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Kerryn - can I snow ski?


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Hi all


I had a grade 1 SAH on 6th April - almost 1-month ago. I recovered well and was sent home 12-days later. I'm 45-years old, happily married with two young kids under 10. I'm an average snow skier and we have a family ski trip booked when ski season hits here in Melbourne  - about 2-months from now. Am I able to ski?


The doctor said "yes" but I've read all sorts of answers about "yes and no" to skiing. I don't do black runs, I'm a casual skier, cautious and I wear a helmet but I'm a tad confused whether I should or shouldn't go so if anyone else has experience with this, I'd be grateful for some personal experience stories. 


We will be on the mountain for 3-days so my aim is not to ski all day, just have a few runs here and there with my family.


Some say altitude can be an issue - are there any hard and fast rules on that? Some say that if they ski for a couple hours, they have hell to pay with tiredness and headaches the following day. That sounds very unappealing! 


Any advice is greatly appreciated. 


We also have another ski trip pencilled in for January 2018 in Nozawa Onsen in Japan (8-months from now) but I'll wait to get some feedback from you folks to help paint the landscape of that being wise or not. 





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Hi Kerryn


i too ski and have skied since my SAH. However it was approximately 11 months after the bleed. 

I was never told not too ski but I always wear a helmet now. 


Strangely I was skiing about a month before my bleed and took a fall banging the back of my head. It wasn't that painful and my helmet wasnt damaged but often wonder if this could have been the cause. I will never know. 


Regarding altitude I flew 3 months after my NASAH after being given the all clear by the hospital. I have flown many times since with no problems. The only thing I would say is that travelling is very tiring now and I need longer recovery time after. Make sure you plan that in. 


Check with your medics and hopefully you will be able to enjoy that family holiday. I'm very jealous as we didn't ski this year due to my husband having a bad back.


Clare xx 

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Thanks Clare 


You ski too!


Thats all useful info to know.


Interesting to hear about your bump prior to your SAH. As you said, you'll never know. 


Thanks for the flying info too, sounds like - from you and other posts - that flying is fine. 


Im still on the fence about these couple of planned ski trips and if I do go it will be with doctors advice and with trepidation! 


I'll keep you posted!


Thanks again Clare


Kerryn x


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Kerryn, if it makes you happy to go then go but don't pressure yourself to do everything you would have done before. 


Maybe just plan to to do something each day with the kids in the snow , have rests in the afternoon but don't assume for now you'll ski, just wait and see how you feel when you get there.


altitude can be odd, planes obviously adjust the pressure but being at altitude wears people out fast anyway because the air has less oxygen so you may need to pace yourself even more.


i haven't returned to skiing that was one thing ruled out for me by docs, that and bungee jumping which I was never going to do! But that's due to shunt.


I think that the peace and the beauty of the mountains may be a good tonic and a time for family. 

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Hi Daffodil


Thanks for the reply. 


Yes, I'll be taking it very easy. I'm certainly not in a position to pick up where I left off so baby steps for me. 


I'm going to attempt a couple of short ski sessions with my wife and kids in a few months so I'll see how that unfolds. Regardless of how I pull up the following day, my aim is still just to dip my toe in the water when it comes to an activity like that. 


As for Japan, I'll see how I go at our local Falls Creek ski resort first - if okay,then we will head to Japan. However, I think I'll be enjoying the alpine environment more so than hitting the slopes. I certainly hope to enjoy some skiiing - just not as much as I'd like, 





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