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One in a million!!

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Hi everyone,

Had my SAH in Sept 09 and during my follow up mri was told I would need more coils in aneurysm. Had angio to confirm this was best option and in Nov last year went in for procedure. As you are all aware it is so easy to get yourself worked up about having more surgery...anyway when I came round in ITU the consultant informed me that he was not able to put more coils in as the stent that was supposed to be under aneurysm wasn't completely covering it and coils kept coming out.

I had to go back yesterday and he has been talking to other neurologists and the firm who manufactured stent and he wants to put another stent in. He said he has never come across this before (bl**dy marvellous!)

You are fed all the risks etc which seem small in comparison to how bad things were when it happened but I didn't want to be told I was 'one in a million'

Has anybody heard of similar cases, it all feels a bit overwhelming at the moment.

Thanks for being out there...you are all a great help x

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Hi Steph,

different to you but I had a very rare condition called a dural fistula.

I've read that is also in the 1 in a million category. When I went up for my pre-op appointment the nurse said that they were looking forward to me coming in as I was

an exciting case, not really what I wanted to hear.

I wanted them to use words like routine or straightforward !

I'm only up the road from you in Worthing, are you being treated at Hurstwood Park ? I know that you are in good hands if you are.

My op was last Oct and I just trusted the experts to do what they do so well (can't say that I wasn't just a little concerned though :shocked:)


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I too was an unusual case in that my anni didn't rupture but I did suffer vasospasms during the op. My surgeon & his co surgeon both said they had never seen that before as it's usally after a bleed that vasospams take place! Didn't make me feel any better but I am even more grateful that I recovered so well & only have problems with my right eye & hardly any oher physical defecit.

Good luck with your op & the subsewuent recovery don't forget to keep us up to date with your progress xx

Edited by bagpuss
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