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About Mrsherring

  • Birthday 27/10/1969

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    Kent, UK

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  1. Hi Charza I am sorry to read about your experience. I had a NASAH on Christmas Day 2022 with no specific cause. I'm doing fairly well physically but the emotional / mental side is tough as I am also in the depths of menopause. I haven't experienced the jerking you speak of, how horrible for you and sleep deprivation is awful. I can't see when you experienced your bleed but I am going to assume it was fairly recent. Whenever it was, please speak to your doctor as there must be something they can do to help, even if it is temporary assistance with sleep medication - not wine! Same You is an excellent charity - there might be something on there to help you with, here is a link. https://www.sameyou.org/resources I am sure you have heard it before, but be kind to yourself and treat yourself with love and care. Best wishes, Anne x
  2. Thank you Jean for your kind words. I am feeling the positivity from you! Xx
  3. Thank you for your lovely message. My Christmas Day was peaceful. I love that quote “fear isn’t the place to be”. I shall try to remember that. Xx
  4. Definitely not a fraud - it all sounds quite similar to my experience. I just struggle massively with the fear of it happening again but I have received very good counselling. This site is so helpful, informative and reassuring. Thank you for sharing your story. X
  5. Hi Michelle - I am new on here so not sure if I am replying in the right place. I am sat here crying as I read your post. I am a year post NASAH and seem to live in huge fear of it happening again (happened Christmas Day 2022 for no reason, I was dancing to goofy music and kapow, it occurred). I have had really good counselling but today has been tough due to quite strong head pains, I have been so scared. I have also been scared of looking at this particular chat feed on this forum - but I did and I am sobbing because of the positivity! Oh my Lordy - having a NASAH and full on menopause is fun! Anyway, I won’t ramble on but just want to say thank you for your lovely, positive post. Anne xx
  6. Hi there, not quite sure how to navigate this site so I might be replying to your post in the wrong place. I find it really inspiring that you are running - I am too scared to run since my NASAH last Christmas Day (not the one just past). I was dancing to goofy Christmas music and kapow, it struck me, age 53. I do swim as it helps my mental wellbeing. A year on and I still struggle mentally and today I have had sharp pains in my head that really scared me. I just want someone to say “you are going to be ok”. It is tough at times. However I do know how lucky I am and as I say, I have found a comfort and reassurance in your post. I need to be more “Clare”! Anne x
  7. Sat here crying! What a lovely message to read. I am approaching my first year anniversary (Christmas Day!). No idea what caused my NASAH so the fear and anxiety have been huge. I have just seen a title on here called “NASAH - will it happen again?” - I am too scared to click into it for fear of what I may read. I clicked on your story instead, thank you for the fantastic, positive post. X
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