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Non-aneurysm SAH In Indiana USA

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Hello everyone, I had my Non-aneurysm SAH on May 25,2021.  After 5 days in Intensive Care and 3 days in hospital follow-up care I returned home.  I had just retired in January 2021 so it has been a long year.  The forum has allowed me to realize I am not alone in my everyday struggles of severe headaches, light sensitivity and fatigue.  Thank you to everyone who has posted and shared your life experiences as it helps.  

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Hi Gary :) 


A very warm welcome to BTG.

So glad the forum has helped you realise you are not alone in your everyday struggles.

Hopefully you can now begin to enjoy your retirement and things starting to improve.


We look forward to hearing more from you and how you are doing. Also feel free to join in the daily banter in the Green Room, we are a friendly supportive bunch.


Take care

Tina xx

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