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whats the point


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As a carer most things that happen i can see the point of, but Merrill started to see o/t and physio and they both set her goals to achieve which to me makes sound sense little steps forward is how i see this but physio has started to send an assistant round once a week and all she does is walk 100 yds to the shop and back and thats it, although Merrills mobility is poor and she moves slowly i try to take her for a 15 minute walk each day as told to by the o/t so i don't understand why someone comes once a week to walk 100 yards and that is their job done what is the point of that or am i missing something .

thanks Rod

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rod i think the ot has a point admittedly you are excersising merrill but the ot asst will push mel further than you or i would push mell yes it seems a waste but mell might take it from a stranger pushing whereas you or i would proberly get a mouth full for pushing her lol give it a chance rod will call you tomorrow night take care hugs and cuddles to mell

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Rod, I can fully understand your frustration but think about this. Not all patients do as their physio/OT ask so it's probably good for the physio's assistant to make sure that Merril does;-) Or maybe the physio can't think what else to do with the assistant, it must be difficult sometimes and maybe you and Merril look kind;-)

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