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benefits help please

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Hi everyone I was wondering if Anyone could give me some advice on the wonderful world of benefits please. Basically I have tried my hardest to return to work at estate agents 3 times and after sceizure and the removal of my driving licence I suit because I thought it was not fair to keep messing m. Employer around. I toot a job sat sun in a care home at hell it was hard hard work physically and what with not feeling Right Still I felt I may drop down any minute there so quit and asked my old employer at estate agents to have me back and they started me on 4.5 hours a week on a sat to increase when I felt right which goodness knows when that may be. Basically I am kicking myself as I should never ever have returned 6 week to same job nearly full time hence having to go back on sick 3 times I put far too much pressure on myself,but when your used to earning its hard to cope with not. I really appriciate my old employer letting me work there again but 4.5 hours is not going to pay my mortgage so my question is has anyone claimed any sort of benefits and actually not had to fight for then?and how do I go about that?i am 30 and have worked hard since I was a sat girl at 14 so why shouldn I try get something. I am sat here with the biggest head ache due to stressing about bills life and feeling ill. As if this whole ordeal isnt enough without the worry of money! I look forward to your replies x x

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Hi Bev,

Having gone through both (the SAH without doubt and the seizures, 'suspected' on paper only). I don't think any of us have had an easy ride applying for SAH related benefits but I'm led to believe it's different with confirmed epilepsy. Have you been diagnosed with post SAH/Stroke epilepsy or are the doctors treating what happened as a one off episode? I believe the 'epilepsy' diagnosis changes things benefits wise? I had access to an epilepsy field worker, these people are trained to help with benefit applications (although I didn't use her input as I was sure I did not have epilepsy). Also, you can ask for help from local council run welfare benefit advisers (in Scotland but there may be something similar in England) - I did use their services to claim for brain injury related ill health. If this is not available in your area, Citizens Advice also provide help with benefit claims. The forms are a total nightmare so it really is best to get help from someone with training in this field.

I think it would be fair to warn you though that even if you do qualify for help the help is nothing like as financially rewarding as being able to work and take home a proper wage. I am not trying to put you off, just advising that a proper wage enabling a reasonably comfortable life style is not comparable to living on benefits (despite what public hype would lead you to believe!) Your health has to come first and it's better to be prepared for any life style changes that you may need to make while health prevents you from working as you used to.

Good luck,


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Ah the wonderful world of benefits. It is certainly a labyrinth.

You need to attend upon a benefits advisor. Make an appointment with your local CAB. They will either help you themselves or signpost you to someone else who can help.

It is important that you get this help because state benefits are complicated and you need to make sure that you receive all the financial assistance that you are entitled to.

A benefits advisor will examine your situation holistically and consider what sickness / disability benefits you can claim; what benefits exist for help with your mortgage; help with council tax, plus anything else. If you do not attend upon a benefits advisor there is a big risk that you will not receive everything that you are entitled to.

Consider ringing your local CAB on Monday – or find out when they are holding their next drop in service - and start the ball rolling.

Benefit forms can be stressful to sort out, but easy enough for an advisor who completes them day in day out.

You probably wouldn’t consider fixing your car or your boiler yourself. You’d ask a mechanic and plumber to help. Similarly with applying for state benefits – call in the experts!

Good luck xx

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Hi Bev,

You are probably eligible for ESA (Employment Support Allowance). Don't be put off by the multipage form, you can get it completed over the phone. If you have "too much" in savings, you can still claim on the basis of NI contributions.

Try using https://www.gov.uk/benefits-adviser for info.

Stay strong and be kind to yourself


Hi everyone I was wondering if Anyone could give me some advice on the wonderful world of benefits please. Basically I have tried my hardest to return to work at estate agents 3 times and after sceizure and the removal of my driving licence I suit because I thought it was not fair to keep messing m. Employer around. I toot a job sat sun in a care home at hell it was hard hard work physically and what with not feeling Right Still I felt I may drop down any minute there so quit and asked my old employer at estate agents to have me back and they started me on 4.5 hours a week on a sat to increase when I felt right which goodness knows when that may be. Basically I am kicking myself as I should never ever have returned 6 week to same job nearly full time hence having to go back on sick 3 times I put far too much pressure on myself,but when your used to earning its hard to cope with not. I really appriciate my old employer letting me work there again but 4.5 hours is not going to pay my mortgage so my question is has anyone claimed any sort of benefits and actually not had to fight for then?and how do I go about that?i am 30 and have worked hard since I was a sat girl at 14 so why shouldn I try get something. I am sat here with the biggest head ache due to stressing about bills life and feeling ill. As if this whole ordeal isnt enough without the worry of money! I look forward to your replies x x
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Hi Bev,

Does Horbury come under Kirklees council? If so you should be able to get assistance from a benefits advisor who will visit you in your home, assist with the form filling and any subsequent appeals you may wish to make.

Other councils may offer similar support, I would suggest you contact your local council offices for help. One other good source of information is Headway, they should be able to provide contact details for you.


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