like that could have happened to cause my leg/foot problem...i have had numbness in leg..left arm..

Hi Beth....Hi Evelyn

Sending love luck and laughter


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Hi everyone,

Yes, it is an interesting subject and Michelle, the aura or scintillating scotoma starts (for me) as a dot of light, almost like looking at a light bulb and my eye not being able to re-adjust and then the zig-zag increases, until it fills my eye. It's like a shimmering zig-zag, very distinct .....quite scarey when it's your first one.

I can time mine to a tee now, it's always 20 minutes before it goes ..... and the aura warns me, that I'm going to have the Mother of all headaches, so I quickly pop some pills. I'm also unable to drive when it happens and if I'm cooking, then I stop, as it's dangerous and I also know that it's going to knock me for six in the tiredness stakes.

I take one beta blocker a day and it seems to help control things, as I know that experiencing this type of aura, isn't good for you.

Just found another website that has some good info on it http://www.revoptom.com/index.asp?page=2_967.htm

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Hello Karen

Thanks again i have had a look at the other site...i am amazed because it looks just like the one i had and have had after SAH/Stroke, all the ones i had were silver from start to finish and wriggled like a worm!!!

i have only had one that was coloured..i always wrote them down in my diary and the coloured one worried me the most i think i just got used to the silver one (how silly)...especially as it mentions a stroke..

When asked do i get blurred vision i always said no...not realising that they meant when reading or just looking at something i thought they meant all the time..but yesterday when Elisha wanted me to read her project on the computer to check it i did and without realising that the words go blurred and i am forever screwing my eyes up and blinking when reading that i have been doing that for a while.(how daft am i) i have had an eye test last year and they said my eyes are just the same (even though i still have to wear my sunnies outside and i am trying to wear the light ones not so much inside(but still get eye pain when the light is too bright) so i dont know what to do next ....

Why do you take Beta blockers...do they stop them from happening ???

Sorry for more questions....and thanks again it is very intersting....

Love luck and laughter


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Hi Michelle,

I've never experienced the coloured ones ..... just the flickering zig-zag .....

The beta blocker definetly seems to help prevent them, I do got the odd one, but not quite so often now. I was put on the beta blocker for the heart flutters and anxiety at first .... but when I mentioned to the Doc about the aura + migraine, then he said that he would keep me on them indefinetly ..... but my meds are reviewed every 6 months and he always checks on the migraines... I haven't had one for 6 months (which has probably tempted fate now!) ....

Yes, the beta blocker should help to prevent the aura ..... I take Propranolol ....

Do you get the headache after the aura?

Like you, I am also v.light sensitive and wear sunnies in the house if it's bright ..... but I was the same pre-SAH and I find that if I catch very bright sunshine, then it can trigger the aura and then the migraine. It might be worth trawling the internet for light sensitivity or I think that the posh word is, photophobia .... I shall have a look in a second.

When Eric bought the new plasma TV at xmas, I was even wearing sunnies to watch it at night, as I found it v.bright....

My long distance vision is fine ...... but anything close up, then it's rubbish .... I'm also even more colour blind post SAH and I failed miserably with the test. I need to go back to the Optician really, but have bought some cheapy reading glasses from Asda for about £2.50 for 2 pairs, so I'm making do with those at the minute....

If you're getting the aura, then you need to go back and see your GP ..... print off the picture of what you see and take it with you ....

Love K xx

Have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photophobia

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Hi Karen What would i do without you your fantastics.. :D

The last "flashing tinsell" i had was 28th october 08, they last about 20-25 minutes and on some days i have head/eyes pain above left eye and back of head ....scary when i looked back and my blood pressure is little higher....i have had them and they have woke me up and i sometimes go back to sleep or waiting till its gone....and have had it where it goes and then comes back on again 20 mins later then have gone to sleep thats happened twice at night. Otherwise they occur in the daytime......i hav'nt done anything about them because i havn't had one since October and with my leg/foot problems they have been on my mind alot (roll on thursday). I also get black spots/dots all the time.

As for the TV my brothers got one and i feel i have to stand against the wall :lol: far too bright and far too big.

Sending love luck and laughter


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Hi Michelle,

I also get the spots and a wiggly worm type of thing in my eye ...... they're called Floaters and again, those started long before the SAH ....http://www.medic8.com/eye-disorders/floaters.htm

You should definetly go back and see your GP about your eyesight and the aura ...... I know that you're probably fed up with seeing the Docs etc ..... I certainly know how that feels, but it is important to get it checked and hopefully the Doc will be able to help.

Love K x

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Hi Karen

Yes i know you're right...i mentioned it to Neil and he said he will print it off... thanks again your'e STAR.

I find it so amazing that neurologist don't know what they are!!!

Sending luck love and laughter


Ps Neils boss is home now and is on bed rest and BP tablets

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No problems Michelle, anytime ..... it's something that I looked into, quite a while ago ..... I've had a few things that seem to have dominated my well-being ..... from quite a young age and I often wonder whether they're connected with the final outcome of a SAH.

It was a very interesting subject to raise ..... I'm just in the throws of starting another project for BTG and eyesight problems/migraine/aura/diplopia etc will definetly feature....

Please make sure that you go to the Docs and hopefully, they can ease the problem for you ..... but, suffering Aura's aren't good for you and should be avoided.... whether or not, you've had a SAH.

Oh, I forgot to ask .... do you know what artery was affected in your brain, when you had the SAH?

So glad to hear, that Neil's boss is now home ..... wishing him well....

Love K x

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Hi Karen

Well we think it was the right carotied. they said it was behind my eyes sorry for being vague but the last sick note said right but we were told it was the left side behind the eye???.

Its three months now since the last coiling and i have had more headache but i was putting that down to me doing as my consultant said and try to wear my sunnies less....i have done ok today with my sunnies off most of the day (its not been too bright) but now i have eye/headache....

I'll not ask what a diplopia is then i'll wait for the project :)

Thanks Karen

Ps magnesium not sure about that one but i have been aniemic (spelling) three times...

Love luck and laughter


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Hi Michelle,

It might be worth finding out for definite, what artery was affected....

Mine was the post right communicating artery that affected my right eye (third nerve palsy), but I stroked on the left hand side of my body.

Diplopia is the medical term for double vision....

Good luck Michelle, hope that you can start to get some of your problems sorted out ..... it feels like a huge mountain to climb...

Love K x

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Hi Karen

Thanks.. mmm that adds another thought. when i was in hospital both times and i remember it very clearly that the consultant and registrar on seperate occasion asking if i was ambidextrous. i did ask why but just got oh its ok???

Yes i think we need some answers...it was a waste of time going to see them just before xmas and after the wait (1 1/2 hours) i was shattered.

I feel like i am climbing a bigger mountain now than after the first one!!

Thanks again

Love luck and laughter


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  • 3 months later...

Michelle, Karen thank you both, am now going to follow up all those links, they are ringing some very loud bells in this old head :lol: I don't think it will be tonight though as today has not been my best day ever. I wonder what we would all talk about if we met and had the pub to ourselves :wink: I bet there would be an awful lot of info swaps and a great deal of noise :wink: I add more another day

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  • 4 months later...

I had a TIA 7 weeks ago Michelle, There wasnt any pain as such just the loss of my left side mainly in Arm and Leg oh and Tongue, Quite a Strange feeling really, Mine started at 6.30pm and ended at 11pm roughly.

Am now almost back to normal or as normal as i was before. i just get Tired and have a slight weeknes in my left arm still.

Hope this Helps


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it's also known as Scintillating Scotoma and there's a good visual piece on You Tube if you want to have a look....http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gV_37cao38U

I am so glad this thread has popped up again. I have had two of these sensations in my eyes since the SAH. The first one happened on the day after I came out of hospital. And of course I freaked out and had a panic attack. My daughters called an ambulance and I was taken to the local hospital, but they obviously didn't known what it was. The other one was just last week , the day after my angiogram. This time I just rode it out until it disappeared.

The only way I could describe it was I had a coloured pixelated pulsing area in my sight. They both disappeared after about 20-30 minutes. I didn't get a headache after them. Now I know what they are I won't stress so much but I will certainly be telling them at the hospital when I go for my check up in October.

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