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drooping eyelid...

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Hi all - The wanderer returns and am coming to consult The Oracle (eg, your collective experience) on something that has cropped up recently. When I went for my last hospital visit (this registrar was 18, an improvement on the 12 year old) I actually saw what my poor brain looked like before the surgery and the reality was, there was very little of it left that was not doing the breaststroke in the bleed. He did warn me that while I'd had a miraculously lucky escape, sometimes symptoms don't appear for a long time afterwards, but i think I have one and after searching the site didn't see anything similar. But it may be elsewhere in the discussions so apologies for boring the pants off everyone if its been covered and just point me in the right direction.

Or the left one, as the issue is that my left eyelid. In the last 4-6 weeks it has difficulty opening by itself if I have been asleep or having one of our little SAH "time outs" also known as The Profound Siesta. I can open it manually, and then it blinks Ok but it feels heavier than the right lid, if that makes sense. To me when they are both open, I can't see any difference between the two, other than the sensation of heaviness. If I get tired, it does start to close of its own volition.

Don't know whether anyone else has experienced similar, if this is just "one of those things" I'll have to learn to live with, or if its time to hassle GP/neurologist. Thanks, Joan

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Great to hear from you hope you're not working too hard. With regard to the drooping eyelid I don't have to manually lift the lid anymore but my left eyelid often feels heavier have always put it down to the fact that when I had third nerve palsy it was shut completely for about 9 weeks. My lid will also close by itself if I'm tired.

I'd hassle your G.P, Neurologist Joan at least that way you can have peace of mind. Take care and let us know if they can give you an explanation for why its happening.

Janet x

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Thanks Janet; I will. Hope all is well with you. Am back to working in the client's office three days a week (although it will ideally come down to two once the new team beds down). Things are otherwise OK, bit difficult o some fronts but that is...well life, I guess. Joanxx

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Hi there

Yes, me too. Over the past week my right eyelid has been a bit heavy again. Once or twice I found that I'd closed my right eye and was watching tv with one eye. I was tired but hadn't realised the right eye had closed. This is new though don't remember it happening before say, 7 days ago since I took the right eye patch off in March or April (can't remember now when it was).

Have eye hospital appointment this afternoon so will mention it.

Big hug

Lesley xxx

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I have an appointment with the neurologist next week. I find it is now becoming more annoying. It started as something that only affected me in the morning, and when I manually opened my eye it was fine. Now, if it is towards the end of the day I can feel it "wanting" to close. There are, of course, other things beside an SAH that can produce these symptoms, so rather than going to the GP am going back to the neurologist who has been seeing me on and off since my SAH. Joan

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Hi Jane, Joan, Janet and everyone

Mentioned it at the eye appointment they just said it might happen sometimes if my eye is overtired. There is still some residual damaged behind the right eye and also they said my peripheral vision isn't too good in that eye and will probably not make much more progress. But over all they are very pleased with my progress so far.

They still thought it was miraculous that I'd got my sight back in that eye (after third nerve palsy etc) and that I was driving short distances.

Like Janet says, go and get it checked out.

Big hug

Lesley xxx

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Hi Everyone...Joan,Janet, Lesley, Jane,

I had 3rd nerve palsy etc and was much like Janet, my eye is open now, but when tired feels very heavy and tight. I had to manually open and shut at the beginning, but seems ok now, but still early days and mending. I have an eye appointment next week, will mention it, because my eye brow still is paralysed and worried will drop, not sure it will ever mend, think they cut the nerve. My eyes look in the right place now, but my right eye was down and looked weird.

Will let you know what eye specialist says.

Love Tinaxx

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