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Posts posted by sallym25

  1. Hi Vicky,

    I just read the post you left for 'Harrywatch'. I'm impressed by the wisdom you show for someone so young. (that's meant to be complimentary. Hope it comes across that way. ( I'm duff with words) xx

    " trying to adjust to the person I am now, rather than the person I was then" You should be really proud of yourself for being that close to acceptance. I'm 19 months post op now and still strugglilng to do that. I know it's the right way to go, but I'm totally convinced we can't MAKE ourselves do it! It comes when you're ready. You go girl! Sounds like you're already ready and well on your way back. xxxxx

  2. Jan,

    I'm sorry to hear you have such a decision to make. I can't imagine how that must make you feel. Such a big thing to hve on your mind. I've always been the type to mull things over for ages. Whatever you decide to do, we will all be here wishing you well. It does sound like your mind is made up already and I can understand why you'd want to speed it through. Please let us know when your final decision is made. We are behind you all the way.

    Sally xxx

  3. Hi Harry,

    Welcome to the site. "My whole world feels as if it's fallen apart". I remember that feeling only too well. It definitely does get better. We are all very different with our recoveries, but I don't think anyone has ever said it was quick. You need to give yourself more time. I found improvements were sometimes so slow it was hard to even notice them. When I look back in time, they're so much easier to see. Part of my visual field was lost and I'm finding that quite difficult to accept. My awareness of surroundings and goings on has improved quite a bit over time too. I was concerned I'd always be " in a world of my own". Not now though with all these new friends to help support me through it. I had my rupture 19 months ago now. You've come to the right place. Everyone is great. There is always someone there to help.

    Take care and look after yourself. Baby steps all the way.

    Hope to hear more from you soon.

    Sally xx

  4. Hi Vicky,

    welcome to the forum. I personally haven't heard anyone else mention any sinus problems, but here are lots of people on who have been here much longer than me. Hopefully someone will be able to give you some advice. I hope you're not overdoing things. You have gone back full time quite quickly. Remember you will need lots more rest than you did before. Hope we will hear more from you soon.

    Sally xx

  5. Hi again Dawn.

    Incapacity benefit has been replaced by Employment Support Allowance. They will no longer consider new claims for Incapacity. The ESA has a different list of rules for enabling anyone to qualify. I myself have an appeal in progress for it , and I believe Gill is about to do so too. It's an absolute nightmre. They say I'm not ill enough to recieve any benefits, but not well enough to return to driving yet! :crazy:

    Sally x

  6. Hi Dawn,

    I have been unable to return to my original job ( not driving now), but have been doing one day a week (saturdays) in a local shop. I do enjoy it but I'm unsure how the owner views my progress there. I have tried arranging to go out in the evening afterwards,but find I immediately need to sleep for acouple of hours instead. I just dont seem to be regaining energy in the way I'd like to. :frown: I can't continue in this way though as the financial situation is pretty grim.

    Sally x

  7. Hi Traci,

    I had propranolol from day 1. I only came off it about 6 weeks ago, so in total I took it for 17 months. I never really understood what it was meant to do for me, but on the whole, I don't believe I had any issues with over anxiety. Perhaps they were working for me the whole time then? Hope they do that for you too.

    Sally xx

  8. Sandi,

    thanks for bringing this to my attention. I seem to be finding lots lately, that I haven't noticed before. :roll:

    Before my SAH, aahh, the memories... wish I were like that now! I was full of confidence, out every Saturday night, smoked 20 a day, worked hard, (and was proud of that) always on the go, hurry, hurry. Size 8:biggrin:slightly haggard:eek6:.. well... I was in my 40's you know! hence...opened the facelift fund!:devil: Always had high hopes for the future too.

    NOW!!! Am devoid of any energy at the four hour mark. Look( and feel ) confused a lot of the time. Hate it when I see people looking curiously at me. :frown: Am half blind, not allowed to drive, size 12, and the facelift is mega overdue! Note to neurosurgeon.. If "client" is in need of "tightening",

    she must deserve it now, be nice! :-P As for the future, I need to be looking after me, not, running after others. A care home is starting to have some appeal.:frown:

    My aim now is, get the children to adulthood and relax.

  9. Hi Pete,

    I re read your initial post and am still not sure how long ago you had your surgery? I myself was clipped rather than coiled so I really don't know how they work it. While I was in the hospital I was seen by the psychologist and the opthalmologist. It could possibly be one of these consultants I guess, or, as you say they may want to check their work. I'm sure if it was anything to worry about they wouldn't let it wait. So you take it easy and try to relax. We are all running back and forth to the hospital regularly on here. Hope It all goes well and keep us up to date.

    Take care

    Sally x

  10. Welcome Sandi,

    Wow!! I think you need to give yourself a wee break. Like Lynne says, you will only get yourself down by pushing too hard. Take things slowly and you'll find yourself feeling more positive. I have overdone it in the past and learned the hard way. Good luck with your continued recovery. Hope to hear again from you soon.:-D

    Sally. xx

  11. Hi Win,

    Welcome aboard! Great to hear how well you're doing.:-D

    This is just the best site ever for advice and support. Everyone is so friendly and help is always offered with any questions you may have.

    Keep up the good work. Hope to hear more from you soon.

    Sally xx

  12. Hi Donna,

    I claimed ESA immediately after having my SAH. They agreed it. It was done over the phone and my first payment came quickly.They have since sent me for two medical assessments, and after the second, said I no longer qualified and stopped the payments from that date. I appealed straight away (last june) and am still waiting for the hearing now 8 months later. Will let you know when I eventually hear from them.

    Sally xx

  13. hang in there, it does get better...slowly but surely


    Hello there Pete,

    Like Kel says... slow and sure. I am 18 months post clipping now, so I'm a veteran in comparasin to you, and I'm amazed you felt able to do any work at all as early as 3 weeks. i was still in the hospital at that stage. By the time they discharged me, I felt a bit alien. Well done for that. Be proud of yourself. We are all so different in terms of recovery times, but that has got to be the speediest I've ever encountered. Please take it slowly and don't be disappointed if you find you have to pause for a long but well deserved rest. You have had such a massive trauma to deal with, that expecting to bounce back so quickly might be pressurising yourself too much. Hope it works the way you want it to, but be prepared for the fatigue to be pretty long term. I just love the expressions you used " the fizz has gone from the lemonade", and no "joie de vivre" . I was quite confused by " am i out of motivation or have I just no energy"? It's hard to know the difference.

    I recently tried taking a job, which, due to weather conditions and the festive season turned almost full time. Unfortunately I discovered my cognitive problems are more obvious to others than I had originally believed. I am now trying to decidde if I am just a liability to the company owner rather than an assett. :frown: Time will tell.

    No matter what, All we can do is our best. Am sure you will find this site a great source of support, as I , and many others have. Hope you continue to improve at such a speedy rate, Keep us updated.

    Look forward to hearing how everything goes for you.

    Sally xx

  14. Hi Debbie,

    I am exactly one year on from you, Had my clipping in June 09 . I am exactly as you describe " Nothing to say and cant be bothered" to make the effort to join in conversations, I was never that way before, always the chatty, excited one. I've not had any counselling, but recently requested it and am waiting for a new first appointment due to the weather putting a stop to the allocated one. I say Go For It, Cant do us any harm. We could compare notes along the way too.

    Good luck, hope the queue isn't too long.

    Sally xx

  15. John,

    Congratulations. Thats just great news. Do you know if this has just been a case of them reconsidering their original decision? I ask this because they hadn't asked you to attend appeal hearing. I am expecting mine to come up early in the new year as I have been waiting now since June. They did, at one time send me a letter saying they had looked at it again and were still agreed that I no longer qualified. How great this has happened for you at this time of year when we all need that little bit extra. :biggrin: Yippee!!!:biggrin:

  16. Hello Lynne,

    Good to hear from you, but sorry you feel as you do. I didn't know my aneurysm was there till it burst, and am told I don't have any others, so haven't had to think about anything going on in there. I know there are some others who have had to deal with what you're going through and am sure they will drop by soon with any help they can give you. Have you seen a neuropsychologist at all? I think they would possibly be the ones to speak to about these fears. I am going to see one myself on Monday. Hope you can find someone to help you with it soon.

    Are you back at home now? I hope so.

    Take care.

    sally xx

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