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Benefits and Work Forum - http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/forum

This site has been recommended by one of our members. However, this forum isn't free and you will have to pay a subscription of £19.95 for a full year. I have been told that they have Welfare Rights Moderators.



Don't lose out just because the system isn't fair.

Are you being transferred from Incapacity Benefit to Employment and Support Allowance? Or from Disability Living Allowance to Personal Independence Payment? Are you making a fresh claim or renewal claim? Or pursuing a mandatory reconsideration or appeal for ESA, PIP or DLA?

Are you worried that the forms are complex and unclear, the medicals may be rushed and inaccurate and the decisions unfair? If so, use our expert, step-by-step guides and give yourself the best possible chance of getting your legal entitlement.

We’ll warn you of pitfalls, offer you specialist tips and tactics and guide you through every part of this bewildering process. 

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  • 11 months later...

Please also consider running the free benefits advisor that can be found easily.


One of those useful benefits is Council Tax. You can reduce or have awarded a zero contribution for your bill.


You may be entitled to the Severely Mentally Impairment (SMI) discount. Most Local Authories (LAs) will give you any information that you need to apply. 


You may also find this by checking out your LAs website and applying for it online.


Please don't be put off by the title SMI  as you are entitled to this if your brain injury affects you to a level that is enough to fulfil the requirements.


A few years ago I created a quick guide to useful links for the disabled. I did this in 2015 and has been useful for many in my area.


I have also written several papers on the Personal Independence payment (PiP) as well as ESA and how to fill both of these forms in correctly so you get all you are entitled too. 


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