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hi everyone,its been a while since being here ,im having a lot problems at the mo shifting my weight anyone have any suggestions,i dont eat alot but ive put on a stone and half my clothes no longer fit me its really getting me down ,ive been walking a lot, the weight seems to be round my back and legs,also i was washing up and i had this sort of heavy weight on my head it really freaked me out ,im lying down at the moment to see if it passes and my forehead feels tight ,anyone got any advice.my heads sore to touch,i hate things like this happening to me.

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Hi Bay

I to have gained weight. I was very fit before SAH but now about stone heavier. I have only just started to excercise properly now 8 months on. Mine is mostly my middle and legs so just trying to concentrate on that area. I used to get headaches a few months back if i did to much. So maybe your headaches are because your doing to much.

The heavy head feeling i have definately had not so much on forehead but at the back of my head. It is very scary when any different feeling starts but you must stay calm. I keep making the mistake of panic every time any pain starts. Dont end up like me with anxiety which really takes over.

Traci S xxx

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Hi Bay

I to have gained weight. I was very fit before SAH but now about stone heavier. I have only just started to excercise properly now 8 months on. Mine is mostly my middle and legs so just trying to concentrate on that area. I used to get headaches a few months back if i did to much. So maybe your headaches are because your doing to much.

The heavy head feeling i have definately had not so much on forehead but at the back of my head. It is very scary when any different feeling starts but you must stay calm. I keep making the mistake of panic every time any pain starts. Dont end up like me with anxiety which really takes over.

Traci S xxx

thanks tracy,im also bout nearly 9 months in when i get this feeling in my head i seem to ,sort of rush off and take a deep breath ,because i feel as though im going to collapse on the floor ,i think it is because ive been doing to much , ive been delivering leaflets threw doors the past few days as i cant go back to where i use to work,just to make a bit of money. i feel if it was the same headache all the time i wouldnt be so bad ,but i think every sensation we have in our head is always different and i think thats what scares us, or we do have these sensations but we forget. thanks
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I can sympathise on the weight front! I'd lost 1 1/2 stone before my SAH, and in hospital I lost a bit more because I wasn't eating.... now, a year later, I'm back at my heaviest, feeling horrible and with no clothes that fit :(

As for the "tight head", I've had that on and off since my daughter was born, 20 years ago (by C-section, no pushing!!), but, touchwood, nothing since the SAH. I always wonder if it was related...

As none of us are doctors, I can only urge you to go and talk to your GP. It's really hard coming to terms with all we've been through, and you (like me) seem to have the added financial worries, so I really feel for you right now.

Have you tried meditation/relaxation? I know I've mentioned it before, but my OT recommended it, and I think it's been very helpful. I do it with the help of an app and some podcasts on my iPhone! Take care x

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Hi Bay

Sorry to hear you are not feeling too good. Like Jen said it is always best to have a word with your GP, as it could be over-doing it, or it could be anxiety, but it's always best to get checked over.

Have you had any follow-up as yet since your SAH?

I too had lost a little bit of weight whilst in hospital, and then put loads on within a couple of months after being discharged and 'finding my taste-buds again' I do believe!

I decided to start losing some weight back in March/April time last year and lost half a stone before joining Slimming World mid-June last year and have since lost a further 2 stone with them.

I know you are suffering financially, but if you have a local slimming group you might be able to see if your GP can refer you? You might even be able to get referral for a local gym too? (which could possibly be free for you or at a lower cost) It is worth asking your GP about it.

Good luck

Kel x

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Hi Bay

Sorry to hear you are not feeling too good. Like Jen said it is always best to have a word with your GP, as it could be over-doing it, or it could be anxiety, but it's always best to get checked over.

Have you had any follow-up as yet since your SAH?

I too had lost a little bit of weight whilst in hospital, and then put loads on within a couple of months after being discharged and 'finding my taste-buds again' I do believe!

I decided to start losing some weight back in March/April time last year and lost half a stone before joining Slimming World mid-June last year and have since lost a further 2 stone with them.

I know you are suffering financially, but if you have a local slimming group you might be able to see if your GP can refer you? You might even be able to get referral for a local gym too? (which could possibly be free for you or at a lower cost) It is worth asking your GP about it.

Good luck

Kel x

hi kel,yes i had my check up in oct just gone ,all my results come back fine ,everything is as it is, apart from brain damage at the front where i had the sah,that cant be fixed,hence concentration and memory issues,but i just get so mad at the fact everything isnt normal before this happened, im shouting at the kids all the time ,me and my partner are always arguing and thats not me ,i think i just get scared it might happen again and i think thats why i shout,because before i use to bottle everything up but now i shout,my partner says ive changed, im like jekle and hyde ,alls i want is to be normal and i hate the way people say i should be lucky to be here, but i want be me aswel, going back to the way i was apart from rushing around after everyone.i love my kids and my partner to bits ,ive been thinking of trying yoga, as anyone tried this.
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hi kel,yes i had my check up in oct just gone ,all my results come back fine ,everything is as it is, apart from brain damage at the front where i had the sah,that cant be fixed,hence concentration and memory issues,but i just get so mad at the fact everything isnt normal before this happened, im shouting at the kids all the time ,me and my partner are always arguing and thats not me ,i think i just get scared it might happen again and i think thats why i shout,because before i use to bottle everything up but now i shout,my partner says ive changed, im like jekle and hyde ,alls i want is to be normal and i hate the way people say i should be lucky to be here, but i want be me aswel, going back to the way i was apart from rushing around after everyone.i love my kids and my partner to bits ,ive been thinking of trying yoga, as anyone tried this.


I know exactly what you mean. It is so frustrating.

I have been told that I do not appear to have suffered any specific damage from my SAH and vasospasm however I still suffer episodes of fatigue, and some short-term memory. I am also more inclined to face things head-on now, whereas I might have just grumbled about it before - I think I would rather get it out in the open rather than stressing internally about things.

I know Ern has mentioned many times about the benefits of yoga - perhaps he will see this post and tell you about it. I have only tried it once many years ago, but can imagine it would be a good thing to try now, because of the slow movements, concentration required and the need to increase your core strength for balance.

Have you tried getting some counselling via your GP? I have mentioned before just how beneficial I found counselling. It really helped me to start to come to terms with things.

Kel x

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I know exactly what you mean. It is so frustrating.

I have been told that I do not appear to have suffered any specific damage from my SAH and vasospasm however I still suffer episodes of fatigue, and some short-term memory. I am also more inclined to face things head-on now, whereas I might have just grumbled about it before - I think I would rather get it out in the open rather than stressing internally about things.

I know Ern has mentioned many times about the benefits of yoga - perhaps he will see this post and tell you about it. I have only tried it once many years ago, but can imagine it would be a good thing to try now, because of the slow movements, concentration required and the need to increase your core strength for balance.

Have you tried getting some counselling via your GP? I have mentioned before just how beneficial I found counselling. It really helped me to start to come to terms with things.

Kel x

im still waiting for a neurophycholigist to get in touch,my gp wrote to the hospital about 4 weeks ago, im still waiting for a reply.i think il go see what yoga looks like ,because im not to good with concentration , i always get bad headaches.
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Oh dear, I can SO sympathise!! My partner says I've changed too, and we never used to argue but now we seem to be ad odds all the time :( I don't reckon I've changed at all but maybe I'm in denial! I do hope you get to hear from the neuropsychologist soon. I know I was told they are few and far between, but I found my sessions with mine very helpful.

As for yoga, my mother always wanted me to try it as I was very anxious when I was younger. I have done a bit, and a bit of Pilates, and I imagine, if it's not the strenuous yoga (can't remember the name), it can only be good for you!

Good luck :)

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Hi bay, sorry to hear that you are not feeling so good. sounds like you might be overdoing it a bit. I used to worry over every strange pain and feeling in my head for ages, but as time goes on the worry does get less, although probably will never leave me entirely.

I was underweight before my SAH and a year after I had put on a stone and a half! it now seems to be going again, but I am still a size bigger than I was.

I think having a traumatic event like an SAH does change us, and it takes time for partners, family and friends to get used to the new us. Also I found that my emotions were all over the place for at least a year. I know it is easy to say, but it does get better with time, just not as quickly as we would like.

Take Care of yourself

Vivien x

PS I found counselling and meditation really helped me

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Hi Bay,

Sorry to hear about your headaches. For quite some time, I woke up with severe tightness on top of my head. It’s gotten better and it tends to go away quickly. I also find that if I do something physically challenging (i.e. scrub the toilet really hard) for the first time, I wake up the next day with tightness in a different part of my head.

Like Vivien, I used to worry about every sensation in my head but not as much anymore.

I took yoga before my SAH and it is calming. I want to get back into yoga, but for now, I only do a few gentle yoga poses.

Take care,


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Hi Bay!

Lots of good advice in this thread! :-D

It does sound to me like you need a rest. I think you say that you feel like you are going to collapse after delivering leaflets. Maybe that's not a good idea yet? It took weeks before I would acknowledge that i was doing too much. Now I've been home for a week and I am feeling better than I was even a few days ago.

My head is tender to the touch too. Especially at the top. Almost like a bruise. I noticed it felt like that 6 months before my NASAH. I thought it was sunburnt in Mexico. But Mexico was 9 months ago now and I still have a tender head! :shocked:

Sandi K.

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hi bay sorry to hear your having a hard time at the minute. ive the same problem with the weight since the day i left hospital ive put on nearly 2 stone (needed some of it ) but the rest is starting to really get me down :frown:. Im on tablets to help with headache which i have to take every night before bed dont think they are helping much at the minute but fingerscrossed . My Headaches are always worse when ive done something like going to town cleaning the house. I think your maybe doing to much and need to try and relax i no you dont like taking tablets but if they help id give them a wee go . if you ever want to chat just email me im alway close by and get emails really quickly ( except when ive the cold) take care and speak soon donna

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